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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. Remember, my friends:


  2. Copy that. Thanks! I tried my best with the plot, photos are just sidekicks.. Liked the moment when they were in IVA? it is really cool when the music kicks in!
  3. ALWAYS POST YOUR COMMENTS IF YOU LIKE IT It helps me to understand what you like the most to enhance it!
  4. Trust me, planetary collisions are ranging from "Almost impossible to draw" to "Totally imposible to draw". Have you contacted protojeb though?
  5. If you could hear me screeching out of hapiness, you would thing something is re-entering the atmosphear!
  6. Thanks! Now the novel is done though.. But i am planning to do a new one soon!
  7. My first graphicc novel is done! Hooray!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NSEP


      Wow, this whole sound thing is quite an original and cool idea! Amazing work Cratercracker!

    3. cratercracker


      Thanks! Did you like the song though? What part did you enjoy the most?

    4. NSEP


      I liked the music quite a bit actually. And i love the fact how the screenshots are so well done. You would make a great photographer!

      My favourite must be when they finally got back. The ascent vehicle/lander is very well made and not too simple.

  8. ---------------------------------INTERLUDE In the middle of the day, Jeb put on his suit and opened the hatch, covered in dust, after another sandstorm on Duna.. His aim was to find the rover and take it back to the base, so it he and Bob wouldn't need to walk over the desert at freezing night.. But somewhere in space, similar actions were done.. Bill was ready to take his guests.. ---------------------------------------Nightcall After a long journey, kerbonauts are heading back to their home. (Switch on the music, optimal volume-80% of the scroll bar) They drove though the lands they left their blood on, their previous path, crossed again, in calm and prosperity. They decided to make their last picture, here on Duna. Bill approached them, ready to dock... They headed back home, without accidents and landed in a mountain range, they were recouvered and are happy to be at their home, with their friends. The end---------------- It was a great jouney for me! Thanks for watching! I am planning on making another one, but with the Bill's point of view (he was stuck at the Ike) Now, don't forget to leave your thoughts here, in the comments! One question: "Liked your headphone experience?"
  9. Потрясающие экспонаты товарищ! Great models
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