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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. IdidSomeThing

    1. xendelaar


      stunning pictures and interesting vessels, good sir

    2. cratercracker
  2. Heyo ladies and ladies! Today i am going to tell you some crazy astronomical crap! 1. Return from duna,-operation "Dust Storm"! It is a graphicc novel! I hope you will enjoy it! BECAUSE EACH GOSHDARN CHAPTER TAKES A WHOLE GODDAMN 12 HOURS TO MAKE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 2."Kornetto-Anie" launched a heavy lander to Minmus, to gather 3 astronauts, left for a long time.. (Note: SUNFLARES, I LOVE SUNFLARES REEEEEE, thanks @JadeOfMaar) 3. While the first Kornetto is supposed to return the former crew, "Kornetto-Alfa" brings in the new one! (Note: minmus+morning=awesome screenshots) 4. Drezz-401 launched a small space station module into high Kerbin orbit, the name of the module itself is "Dzeta" (Note: OH GOD DON'T RUN OUT OF FUEL OH GOD OH NO *doesn't run out of fuel* *dies in happiness*) 5. Test of a new rocket-"Argent", it is a heavy lifter, probably can lift payloads similar in mass, to "Kurtz" ones. But the one it lifted today is like if you were launching a single, tiny cubesat with Saturn-V. (Note: don't launch cubesats with Saturn-V) 6. Launch of a military impact-satellite!-MISs (Military Impactor Satellite(duh)) (Note: SRBs are still overpowered) 7. New plane-"IDon'tKnowHowIsItFlying-Dynamics V1" it is transsonic hyperjet, made for a very quick travels, its cruising speed is 978m/s, travels to desert peninsula in 3 minutes,other close penunsilas and islands-1 to 6 minutes. (Note: "landing with timewarp on" is added to bad ideas) Altitude of normal productivity-30 meters to 11 000m. Take off-ranging from medium to long. Landing difficulty-Yes. GG GG GG GG GG I WANT TO DIE GG LAIK ANT SUBSCRUB T MIE GANELL
  3. Российская и советская бронетехника всегда показывала своё отличие в бою! Так-же она показывала сотни интересных дизайнов и решений любых проблем. Некоторые образцы могли функционировать даже в арктических условиях! Некоторые можно было сбрасывать с бортов самолётов, некоторые можно были транспортировать по воде.. Как насчёт того что-бы попробовать воссоздать этих железных зверей в KSP? Моя первая реплика- БТР-82 Советую попробовать всем! Очень интересно!
  4. Some really good uses of the stock parts! Keep up the good work!
  5. Banned for putting emoji in the end of your sentence.
  6. I am here to chew bublegum and kicks some ass! AND I AM ALL OUT OF ASS BUBLEGUM
  7. @ProtoJeb21, @Cabbink, how soon can we see you collab? I am preparing something big for you! Would be nice if you could make it before the end of the month!
  8. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh

    That is a sweet collaboration!


  9. You can't afford such videocart So lets commit homicide
  10. Mun arches are fun! *crashes and dies*
  11. Great! If you want, you can use my "Headphone experience" thingy for your graphicc novels!
  12. How do i see children acting badass:


  13. Prisoners, voulanteers and a cople of scientists, maybe a division of soldiers. I am talking about this as a man who was born in a colony and knows its history. First you need to send people who you really don't want to be on your planet. If they die, restart until they adapt and it is finally okay to be there. Exucute all needless prisoners. Bring in scientists. Bring in soldiers to protect scientists. Have a couple of really bad situations with natives. Kill all the natives in the place you want to build a city. Get natives as far from you as you can. Bring in citizens and normal people. Let natives bend in with normal people. Develop. Die,because why not. Restart.
  14. When you accidentally woke up at 4AM and go for a cup of tea:


    1. NSEP


      I never really go out for food or drinks that late. My family will think im sleep walking, and boom, a whole lot of uselles confesions and drama.

    2. cratercracker


      Lma0 i betta stop putting all sorts of disturbing crap in this forum

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