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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. Wuzz cracking jumbo? I haven't slept for 9 days in a row.
  2. Banned to symbolize 20000 posts. No you can't reply until it will be 40000.
  3. Banned not realizing that it is not spelled "realiSing" Yeah, I am partial grammar pedant.
  4. Banned for being one of those warmongering people, creating a story about war and basically barely evading 2.2j.
  5. The large bright in the day sky Lightning the path of death, The heat burns off the skin.. The blast that turns us into dust.. The fallout we inhale.. The shockwave that pushes us to the end.. Our family, Our country, Our friends, Our thoughts and everything we ever did, turned into nothing, into radioactive mud and dust.. Yeah, the end of the world is kinda edgy.
  6. Are you sure about that? + Hey! @DeltaDizzy how is it going? *scary stare*
  7. First: Thatisasecret Seond: Find a person with similar art style, then PM me about the thing you gonna do, then make do the thing together.
  8. I am not holding anyone of you, to draw something what you would like. I am just asking to be innovative.
  9. What will happen if I won't get my computer in at least 2 months.

    (The house which is being rushed, is the repairing centre in the Moscow, a large building, with small and big stores, that offer to repair your stuff)


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cratercracker


      "Darn pesky Europeans*

      (spell with maximum of Russian evil violent accent)


      What if he counted to ten, but they are too late, because they were stuck in traffic.

      11/10 best ending.

    3. Urses


      Don't forrrrget to rrrroll the "rrrrr", without it is not enough rrrrussian forrr eurrrropeans:D

    4. cratercracker


      I especially like the conversation at 4:43.

      So many quotes. 

  10. Banned for lacking 3rd "dun" in your username.
  11. This moment when you are sending a message to someone, and then completely mess it up with typos.



  12. Dudes Dudos Dudz Dudez Dudomorthins Dudosexuals Dudovskies Listen, there is going to be a collaboration of 2 artists, soon. So, similarly to them, I suggest you to pair up, and try to do something together. It is really fun, hard and interesting.
  13. Banned for a weird ban. Banned for following everyone. Banned for for following, in pursuit of having a new follower, because that is how psychology works. Banned for selfish reasons to do things.
  14. You posted that in the wrong neighborhood
  15. All of you got to have 3 things- Cancer from radiation poisoning Humor, probably from radiation poisoning And complete ignorance for being humans.
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