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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. Lets make it plain simple: For someone it is difficult to lift off the launch pad. For someone it is difficult to upload cheats for KSP. And for someone it is difficult to play with kerbalism. It is a single player game, after all.
  2. That is beyond stereotypical, that is even a bit rude.
  4. M8! I'm an I-don't-even-know-what-the-heck I am even drawing expert. I drew Varuna... I drew all those Kuiper belt thingys. I it is clearly possible to draw something. Just think of it as a reddish blob thing.
  5. Can we have that thing the New Horizons is flying to? Pls? N0?
  6. Banned for post/rep ratio lover than 1.
  7. *looks at his Triangulum* Cheers mate! I also do enjoy building stations!
  8. To keep some interest to this thread, I'll make an announcement: "If you are a modder, YouTuber, plugin creator, website creator- you are free to use my art if u will leave a note that I am the creator and leave me a message notificating me about the use of my art"
  9. Banned slowly dying in the endless void of time.
  10. Yep! I think you could add something like stars to be a bit more the other picture!
  11. Everyone were wrong except this dude. Small thing you can know: When Russians began to colonize Kamchatka peninsula they discovered serious problems with native tribes. Basicly, none of the colonist were soldiers, just scientists, prisoners and poor people. So, they tried to attack somewhat suddenly, because they need at least a tiny bit of tactical dominance. And when you hear "Без пощады!", it means everyone are going to be slaughtered with no remorse or sorrow, eldery, women, children or men, it doesn't matter, they need to be dead. And other case is when this means "I know no sorry" which means that you won't forgive, whether he/she/it is praying, crying or whatever people do.
  12. 60558 Echeclus That is a comet,cool nuf for u to draw
  13. No, it is so. Banned for short ban.
  14. This looks great! Aaaand I am out of likes... Crap
  15. Roses are red, Violets are blue, Jet is a bit off And the distances are too. Althogh I think that is just an artist representation, you did great job wit the surface details!
  16. Remember the story of my prank on flat earther? k Act 2 Words hurt more than knives So. There was some guy, who went out to the beach, just like me.(I am currently at Greece) He was quite talkative, even a bit annoying, escpecial about his flat eartg. I heard it once. Twice. Okay. Just stop. No please. Shut up. K No! That is not okay! You are dead meat. It drove me really mad, cause it was like everyday. I thought it will be okay if I will teach him a "lesson". So he loves swimming in the evening. And that is very good. Cause you know. "Leave No witnesses, or don't have a single one" Well I waited, until he will be done swimming, he walked to the beach really tired. So, I went out to the beach. I set down on the sand, and said: -Wake up. --Excuse me? -sigh.. -Maybe you don't need to talk about your opinion so much? Cause when an opinion is spread to public in such scales, it is no more an opinion, it is propaganda. --Why should I keep the words in my brain if I was given a mouth to talk? (He was quite clever, guessed what I was talking about) -Probably you were thought to talk wise words. --Am I not talking anything wise? -Don't interrupt me, please. -Where did you get such an idea? Did someone told you this? You believed? --It is my choice. -It is surely a choice, but it is not yours. -You just want to be different, stand-alone. -It is a basic human will, I don't judge you for that. --Is anything of what I do, is bad in your opinion? -There nothing bad in what you mean to do, but there is something bad in what actually do. --What? -You are just crossing out hundreds of thousands of hours that people spent writing ,discussing and proofing. --People who believe this, did the same thing in the past. -Past is past, nothing can be changed, people ate rats back then, now it is considered gruesome. --But people still do art, even though it is so old, it is not considered anything bad, it is even praised. -I think you are a clever man, rethink something,be even more clever. -Okay. Then I walked away, that was probably the greatest person I ever talked too, I'm glad I remember our dialogue.
  17. Banned for not knowing that in Russia "blasphemous" is the highest form of harassment. It is so serious, that there is a chance that the person that is being harassed will be sentenced to prison for 3 years. But if it is the opposite, then you would be sentenced to doing 135 days of urban job. (being janitor) because that was a public harassment.
  18. Banned for being a newbie on the forum.
  19. Oh no, it is cold now. Probably not as Dragur or Sedna but anyway.
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