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Everything posted by cratercracker

  1. Banned for thinking you can go out and not get banned, only because you banned me. Even if there wasn't me, there would be others, more and more, coming in endless ways to ban you, and each other. Your survival chance in all this horror is roughly 98%, but in the end considering those 2 percent being the termination of the forum, and you getting banned for banning in a bad, or immature way, but now IRL, which means you can't escape it, it doesn't matter what will you say, think, do. It is all meaningless.
  3. Enjoy art by the newest partipator!- @RoadRunnerAerospace

    Sorry for bothering you, just need to provide some support to the new participants..

    Second part of "How to draw abstract art" is out! Check it out!

  4. Seems legit! K, I think you can be introduced to the club! I think there are 2 members who can help you with pixel art! @Adstriduum @cubinator Both of them are pixel artist, one of them is using the same program as you do. PM me, if you are interested in continuing! A few more pictures, and you are added to OP! Keep it going!
  5. K. Just to make a bio for you as a participator, what program do you use?
  6. Wow. That is really far away. Can we have a clear picture of a closeup?
  7. For anyone wondering what nuclear holocaust sounds like. I actually put it on a loop when I draw something.
  8. Well let's say you are in fatal zone, somehow. You got approximately 10 seconds bethore everything is turned into radioactive ashes.
  9. Oh that is really cool dude! Actually in my mind, the planet nine, if it was a gas giant, would be somewhat reddish, cause you know, the concentration of metals and ferum oxide is quite high in that region of the solar system, especially if you keep out of mind the amount of ice out there.
  10. That is pretty funny. But not really, considering what is going on.
  11. Banned for being new to the forum.
  12. Title says it all. I would be pretty happy for everyone to be dead. Rules: don't be openly violent. Why? Nobody wants to hear something about fried guts, or something. + the only way to stay a violent person, is not to tell people that you are a violent person all the time. No politics. Why? first of all, that is a forum rule, second is that the bombs just detonated an killed absolutely everyone, everywhere, nothing about it. Don't show any horrid pictures, of bodies leftover after the nuclear bomb, building are okay though. Why? A forum rule- shocking content. Some trivia: sudden noise in your eardrums, and you look in the window.. A gigantic ball of flame that destroys everything in its path, you have some last thoughts, what would it be?
  13. Quite calling me weirdo, you moderaido.
  14. Have you read what I posted in "What games did you recently played, except KSP?" You might find some answers. Okay which planet is that? I really hope that this is a moon, because I have a plan to draw absolutely every view from absolutely every surface. Russian Style! That is sad. I am sad. Lets make a nuclear holocaust then.
  15. K. You all got me. I will attemt doing new thing, I am not sure how much nerves I have.
  16. I think it is quantumly closed, no really, when you click out of this thread and don't look on it can be already locked or unlocked by the moderator, maybe it is in its current state, but perhaps the chance of its state changing is bigger as long as the time duration multiplies. But due to the weirdness of human psychology, we can't really make up a normal formula. But we all know the moderators are different, and their difference is what can help us in making up a normal formula. Some moderators are not active throughout the 24 hours period, although some are not active for a long period of time which can differ. There is a certain amount of moderators that exist, but not all of them are working in this section of forum, seriously decreasing the certain amount of moderators that can lock/unlock the thread (but not the potential amount) For the sake of humanity, @Vanamonde posted a thing that showed that there is 3 moderators that lock/unlock this thread. @Red Iron Crown @Dman979 @Vanamonde Although I can't directly see what is their period of activity on the forum is, and how often they visit this forum section. I would like anyone crazy enough to find out their activity period. But Now we now one thing: I COMPLETELY DON'T FREAKING FLIPPINFLOPPIN KNOW WHETHER THIS CRAP WILL BE LOCKED OR NOT.
  17. Thanks a lot! And you surely can use it! Just link it somewhere, if you can.
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