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Everything posted by catloverjerrygarcia

  1. So even utilizing these suggestions and interpreting them into my own design it still gets squirrely...
  2. So this is what I did. 20190828125747_1 by AdmFranzvonHippie, on Flickr 20190828125853_1 by AdmFranzvonHippie, on Flickr
  3. *sigh* I can't do what you suggest I do, there just isn't enough room in the bay.
  4. Okay, this is what I came up with, hope it works. MechJeb is in the nosecone. Kerbin VIa by AdmFranzvonHippie, on Flickr
  5. @Geonovast I'm trying to do what you suggest but can't get everything to fit in the second bay...
  6. Kerbin VIa launch vehicle. by AdmFranzvonHippie, on Flickr That's the design I've worked up with a forum friend of mine. I just started trying to fly it for a 75 km orbit but it becomes unstable in flight. And if anyone wants to scream at me for cheating because I use MchJeb go away, I suck at flying rockets and can't play the game without it.
  7. I just retasked the Kerbin VI mission profile from manned to unmanned orbital science mission. https://flic.kr/s/aHsmGxgJrj Edit: Upon analysis by a more experienced engineer the core swivel engine was replaced with a terrier. Also here's my perfect rover for driving around Kerbin. https://flic.kr/s/aHsmGxmZYG
  8. I just puttered around on Kerbin trying to earn more science while waiting for something. Rover joy ride. by AdmFranzvonHippie, on Flickr
  9. Upon further inspection I know now how to do it, but have uninstalled the mod because nobody here can make something simple and easy. It has to be ultra complex and overly intensive...
  10. Okay, and how do I go about using the camera part to stay put on the ground? From what I see it can only be attached to a vehicle.
  11. I'm hoping someone might look into this for me. What I desire is simple, a mod that has a fixed ground based camera for launch video. If anyone's ever watched a shuttle launch I'm looking for a camera that tracks the launch vehicle during flight.
  12. How do I install this mod and the dependencies it needs? There are no clear instructions on how to do so successfully.
  13. Someone I recommended doing this with an orbital vehicle I'm designing, but I can't figure out for the life of me how to do it. To be clear I have a fuel tank that this person suggested I put a nose cone on the bottom of to reduce drag.
  14. I'm running into trouble with MechJeb, not a technical error or anything but a comprehensional error. I've been using the ascent guidance function and tweaking it blindly to achieve smooth orbital flights. But now I'm frustrated that I can't get my craft to make a smooth orbital flight. If anyone a message me privately to help me better learn the meaning and function of terms and features of the ascent guidance module it would be appreciated.
  15. I'm trying to get back into the game after a long absence, but I can't play without the help of MechJeb. I have MechJeb2 and am trying to figure out how to tell it I want to get to orbit, but nowhere can I see anything that allows me to tell it to do this.
  16. Just got the game a couple days ago, this is my current ship, hopefully to perform a flyby of Mun but having some difficulties. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BycIdwue4VZ6X3hJZWZubm10YkE
  17. Thanks, I found a way to make the standard MechJeb install available from the start in Career mode.
  18. Where did I ever say I wanted help? Why must everyone assume that someone offering a suggestion wants help, what I need is understanding and compassion.
  19. Your encouragement is welcome but as I stated in a previous post I have Autism which means I process data more slowly than a neurotypical individual thus what is difficult for an NT is much much much harder for me. So while you feel help is needed I know what help is needed and it is an Autopilot option, as I've said the fun for me in this game because of knowing my limitations is building the rockets and not flying them. As for @The Optimist he burned the bridge with me when he complained about my attitude without reading the whole thread.
  20. And your attitude is just the sort of attitude I hate, my attitude has nothing to do with it, my capabilities do. But you don't care about me as an individual only yourself. Grow up dude. Seeing that there are players like you on this forum after all the other helpful advice just makes me not want to buy this game. Hope you're happy you just drove off a customer for Squad.
  21. Thank you for this, and I am considering buying the game once more because of this. For some flying the craft is fun, but for me with a data processing slowness in my brain due to my autism it's frustrating because I know how to do it and what to look for and such but I cannot process the data input fast enough to maneuver the craft in time to do what I desire.
  22. By this I mean add an option to allow the pilot/flight control to fly the craft with the user having options for what they wish to achieve. I simply cannot pay money for this game when I cannot even achieve orbit on my own even after I got help to manage it when I was playing in early access. This game is horribly impossible to enjoy without a simplification mode to allow the pilot of the craft to fly the craft, I am not a pilot I don't want to fly the craft, I wanna design the craft/rocket and then see if the craft can achieve the mission I designed ti to do. I will not be paying money for this game until such a feature is implemented, it took me agonizing hours of game play in early access, frustration to the point where I was almost pulling my hair out in anger and all this for something that is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. In early access I just barely managed to achieve orbit with the help of a very very patient individual, after seeing how agonizingly painful it was the achieve orbit I uninstalled the game and removed it from my steam library completely, I recently downloaded the demo to see if it had been made any less frustrating and it has not uninstalling the demo now since it's the same impossible game it was back during early access.
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