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Everything posted by TheKorbinjer

  1. When writing out a tip, put a negative number. That way they'll be forced to pay you. You can open a beer with your seat belt while driving Tired of breathing oxygen and think it's a waste of time? ? Put a bag over your head! You'll stop breathing in about 5 minutes, and will never breath again!
  2. Or, 30>150>300 128 seems like a random number. My largest craft would be my Concorde, 583 parts I believe. Hope they optimize KSP for the console version. Cheers!
  3. I gun the engines. Speed is my friend, though friction is not. Honestly, I'd look around. Speed of sound ASL = 340.29 m/s I would say that planes in the real world have a cruise speed of around 500 knots (260 m/s) If you're looking for efficiency, i'd say that'd be perfect. I honestly get around at any of my plane's top speeds. For instance, my 1:1 scale B52H replica can go 900 m/s (I know. it's insane.) But i mostly say around mach 1 Try this: Test different speeds at different altitudes say 100-330 m/s between 50-15,000m See which speed at any of those altitudes offers the highest efficiency, and go with that. ( Fly to 50 meters at 100 m/s, record your fuel consumption for 2 minutes, fly to next desired altitude and repeat ) Should take only about 20-30 minutes. Hope my suggestion help you! Cheers! -TheKorbinger
  4. oh. IN SPACE What's my GPA in my Highschool? (I'm a sophomore, judge wisely.)
  5. I have a ~400 ton shuttle that is somewhat realistic... +2 SRBs (full fuel every launch) +VERY large external fuel tank with ASAS stability +~250-500 m/s dV OMS 50 ton shuttle with 20 ton cargo capacity, you can fill the bay up. Max altitude is around 350 km Reentry is never a problem with the shuttle. Glides very well. I'll have to find the link again. I do believe it was made in 1.2.
  6. If you want to look at list of installed mods, through steam: >Right click KSP (In steam) >Properties >Local Files >Browse Local Content >Game Data There will be a "Squad" folder already in there. DO NOT EVER delete that. (That's the game its self) Any other thing that the squad folder is an add-on. Hope I help you with what you are trying to do! Cheers! -TheKorbinger
  7. I do believe you can autostrut in the game, in flight.. If you autosaved, load it up and ALT F12 unbreakable joints, indestructable parts cheats autostrut the whole thing to root part, then undo the cheats. Should be good to go after that.
  8. There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a hole, there's a hole,
    There's a hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea,
    There's a log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea,
    There's a log, there's a log,
    There's a log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea.
    There's a branch on the log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea,
    There's a branch on the log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea,
    There's a branch, there's a branch,
    There's a branch on the log in the hole
    In the bottom of the sea.

    There's a bump on the branch on the log
    In the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a bump on the branch on the log
    In the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a bump, there's a bump,
    There's a bump on the branch on the log
    In the hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a frog, there's a frog,
    There's a frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a tail on the frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a tail on the frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a tail, there's a tail,
    There's a tail on the frog on the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a speck on the tail on the frog
    On the bump on the branch
    On the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a speck on the tail on the frog
    On the bump on the branch
    on the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a speck, there's a speck,
    There's a speck on the tail on the frog
    On the bump on the branch on the log
    In the hole in the bottom of the sea.

    There's a fleck on the speck on the tail
    On the frog on the bump on the branch
    On the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a fleck on the speck on the tail
    On the frog on the bump On the branch
    On the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea,
    There's a fleck, there's a fleck,
    There's a fleck on the speck on the tail
    On the frog on the bump on the branch
    On the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea.

  9. You said 'Same Question', assuming you where talking to me, the question was "What am I" I said "You're a bird" so.. you're a bird, my friend.
  10. I took a 2000 ton lander to minmus then to the mun, then back to minmus and back to the mun, then landed on Kerbin a fleck on the speck on the tail On the frog on the bump on the branch On the log in the hole in the bottom of the sea. did i win
  11. That's what I said.. Look again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  12. You're a bird. I'm not a human. I'm an RTG. What's 274,207,281 written out?
  13. Might I ask what your job is as the "Global Moderator"? Do you moderate moderators moderating us?
  14. If you adjusted your inclination a bit, Ike's SOI bubble would miss you entirely. Though i don't know exactly how much, but i'd say that having a polar orbit would be good for avoiding Ike and for having more landing options, or landing at the poles of Ike would have a beautiful view of Duna. (Not efficient, if I must say) Hope my suggestions help! Cheers! -TheKorbinger
  15. Welcome to KSP! I do believe there's a way you can replace a texture on a pre-existing flag Find where the flags are kept (folders) delete a texture and replace it with a polish flag. or find a mod that allows you to do that Hope my suggestions help you! Cheers! -TheKorbinger
  16. It happens sometimes. What I do is follow the orbit line with the mouse until I can make a node then once the node is placed, I drag the node to the desired place. Hope my suggestion helps! Cheers! -TheKorbinger
  17. Well, due to recent mass unplanned disassembly, they've decided to add (stand up and look down onto your screen, or highlight everything) MOAR BOOSTERS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Honestly, I have no idea. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. I hate that the engines have a limited number of ignitions. I had that turned off as soon as I figured out what it was.
  19. When you're building a rocket, launch it.. press spacebar, twice, realizing your previous stage isn't moving, you take a look and realize you decoupler is attached backwards
  20. I LOVE YOUR VIDS!!!! <3333 HUGE FAN Also, upon watching your video, your ship is wobbly. Perhaps I can suggest the Auto-strut capability (stock KSP) It's a setting in called 'Advanced Tweakables' It doesn't add more parts, just fixes parts to other parts. Like welding. Hope my suggestion helps, Makc. Cheers! -TheKorbinger
  21. Moar boosters. Just kidding. Build a reasonably sized rocket, launch it. (Press T, ALWAYS.) then hit that spacebaaar Gravity turn by like 5 degrees as soon as you hit like 50 m/s (this is what I do.) Make sure you keep turning towards the horizon until you no longer need vertical velocity. Stage as needed, remember to keep throttle at full (if needed) Generally, I hit about 1,300-1,400 m/s before I have an apoapsis above the atmosphere, wait until you exit the atmosphere, then burn prograde. If you altitude drops, make your rocket point upwards a few degrees (in reference to the ground below you, while still pointing prograde.) Once you hit around 2,200 m/s (orbital velocity, not surface velocity) your periapsis will be above the ground. Make sure your periapsis and apoapsis are above the ground (and atmosphere) to maintain orbit. If you can get your ship into orbit, you're halfway to anywhere. — Robert Heinlein, quoted on page 194 of A Step Farther Out by Jerry Pournelle Hope my suggestion helps you! Cheers! - TheKorbinger
  22. Edit the post, put this in instead: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Description British drendout the First and Second World Wars, Battleship class "Queen Elizabeth", armed with eight guns for 381-mm capable not only inflict crushing damage, but also to withstand the biggest hit neodnorazovye guns and powerful torpedoes remaining afloat and maintaining the combat capability. Against dive bombers on board has 6 anti-aircraft machine guns and your own fighter. The crew of 1184 people Characteristics (SPC) Games Version: 1.1.3 Weight: 4.329 tons Cost: 3,831 Number of parts: 1063 Length / width / height: 208/35/62 (meters) Speed: 30m / s Mods North Kerbin dynamic, Infernal robotics, tweak skale, BDarmory + My GameData (two cfg files) north-kerbin-dynamic-configs.zip [2.48 Kb] (Count: 0) Control Select cabin, click control from here. Start the engine and steer. Rotate the front towers to the left / right 1/2 Rotate the rear towers to the left / right 3/4 Switch hidden in towers rotating gun 5 Switch main gun firing idle for visibility 9 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I can read some Russian/ Cryliic letters , but i ran it through Google Translate instead. (not that good at it.) If you want to delete the thread, report your own post and ask for it to be deleted (i tried this xD)
  23. Well, I'm an Radioisotope Electric Generator (RTG). So they look weird to me. :0 slightly radioactive...
  24. High pressure+ Hydrogen = Liquid/Metalic hydrogen. - - - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metallic_hydrogen " In October 2016, there were claims that metallic hydrogen had been observed in the laboratory at a pressure of around 495 gigapascals (4,950,000 bar; 4,890,000 atm; 71,800,000 psi) " Jupiter, tell this man. And diamonds ARE carbon. The salt is real :0
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