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Everything posted by TheKorbinjer

  1. 1. Launch a shuttle to grab it. 2. adjust inc so it matches ISS 3. wait for closest approach 4. get close to ISS 5. Detatch HST, let ISS Arm grab and dock it 6. dock shuttle (where else would you put it) 7. when repairs are finished, undo everything from step 2 to 6 I mean, let's spend 300 million dollars doing this, i have the money right here...
  2. Make sure you put the file (mod) into GameData. If it's not in GameData, it won't work. Hope I helped! -TheKorbinger
  3. I'll bring some superglue, and a spare PresMat Barometer... You'll need it. Everybody knows it doesn't exist if you don't bring a presmat!
  4. Try a powered decent with some parachutes, or lighten your load and set your parachute to deploy higher up. It usually works, though I have a solid 60 percent success rate with Duna missions XD Hope I helped!
  5. The aircraft had 3x of the FAT-455 on every angle in the B2's wings, I added control surfaces inside of the craft, as well as SAS modules on the engines, and it still wouldn't fly. I even tried to build a 65% scale of it, nothing changed with it's performance. I ultimately deleted it because it didn't want to fly, and messing it for 2 weeks without results was getting old. Sorry.
  6. Use a drop ship, and attach parachutes to the Sherman(s). My B52 can hold about 50 tons and fly just fine. (It's 1:1 scale probably 90% accurate. no jagged parts) and last thing It's 400 parts and 300 tons cheers!
  7. If you start off with Career, you can learn what each and every part does and what it's used for. Sandbox can leave you confused, as there is a lot of parts you start off with, and not much teaching to be done. Science mode is similar to career, but no contracts/reputation to worry about Hope I helped! Cheers! -TheKorbinger
  8. Try not running it from steam, that may help. Best regards,
  9. I, actually love root beer. I drink like 2 gallons a week :0
  10. Banned for having 111 in your name
  11. Ill be flying all day. I get to stay home from school tomorrow, i may be able to catch the sunrise :0
  12. Lol. Will do. Next stream is tomorrow. Gonna finish testing RTH.
  13. Gonna take it out at 6:10 local (5:34 atm) time. Gonna film the sunset here, being up so high means later sunset.
  14. Battery is almost charged. Give it 10-20min ill post here when its ready.
  15. The video is on Youtube, and ill be streaming again when the battery for the drone charges
  16. Its that time! https://m.youtube.com/#/channel/UCJ_nHDJG4ySks9H4S9DbaTQ my channel is linked above, the stream will start in 5-10 minutes! All welcome to watch!
  17. Sorry if I have offended you, I myself am not religious at all, but I do respect others' religious customs.
  18. what do you mean It's also march first. (lol) have fun with that.
  19. agreed. Gotta keep it professional if I want people to watch, you guys coming this afternoon? would be great if you did
  20. aye. guess i should. Don't wanna ruin my clean record :0
  21. *triggered* they say that, the drone is made to go long distances.
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