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Everything posted by TheKorbinjer

  1. Orbital Rendevzous: I've pretty much mastered orbital rendezvous, without mods, i have maybe 2000 hours. I suggest leading your targets when you launch, and if your target winds up infront of the ship, drop your orbit. What that will do, is the ship you're in will move faster, as it is closer to the planet, and you will eventually catch up to the target. This effect is the opposite when your target is behind you. I however suck at launch windows.
  2. Complain about stuff? When I went skydiving, i almost chickened out, I personally didnt want to go, but that was before my tandem instructor literally threw himself and me out of the plane. No regrets, it was fun.
  3. Well first of all, The game's root purpose is to build rockets and space planes, anything that has to deal with you going into space, or doing anything related to space. Implementing something like actual plane parts would be a game changer to be honest. Might I suggest the Airplane Plus mod, which adds actual propellers, turboprops, and turbo shafts into the game, as well as several cockpits and plane parts.
  4. you hear the distant rumble of a plane and you look up at it, and bark CESSNA 172! And you're right about it.
  5. Heya @zherdev Welcome aboard, lad! If you really want to kick it into overdrive, might I suggest popular YouTubers that play KSP a lot Scott Manley https://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg Shadowzone https://www.youtube.com/user/krampfbein Bob Fitch https://www.youtube.com/user/BeazaYT SWDennis https://www.youtube.com/user/SWDennis Kerbal Space Command https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKG1o4bQeEDzP1_7Fivu-bA Marcus House https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNHHEoiSF8pcLgqLKVugOw Raiz Space https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeHMXQRT6D3o2sbfsqkpCcA David Nielsen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvekgtxzhQPGHmFWHDCNK4g Cosmonaut Crash https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCg9r-U3nfd_hOhbzezLW7A This person is an absolute legend Turbo Pumped https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrfWUNq3XCKoAo_E8JMJpfg/videos Hope these YouTube channels help you with any troubles you may have!
  6. That's really sad. I couldn't imagine what his family went through. _____________________________________________________________________ Not related: Looks like im gonna skydive with a friend now, can't wait.
  7. For the first time this year, the temp has dropped into the 30s (fahrenheit), and the clouds are low and gray. I'm sad now (Reminds me of Silent Hill tbh)
  8. I barely play KSP as it was intended, i will spend 6 hours building a plane that flies like a trash can, or one that will glide 30 km, while only falling 2. -Build planes, not rockets (most of the time) -Less boosterz (Only if it's a plane) -Realism over everything else (Scale build everything, i do that with every plane i build, and I hate it. Especially when builds don't work out) -Stock game is too easy, throw RSS in there. boom, now demolish the rocket building/launching facilities, and you now have yourself an airport.
  9. Built a Cirrus Vision jet (SR50), parachute attached. I deployed the chute and threw a kerbal out the hatch to see if i could catch the plane at a lower altitude, kerbal hit the plane at 30 m/s, parachute went *poof* and disappeared, then kerbal plummeted to his death. I cut the chute to the SR50, and flew to a location where I could pick up my next victim. Then I flew the SR50 into the VAB, with the kerbal on the outside of the hatch, i tried to save him, but he wound up like the rest of the plane. F
  10. Granted, but your house is flooded, destroying the laptop forever. I wish that flight school didn't cost $92,000
  11. Built a King Air 350 ER, flew it to New Orleans, LA (RSS), and i am now flying back to the Kennedy Space Center, with a little under half of my fuel remaining. I didn't think this thing had range to do it, but my hopes are high that I will make it back. Made it back, slightly over 3000 km flew. Landed on fumes though.
  12. Hi, Orc Well, there was a section in the waiver, the one where I signed my life away, where I had to put down whether or not I had life insurance, i of course checked the box that said "None" because I live life (over) the edge ;D
  13. You don't. The strut is in front of the landing gear, which you use as a step.
  14. I threw together a V-tail Beech Bonanza in 22 parts, the only problem was that it's 2 meters too long, but other than that, t looks and flies like a dream. I made a kerbal skydive from 45 km, poor guy fell for 5 minutes before chute saved him. I am slro trying to get back into doing 1:1 scale replicas (based on real aircraft) that are highly detailed, and functional.
  15. 1 door for the pilot, and a large clear door that opened from the bottom and hung out at the bottom of the wing. It may have been a 182, I didn't check. When I return, i'll be sure to remember the N-number on the tail, so I can do an FAA N-number registry search to find out exactly what it is. I neglected to add that at 12000 feet, do expect the air to be between cool and freezing cold. 3 degrees temperature drop per 1000 feet of altitude gain. For reference, it was 76 on the ground when I jumped. 10,900 feet just round it up: 11000 feet. 11* 3 = 33. 76-33 = 43 degrees fahrenheit at altitude. Go ahead and slap wind chill on there, 120 mph wind speed Boom, 25 degree wind chill. You better believe that the only reason why I didn't want to jump from a plane was because it was (literally) freezing cold. I'm not kidding. Door flew open, and i was shook by that chilly air.
  16. Honestly, I think so. Might just go get a check up with the doctor, just to see. xD I am already planning to do it again. ( Graduation gift ) (for being the first person in my family to graduate high school in over 5 generations.)
  17. For those of you who have never gone, and are just absolutely insane, I highly recommend this extreme sport. (I WENT TANDEM) PICTURES AT THE BOTTOM. First of all, let me explain how it happens. When you arrive at the skydive place, you will probably see people skydiving already, which will make you pumped to think "Wow, i'm crazy enough to jump from a plane at 12000 feet" Once you enter the place, you will probably have to notify the people that you are there, and you will be put through a very simple, easy training session. After that is done, you will be asked to (literally) sign you life away with waivers stating that if injured, or possibly killed, that neither you, or family/friends will sue them. Once that's completed, you will be suited up, and meet your tandem instructor, have a quick chat, he will explain how stuff works, and will calm your nerves if you're scared. You and the instructor will walk to the plane (I took a C-172) individually, and you will taxi the plane out to the runway, where you will take the nail-biting climb up to altitude, mine was 10,900 feet AGL (11,700 MSL). When you are done climbing, the tandem guy will scoot up to you and connect himself to you from 4 points, 2 on the shoulder, and 2 on the hips, they can each hold 5000 pounds. The pilot will inform the instructor that he is ready to let you guys off, at that point the door will open, and the pilot will reduce the power to the plane's engine. The door opening is as worse as it gets, you look down, see the ground looming miles below you. You think to yourself "This is more than i signed up for, can i reschedule, no no no no no." The tandem instructor, who will more than likely have hundreds, if not thousands of jumps of experience, he does this every day, seeing this does not phase him. You are told to put your feet out on the gripped pad that sits over the landing gear, and are instructed to cross your arms. After that, he will yell "LETS... GO... SKYDIVE!!!!" And you begin to fall out of the plane, but you don't feel the stomach drop feeling because you're already moving through the air. (Momentum is conserved because you are moving forward with the plane before drag eliminates your horizontal velocity) You are immediately blasted into sensory overload, you have no idea what is going on, or you are freaking out, thinking you just jumped to your death, but once you get used to the feeling of it, you start to realize, "hey, this isn't so bad, i like this." A minute feels like 5 minutes or 5 seconds. (Felt like 5 seconds to me) Then you feel something pulling you straight back, lasting about 4-5 seconds, the parachute deploys, letting you know that it's alright, you're not gonna die. The feeling of excitement fills your brain, you just survived falling 7,000 feet, and you now have a cool story to tell your family and friends on the ground. 5 minutes of serenity, and getting to fly the chute later, the instructor takes control, and you both brace to land. "When i tell you too, i want you to lift your legs up as high as you can get them." "Ready?.......... do it now" You lift your legs up, the parachute slows WAAAAY down as the instructor pulls on the toggles together to brake the chute, and you land on your butt (or feet) on the ground at probably 5-10 mph, nothing too painful. The parachute falls beside you, and the instructor detaches himself from you, and you jump up, feeling like you can do just about anything. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is just my version of my experience, im sure everyone's experiences will be different. I felt like sharing this, that away you can know somewhat of what your Kerbals feel when you throw the unsuspecting victim out the hatch in KLO. One hour (about 15 minutes) of ground school, $210 dollars (USD) was my price. My skydive: https://imgur.com/a/qL0nIYl
  18. A few days ago, my state (Oklahoma) recieved flooding rains, snow in the panhandle, 2 tornadoes, and an earthquake.
  19. So... I went skydiving, from 11,700 MSL, am i crazy?




    no? ok. IT WAS WORTH IT, TRUST ME.


  20. I'm building a new space station in KSP, modded out with Rescale! 10.625x because the stock game has become child's play for me. OFF TOPIC (EDITED)
  21. Nice plane! I feel the Mk 0 turboprop is the most powerful for their size. Also, the noise they produce is low, but also pleasant.
  22. I noticed that when flying between blue and orange (right on horizon line), the curved wing acted as a flap, and pushed me up at like 3 to 5 m/s, it's harder to stall the Draco (in the game) than it is to stall my Kitfox The draco however has a hard time gaining speed after takeoff, from the slats, so I usually take them off asap. After they're up, it's 50-150 in about 20 seconds.
  23. Nice aircraft! Also, in sight of recent events @ Oshkosh 2018, I replicated the infamous Draco. It was very hard to get certain parts of the plane down, such as the tail, cockpit and gear tanks. I am, however still working on it. It flies very well at low speeds. Takeoff speed: 17 m/s tail up 32 m/s rotation. Can climb out Like a boss. It comes with thrust reverser, so you can land it in weird spots, I landed it on the VAB roof 3 times, then threw it off the top. Cruise speed is weird for a prop plane, the real one can go 150 knots, whereas mine caps at right around 300 knots. This thing does not like to stall, I can fly it as slow as 21 m/s, while descending at 5. Very light, only 5.5 tons. I am aware that the wheels that I used in the replica are fragile, but once again, I can land this beast at 20 m/s no prob. https://imgur.com/a/tZbKVUf A 2000 wilga that was converted into a turboprop from a piston engine. Honestly, it's the greatest thing I've ever seen.
  24. Does anyone, or has anyone made, or have an STOL bush plane? I recently fell in love with the Kitfox aircraft, so I replicated it! https://imgur.com/AgNp4ex https://imgur.com/vIJODiE https://imgur.com/l4TFQos https://imgur.com/rl7icWc This aircraft is modded, with Airplane Plus, and tweakscale. Two hours of build time, and probably 10 test flights, this aircraft is a beast. Holding true to the bush plane style, I landed it on the VAB roof. https://imgur.com/MvMYLmf Aircraft specs: Rotation speed: 15 m/s tail up 27 m/s whole plane off the runway Stall speed ~25 to 30 m/s Rate of climb is right around 20 m/s right after takeoff. 110-130 m/s cruise MAX POSSIBLE (in dive) 190 m/s Max altitude: ~10,000 m Post your STOL bush planes below!
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