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Everything posted by Moiety

  1. Vostok 1 misson: *** The new rockets have double gauges, I guess this is due to them having two separate nozzle groups on them. Not annoying, just saying. Also, I was unable to re-activate the engines after shutting them down The A-E2L parachute doesn’t show an actual parachute. This is without Real Chute installed if that makes a difference. It did not tear off during descent.
  2. Thanks a bunch! You are free to package it with a legacy pack. I do want to add some additional bits and bops though. Just noticed this version throws an error when loading. Something to do with electric charge config, which is super weird because haven’t changed that since the previous version and that didn’t throw the error. Anywho, am playing around with some more values to make it playable. Vega_Crew_A, for example, now has 2.000 electric charge so you don’t have to stick ugly stock batteries on there to keep your crew alive on the dark side . I’ll keep playing around with values. So when you’re ready to make a legacy pack let me know .
  3. Thank you so much for the update @pap1723! I’ll try out the Apollo mission tonight!
  4. Tantares Patches 1.1.1 with Tantares & TAC LS 0.2.1 Added TAC LS to the T-KY1, H-4D1, and H-JT3 orbital modules (so you can re-supply your space station). If these are the wrong modules to re-supply stations then please let me know. If they are the wrong ones, please also tell me which are the correct ones . The listed orbital modules now have: - Food: 174.50 - Water: 115.3 - Oxygen: 17678.1 - Waste: 15.8 - Waste Water: 147.8 - Carbon Dioxide: 15372.9 It will take about four trips to re-supply a completed MIR. Values are equal to 1⨉ 1.25m Supplies Container, 1⨉ 1.5m HexCan Supplies, 1⨉ 1.5m HexCan Waste, 2⨉ 0.625m Waste Container, 1⨉ .75m HexCan Waste.
  5. Cool! I’ll work with that. What are the descent block modules for then? Are they used to return the garbage to Earth? Because that could work with TAC too.
  6. No problem! I want to have a look at the Progress too, because it would be nice to use that to be able to re-supply MIR like in real life. I’m not too familiar with which parts are used for supplies though. So any help with that would be appreciated. In the mean time I’ve ordered this book about the Soyuz to give me some more insight.
  7. Can you either upload the new version to GitHub or tell me what you changed? I can reload Apollo 16 and test it out.
  8. Am currently at Apollo 16. Apollo 15 has some issues too (see GitHub bug for details). I’m afraid Apollo 16 will have the same issues.
  9. No problem, @doktorstick has done a lot too. For what it’s worth, I’ve also filed a couple of bugs on GitHub.
  10. Awesome! Saves me all the work . This is by far my favourite contract pack.
  11. If @pap1723 doesn’t return sometime in February I might feel something for forking it and fixing some of these bugs. I need some time to read up on the CC code first as I’m not too familiar with it. That is, if I can get in contact with them and ask for permission :). For what it’s worth, they haven’t been online here for two and a half months.
  12. @doktorstick you can manually pass contracts like so: Backup your save game just in case Launch your favourite text editor Open persistent.sfs which is location in “Kerbal Space Program/saves/name of your save/” Search for “title = Gemini 7 & Gemini 6A”. This should bring up the contract. If you’re unsure whether you’re actually at the contract, they should have “type = ConfiguredContract” Set the state (which should read “Active”) to “Completed” like so: state = Completed Save the file Load the game Contract is now in the archive This doesn’t add the funds, reputation, or science for the contract to your totals. You can do this manually if you really need it. Search for “name = Funding” to edit the funding parameter Search for “name = Reputation” to edit the reputation … I’m not exactly sure where the science param is. Always backup first!
  13. This looks nice! Currently playing with the Historical Progression Tech Tree which also a nice one to play with. Are you planning to include a contract pack? Combined with Tantares that would be perfect! The Historical Progression contract pack is very good, although I would be interested to see additional missions. Anywho, keep up the good work .
  14. @Beale I did a search for GitHub in this thread and found that it’s been asked before, but didn’t see a concrete answer from you. Is Tantares(LV) on GitHub or a similar service? I’ve spotted a few spelling errors I’d like to fix . Also, I think more people here could lend a helping hand if it was on some sort of versioning system. @IronCretin nice photos! --- As I play with TAC LS and because support for Tantares that comes with TAC LS is limited—it adds the resources to certain parts based on a bunch of params—I thought it be a good idea to write up some better support for it. TL;DR get almost a year of life support on a complete MIR with four kerbals. I’m currently going through the list of parts to see what would make sense. I’ve assembled a bare bones MIR based on information from Wikipedia and the craft files by @CaptKordite. If I apply TAC’s base setting to all crewed parts this would get 22 days of life support for three kerbals; which is way to short if you want to time warp a mission to Duna for example (let alone any other body). So I’m trying to get it up to about a year / 426 days for the fully assembled MIR with four kerbals (for example: two scientist to science and two pilots in case you need to evacuate). Given that V-DOS-A "Rotund" Crew Block is the main part of MIR it makes sense to me to equip this with fairly generous values. Values for V-DOS-A I’m testing with: Food: 452.8 Water: 299.2 Oxygen: 45867 Waste: 41 Waste Water: 380.60 Carbon Dioxide: 39558.5 This is equal to: 4⨉ 1.25m Supplies Container, 2⨉ 1.25m Waste Container, 1⨉ 0.625m Waste Container. The mass of the supplies is automatically added to the V-DOS-A; which has a wet mass (food, water, oxygen included) of 3.295 tons (dry mass is 2.8 tons). This gives the MIR core 313 days with a crew of 4. For the A-NXL Docking & Command Module (main part for the KVANT-2, Kristall, Spektre, and Priroda modules) the values are as follows: Food: 30.65 Water: 20.25 Oxygen: 3105.6 Waste: 2.625 Waste Water: 24.5 Carbon Dioxide: 2545.85 This is equal to: .5⨉ 1.5m HexCan Supplies and .25⨉ 1.5m HexCan Waste. Again, the mass is automatically added to the A-NXL which now has a wet mass of 1.933 tons (dry mass is 1.9 tons). With these two upgrades a completed MIR with four kerbals gives you between 400 and 410 days of life support. Since Beale already made a config for USI (thanks for the comments in that) I’m looking to make a direct port of those values to see how well that works. Reason for my initial approach was to figure out TAC code and keep it stupid simple; having 4-5 parts to empty and refuel is a lot easier than having to go through all the different parts. You can download this TAC LS patch from GitHub. But be aware that it’s still very much a work in progress as I keep playing around with values for the parts. As far as I’m aware values don’t change for parts already placed in models (that goes for ships in craft files and ships out and about). Now we wait for the inevitable message from Beale telling me “Nice work! But, this is already fixed for the next release.” .
  15. Because I’m such a patient man, I couldn’t wait for a reply to my previous post . So, instead, I made a patch for Tantares and TantaresLV that places all parts in the correct 1.2 categories ! Direct GitHub download link. If you spot any mistakes please let me know here or file an issue on GitHub .
  16. Just installed this and really admire the style of these parts. Who doesn’t want a nice Soyuz in their space program?! With that comes a question though, is this on GitHub or something similar? I would like to sort all the parts into the new 1.2 categories. I can do this just fine on my own machine, but ideally, would like to feed this back to the release so everyone can benefit :).
  17. I would suggest re-installing HPTT. I’ve been playing this tree on 1.2.2 for about 80 hours now, so this should work just fine. Do you have KSP-AVC installed? If so, could you post a list of all the mods you have?
  18. Recently started a play through with the Historical Progress Tech Tree and this contract pack. In regards to 1.2 compatibility: I ran into an issue with the Gemini 7 / 6A mission. Edited my save game to manually pass it. The reason for it is unclear, other duration dependent missions / orbits seem to work fine. @cnose that sounds like a Kerbalism issue. The contracts have this piece of code: PARAMETER { name = HasAntenna type = PartValidation partModuleType = Antenna minCount = 1 title = Have at least 1 Transmission Device on your craft hideChildren = true } If Kerbalism changes the type setting for antenna that might cause issues. I can confirm this, had the same issue.
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