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Everything posted by Numberyellow

  1. So.....finally caught up. This story is great. Ok, so our famously dead Kerbal, Thomlock...his story is reminiscent of Buck Rogers. (If only Thomlock looked more like Gil Gerard) I'm also reminded of Star Ocean: Till the end of Time...among other things. Very much digging this, and awaiting the next installment.
  2. I hadn't intended to make a joke.....but, um, thanks? As to the other point: agreed... i'm fine with just the star system we have...
  3. What, people who hate music? They're everywhere, lol. I think you just hurt my brain..
  4. "VICTORY!! VICTORY FOR ZIM!" I dunno, they both sound equally boring. the issue you describe sounds like bad ship design. Personally, i'd have everything be modules of the same ship...maybe i'm crazy. And it wouldn't be a "restriction" if people are getting together, it's because they choose to..they're doing it so they can all work on the same thing.
  5. "more perfect", from a grammatical, and linguistic standpoint, is a joke... by definition, if something is "perfect", then that's that....sometimes, a joke is just a joke, lol. In my opinion, it's ALMOST perfect. there are still some things wrong with it..but most of them are minor things...at least from where i sit. I dunno....watching someone else play sounds a bit boring...i mean, if there was voice chat, and the conversation was good, it might help pass the time...but again, i was just seeing this as a way for ppl to get together, and do things together. i suppose either version (yours and mine) are equally valid as potential models to base a MP mode on..
  6. Fair enough. I think it's currently pretty much perfect. This is about making it MORE PERFECT™
  7. Only if you misunderstand MP as i'm envisioning it, no matter how well i explain it. Lemme try again, once more.. Here's what i'm picturing.. You, and a group of your friends decide you want to do some projects in a sandbox....let's call this group a clan. So, you either host the game yourself, or you start it on a hosted server space. The game is private, it's only you, and invited parties...so no chance for random people to join out of nowhere, and make trouble. Now, you can configure a sandbox with whatever mods you need, and the people playing would need to have those mods as well. So you, and your friends, can work on whatever stuff you were going to do. Yes, you'd be locked to one celestial body at a time, but if you're all working on the same project, then there's no need to have your clan scattered about the star system. This is for you and your friends to do stuff in sandbox...not for you and your friends to co-op the career mode. Toss in voice chat, and i think much fun could be had...imagine you and friends building ridiculous contraptions at the KSC, and having a good time, launching, and exploding, each other....sometimes just screwing around with stupid stuff can be fun. Alternatively, you could all bring your best fighter designs to the table, and have a massive dogfight, to see who's is the best.. Race to KSC2? race to the pole? drag race buggies down the runway?...is that a plane coming? oh shi.. Maybe it's not for everyone, but i could see a lot of people enjoying it.
  8. No, i missed that one. I played back in late 2015...got bored with it, and set it aside. Started watching KSP vids on youtube a couple of months ago. The vids, combined with all the new features in 1.2, re-ignited my interest in the title. Started playing again mid-november, i believe...got really into it, but found some of the stock parts lacking, so i started getting mods. Kept it limited at first...just a few small parts packs, a couple of little tweak mods, that sort of thing.. It was bound to happen; a fatal interaction between mods (with a generous dose of outdated mod/plugin) caused a lot of things to break. Only figured out the solution a week or two ago. And now, due to technical limitations of my gaming rig, i'm looking at having to completely rebuild a plane that took me 50+ hours to develop....i'm not taking any more chances. I'm almost at the point where i don't want to play anymore, because all that time is essentially down the toilet. I could probably sort the performance issues by picking up a new video card...but i really don't feel like dropping 300 bucks on that right now. I fear we're getting very much off topic though, eh'?
  9. Oh dear. Well, i'm relatively new to the whole mod thing...i've had nothing but trouble for the last month or so.. Finally got everything back to a semi-working state, and i don't feel like playing guinea pig. All the issues i've been having, have damn near crushed my will to play KSP anymore. I'll pass until i know it works. I do hope it's all good though, this mod looks like it would be invaluable for testing lighting rigs, pre-deployment.
  10. Yup. So does it currently work correctly with the latest release of KSP?
  11. Hadn't thought to do that....last time i installed an outdated mod, it broke everything, lol.
  12. Still doesn't change that what i said was fact. The thing you're promoting would benefit from the multiplayer method i described....there's nothing wrong with criticizing something you have no interest in...doesn't change the fact that you are, actually, bashing the idea. Just because you don't see the appeal in having multiple people working on the same project, doesn't mean it's a bad idea. It's just a game mode that you'd opt not to use.....just like i opt not to use the career mode, because it's a pointless game mode.
  13. That was kind of the point of the list.....it's things I'D like to see, that I think would be cool, or that would be useful TO ME.....not sure how you missed that. And it's fine if you don't see a use for it, nobody's saying you must agree. Though, i find it hilariously ironic that you'd promote an event in your sig, that would actually benefit from the idea you're bashing.
  14. How do we handle it in real life? Perhaps to some...However, when testing a new aircraft, it would probably be fun. Unless the people you invite in, are griefing you, there wouldn't be any of that. You know what's boring, and tedious? building a massive space station, or ground facility by yourself.
  15. I think i understand now.... you're not thinking i meant MP for CAREER, did you? I was talking sandbox. Now, i know you can do a science sandbox..but with everything unlocked, there's not much point to doing science. Don't go.....i LIKE snippy..
  16. Oh my...quantum mechanics, and divergent time streams.... The way i envisioned MP working would be a group of friends in a single instance, working together on a single project... Players 1-4 are on Kerbin...they want to build a station. They've already designed, built, packaged, and saved their parts. They set up either at separate launch sites, or queue at the Launch facilities at KSP. (simultaneous launches from the runway and launch pad would work too), and they launch. They meet up in orbit, and start working. players can go back down to kerbin, to pick up more parts, if needed...and then they come back up, and keep working. Or, say you have a complicated plane you're trying to fly...you can focus on flying, while your co-pilot handles things like retracting gear, staging, operating sensors, lights, etc I never imagined it being like an open-world deal, where everyone is doing different things, on different planets/moons.
  17. Mate, OF COURSE they have choices... This isn't a list of things that i DEMAND they do RIGHT NOW, OR ELSE™...it's just a list of things i would like to see, because i think they'd either be cool, or be useful to me. Adding the runway, and an option to launch off it, wouldn't be a big deal...hell, i'm sure there are people here who could do it. And that's why the modding community here is not only great, but full of opportunity. Someone here mods it in, it looks and works well, and then if SQUAD likes it, they adopt it, and make it stock.
  18. I always am. For heavier designs, it is NOT long enough, or quite wide enough. And sometimes, for whatever reason, some planes will drift, ever so slightly, to the left or right, after a certain amount of speed have been built up. If you're not VERY careful with corrections, you can easily roll the plane, and destroy it, OR impact one of the lights at the end of the runway, and destroy your plane. As i've said before, sometimes, it's not "easy" to just do a turn to align north or south. Glad we agree on something...i do hate doing missions to plant flags for navigation, lol. The point wouldn't be, necessarily, to use them as alternate launch sites (though, that would be a valid use). They would mainly serve as alternate landing sites, and refueling bases for in-atmosphere operations. I'm sure the devs could find more uses for them, but that's how i would envision them being used. I play games, primarily, for their stories. My other big draw to games might be if they're open-world, and lend themselves to exploration, OR if they're sandbox-type games, that lend themselves to exploration. The sandbox mode of KSP aligns more to the latter. I like building things, i like exploring, i like things that explode, and i like things that make you think. KSP has all of these. I described KSP to another member here as being "the greatest virtual lego set EVER"....though some might argue that other games like "Space Engineers", or "Starmade" might be more deserving of that title, i disagree...KSP has just the right amount of complexity, low-barrier of entry, and mod support, where it's the best, in my book. That being said, there is no story in the career mode...no goal, no point to playing....so i have not bothered. If they were to make the career worth playing, to people like me, i would absolutely give it a shot. As i said to another person here: it works, but it's not perfect. Mapped buttons not working and all that....not to mention unless you have the controller turned on when you start the game, it will never recognize that you have one, and you'll need to restart the game, to get it to work. EVERYTHING i've read, shows me that CKAN doesn't do what i'd expect a mod manager to do, and that it's more trouble than it's worth. Toss in that not every mod is compatible with it, and you have a recipe for frustration...i play games to DE-stress...to be entertained...not to be aggravated. I was referring to compatibility checks between mods...to tell you if a mod has an operational conflict with another mod. The FO3 mod manager i mentioned in my OP, is able to do that. No it doesn't segregate interplanetary gameplay as SP-only...the setup i'm imagining is more of a co-op arrangement...i say multiplayer, because it is multiple players, operating in the same virtual space. It would be to allow you, and a group of your friends, to do things in the game together...like fly a complicated plane (co-pilot could handle certain tasks, while you focus on keeping her in the air), or build space stations, or bases on planets...or even exploratory missions.. And don't take this the wrong way, but that career idea sounds positively dreadful, and totally not in line with what KSP is. Which is a shame....EVERY game (even the crappy ones) deserves it's own soundtrack. As i said earlier, the soundtrack is part of the game's atmosphere. Of course, my opinion on this could be borne heavily out of my being a musicophile. And i'd be mad, because you're dinking around with the mun, instead of being on the transport for Jool. What would be the point of having people doing different missions in the same space?
  19. I agree, it's not a major deal, and there are a number of things that are higher priority. However, sometimes, difficulty with the turn isn't a matter of the plane not being properly planned...sometimes, it's a matter of not being able to achieve sufficient speed for a sustained turn, due to it being a fully-loaded transport craft. Conventional wisdom would suggest "just put more engines on it", however, that burns MORE fuel, and is also added weight, which, in some cases, will LOWER the aircraft's performance/range. There are, of course, ways around this, but they're annoying. Being able to take off in a north/south orientation would make things much easier. Yes, but we can't refuel anywhere. Again...fully loaded transport, operating at full throttle all the time...that's going to burn up a lot of fuel. Agreed, but i'm not talking about orbits. I'm talking about atmospheric operations. I guess we'll hafta agree to disagree, with regards to controllers. I use mine ALL THE TIME, for flight testing...it's has enough buttons for basic flight controls. I can map pretty much anything to the controller, but there seems to be a problem. When i assign the left and right thumbstick "buttons" to something, the game accepts it, but then when i use the buttons, they don't do what they're mapped to do. The point of this multiplayer would be private games.....groups of people playing the same game, working toward the same goal. ok Search is terrible. for most things, it will just return a blank screen. Rarely, have i had it actually work correctly.
  20. @tseitsei89 Thanks for the input. Two of the points you quoted were not mine, they were replies from someone else. As to the rest: a North/South runway would not only be more realistic, but it would make it much easier to launch an aircraft-based mission. say you want to go to one of the poles. Right now, you need to launch, get up to speed/altitude, then change course, so you're heading magnetic north or south. If your plane is really big, or somewhat unstable, or both, that large course change is going to be a lot more difficult than it sounds. Not to mention the waste of time and fuel. Alternate landing sites are never useless. We use them in real life. Additionally, they could be used for re-fueling for long-distance flights, or as launch points that may make a trip easier to pull off. I would argue that proper controller support IS needed. I never did understand the purist "keyboard and mouse only" approach that a lot of PC gamers stand by. Video gaming has been a hobby of mine for 24 years, and i've used all sorts of control setups in that time....while K&M is great for most stuff, as i said, sometimes you just want to fly. I mean, even for test flights of craft i'm developing, i find it MUCH easier to just have the basic flight controls, and essentials (like SAS, RCS, Fine controls, abort, throttle, gear toggle, staging, and thruster controls) all in one, easy to use package. No action groups, no having to memorize the entire keybinding layout, no cramping my fingers. Some things are just easier, or more efficient to do with a controller. The MP question is easy: Disable timewarp during coop play. If you're working alone, you can warp, but if one of your friends joins the space, it's disabled. Music is as much a part of a game as the graphics, story, characters, gameplay, physics, or anything else..It helps create and maintain the atmosphere. Having to screw around with an external media player would not only break up the flow of what i'm doing, but it would also consume system resources, possibly impacting the performance of the game.
  21. @pandaman Cool. Thanks for the welcome. As i stated in my OP though, i tried searching for threads relevant to the points i laid out, but the search function appears to be somewhat broken...and i really don't have the time to to thumbing through hundreds of pages. If nobody's going to participate though, i guess i'll just let the thread die.
  22. 119 views, and only one of you said something? c'mon..surely, more of you have something to add.
  23. ok then.. We have an east-west already, i want a north-south as well. I DO very much like the idea of a windtunnel, and a rover test area. I could see MANY uses for such things. I don't see where any options would be needed before launch. These bases could serve as alternate launch/landing locations. Noted. I use a lot of keys too.....but again, sometimes i want to just sit back, and fly...don't need a whole lot of keys for that. I didn't compare fallout to KSP. go read what i said again, I was talking about NMM, which is a mod manager for FO3. Oh, i'd only ever like to see MP as an optional thing. Yes, i have music on my computer, what does that have to do with anything? Thank you for your input.
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