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Everything posted by Numberyellow

  1. I was reading over this thread, and it got me thinking: This guy is suggesting new games, when there is still so much more than can/should be done with the one we already have. So i figured i'd put together a list of things i think would make KSP More Betterâ„¢, and see if you guys agree, and if you can add anything to the list. So, here's my (incomplete) list of things i think would make a more perfect KSP. Bigger, Better main KSC. I'd really love to see the runway we have now, be a little longer, a touch wider, and better/properly marked and lit. I'd also like to see multiple runways...we have a runway for east/west, why not another for north/south? Multiple usable KSP bases. Now, i know about KSC 2, but it's kinda crap, let's face it. Why not have a few bases around Kerbin? Like proper bases, with proper runways, and facilities. Career needs an overhaul. While i have not played career yet, i have read about it, and talked to players, and not many of you seem to think stock career is very good. Why not a story-based career? I've read that Squad, at one point had a basic lore developed for the game. I think they should take those ideas, and create a story, and then rework the career mode, to incorporate the story, along with suggestions from you folks, to enhance the gameplay experience. I mean, as is, is there actually any real goal in career? is there a point? What is the incentive to complete it? ACTUAL controller/gamepad support. Sometimes, you just wanna kick back, and fly your creations. It would be really great if there was a controller menu, specifically for gamepads. I know you can assign controls through the keybindings, but they don't always work correctly, plus, it's a pain to do. For something like this, simplicity is key. You go to the menu, assign your controls, and then go fly.... Better MOD support/implementation/integration. There should be an official Mod Manager... For those of you who are familiar with the Fallout 3 modding community, i'm talking something like NMM....an application that actually manages your mods. Install/uninstall, Update, comparability checks, the works. And it should be integrated with a site that acts as an official repository for mods, like nexusmods is for the NMM. This would make using mods a hell of a lot simpler, and far less easy to screw up. Before you ask, yes, i know about the existence of CKAN, but from what i've read, it's lacking... Multiplayer. Now, i can already hear the wailing, and gnashing of teeth, at the idea of multiplayer in KSP.....but think about it. Haven't you ever wished you had another kerbal in the cockpit with you, to delegate tasks to? wouldn't it be great to have some help building your huge space station, or planetary base? Could be fun....especially with the ability for players to set up a dedicated/private server, and people could pop in and out, and contribute.. Better soundtrack. It's not that i hate royalty-free music, or Kevin MacLeod...but it's not unique to the game. It would be better, i think, if all of the game's music was done in-house...or hire Kevin to do a soundtrack just for KSP. I'm sure i'll come up with more, but i'd also love to hear what you guys think, and if you have anything to add... Now, in case there's a thread like this already, i just want to say, i didn't see it (i did look), and while i did try to do a search, for whatever reason, the search tool on this forum isn't so good (doesn't work most of the time).
  2. So do i...most "power users", enthusiasts, and professionals do.. Not everyone is on our level...lots of people just use computers, and don't give a tinker's damn about how they work, or how to work on them. No need to be embarrassed.
  3. That's because, by default, the AppData folder is hidden. If you feel the need, you can unhide hidden folders by clicking: "organize", then: "Folder and Search Options", then: View (tab), Then select: "Show hidden files, folders, and drives".
  4. I'm also having the same issue. I have verbose logging enabled. existing output log references a version from a year ago, and does not update. created a clean copy of the latest released build, for testing, unmodded, new sandbox, verbose logging enabled, still no log generated.
  5. So then, the config cache file is just an index of modified values, and MM sideloads it, in place of the stock values, at startup? The only mod that i saw having a dependency on MM, was KAX, which was the only reason i installed it. I'm starting to regret that, as the parts KAX provides, while cool, aren't worth this headache. The plane i'm salty about, took me over 20 hours to design, build, test, and tweak...it was ready for it's intended mission, and now it's essentially a balloon animal.
  6. I managed to fix the sound issue...turns out i dropped the bits from the mod in the wrong place (stupid mistake). Though, there's another weird sound issue with that mod...but yeah, i'll save that for PM. Thanks for offering to help me out, i appreciate that, and i'll send you a PM tomorrow, as i will be needing to go to bed soon (i work nights). Lemme know exactly what details you'd want, and i'll send them over to you, and perhaps we can figure this one out. as to the logs...man, that's the weird bit. KSP/KSP_Data/Output_log.txt The file properties say it hasn't been updated since 25 FEB, 2015. Looking at the contents, it's still listing an old unity engine version, and my old video card, that i had at the time.KSP.log, in the root KSP folder, though, IS updating whenever i play...however, it doesn't contain the same data as the output log. Not sure what's up with that. Was going over the mods again...it's possible one of the config files from KPBS (which i missed earlier) may have broken my plane. ugh...Yeah, I'll send you a PM.
  7. I checked the 7 mods i have installed for MM config files, found nothing about modifying stock parts, so i decided to comb through the config files that MM generated in the gamedata folder. In the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file, i found this: } UrlConfig { name = Mk1FuselageStructural type = PART parentUrl = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/mk1Structural url = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/mk1Structural/Mk1FuselageStructural PART { name = Mk1FuselageStructural module = Part author = Porkjet rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.9375, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0 node_attach = 0.0, 0.0, -0.625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1 TechRequired = generalConstruction entryCost = 2500 cost = 380 category = Structural subcategory = 0 title = Structural Fuselage manufacturer = C7 Aerospace Division description = A standard fuselage. Carries no fuel; is there merely as a structural element. As such, it's lighter and more solid due to reinforcements. attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 mass = 0.1 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 10 breakingForce = 50 breakingTorque = 50 maxTemp = 2000 fuelCrossFeed = True bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf tags = aircraft airplane hollow jet mk1 pipe plane tube DRAG_CUBE { cube = Default, 2.418281,0.7749683,0.6994118, 2.418281,0.7749683,0.6994118, 1.213026,0.9717144,0.1341177, 1.213026,0.9717144,0.1341177, 2.418281,0.7723047,0.6994124, 2.418281,0.7723256,0.6994124, 0,0,0, 1.25,1.937501,1.250001 } MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Structural/mk1Parts/StructuralHollow } } This is one of the parts that is now acting wonky. Now, again, i'm trying to understand how this plugin works...so bear with me. It patched 210 nodes..now is this something it does all on it's own, when it runs for the first time? It seems to have catalogued and patched ALL the parts in my install. I also found an entry for the J-90 turbofan (the engine that simply fell off on the runway) How do the values in this entry, differ from the stock values? Why does MM do this, and why does it generate a physics file? There's also a ModuleManager.ConfigSHA file, which has a list of parts, followed by a string of hexadecimal numbers...what does this file do? what does it all mean?
  8. I did read the first post. What you quoted doesn't answer my question. I was looking for information on the behavior of the plugin, to see if it was possible that either it did something it wasn't supposed to, or i had installed something incorrectly. KAX does have a CFG file for MM....it's a handful of lines, for compatibility with FAR. As to the logs thing....i do actually look around for information before i ask questions, because i prefer to figure things out for myself...And because i hate people assuming i'm unintelligent, because i'm asking a "stupid question".
  9. with 183 pages, i have no idea if this has been asked yet or not.. Installed ModuleManager, because KAX said it needed it. KAX works fine, except for a few little things i need to ask about in the KAX thread. My thing is this: Is it normal for ModuleManager to change vanilla stuff on it's own? I built a plane, before installing MM, i loaded the plane for launch after installing MM, and the engines fell off, and the plane bowed in the middle, like it was made of pool noodles. The parts in question are the Goliath engine, and the Structural fuselage, both vanilla parts. I was going to upload a log, but the log i'm supposed to upload (output log) hasn't been updated since February of last year (not sure what's up with that)
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