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Everything posted by Numberyellow

  1. Is it just me, or did the whole "return of thomlock" have a very similar flavor to the return of starbuck in BSG?
  2. "Yo' Dawg, i heard you like plans..." That comes from Xzibit's "Pimp My Ride"
  3. OMFG, that is SO EFFING PRETTY! I need that in my life. Oh, by the way, @kiwinanday Thanks for the link...while not entirely what i was looking for, those improved IVAs make the craft just barely flyable from the cockpit.
  4. is there any chance of, or has someone made: new IVAs for the helicopter cockpits? I'm using the bell-style cockpit for a VTOL i made, but it's EXTREMELY hard to fly from IVA, due to the practically useless instrumentation in IVA. Anyone else have this problem?
  5. Which would be why i made it. because i am a hopeless KSP nerd. "Sodium-free monk. Coming soon, to a theater near you."
  6. The salt is strong with this one... The_Cat_In_Space - Apply cold water directly to the burn.
  7. tried that. the frame of the canopy is just too obstructive...and at full zoom-out, i can't read any of the instrumentation.
  8. ahh, ok then. there's no way to increase visibility though, right?
  9. screens are wonky, low visibility out of the canopy. i'll get a screen or two next time i load up KSP (probably about 12 hours from now).
  10. yup. So the Rafale IVA is borderline unusable, but at least it's there, so that's a step in the right direction. getting prop errors on rafale and KU-34 now. It's always something, eh'?
  11. Excellent. I'm slightly confused, because i downloaded the latest version, 2 days after you put it up...but the github has files that i don't... ultimately, it doesn't matter though....gonna go get me some files.
  12. Been using this mod for a while. I absolutely LOVE this part pack. I still get a aset prop error on the hornet and viper cockpits, is this being fixed soon?. Also, any chance on an IVA for the Rafale cockpit?
  13. Now i REALLY don't wanna go to Vall....ever. "If you go to Z'ha'dum, you will die"
  14. There are plenty of decaffeinated brands on the market, that are just as tasty as the real thing..
  15. So here's the Classic Viper i was working on. I have about 15 hours logged on the project so far. Build is complete, just needs a bit of flight tweaking, so it will handle properly, but the look isn't going to change, so here she is. Project dedicated to Richard Hatch - R.I.P.
  16. I have floaters....they can be VERY annoying at times. Most of the time, i don't really see them, but then, sometimes, i'll think i see a spider crawling up my wall, and i'll look, and there's nothing. It's always out of the corner of the same eye, in the same position. Other than that, i only ever notice them when i'm staring at a white, or similarly brightly colored screen. I've gotten used to them. Anyway, i have some idea of your issue, and you have my sympathies. Coincidentally, I recently put in for vacation time from work, and it was approved, and it starts on sunday...i know what one of the first things i'll be doing is..
  17. Thanks. I believe the cockpit is from "Aviation Cockpits".
  18. Hello everyone, and welcome to my thread. The purpose of this thread is to chronicle my development of the best damned Vipers in KSP. I've seen a lot of VIper attempts over the years since KSP released...and while decent attempts, none of them ever looked quite right, So i set out to build the best, most screen-accurate ones i can muster. Be warned: I'll likely not ever be providing craft files, i'm doing this for fun, not proliferation. I am using quite a few mods, to get the desired results. I work on my own schedule. Now, with that out of the way... Here we have the first stable, mostly screen-accurate of my Mk II builds. the v.1 is an atmospheric-only flight demonstrator. It has dummy guns, the wings are a mashup(this will likely never change), and uses air-jets from a mod, for it's RCS system. I have a v.2 on the backburner, which i'll be outfitting with actual RCS thrusters, and engines that will work in space. When it's done, and can fly, i'll be sure to post it here. I put the v.2 on the backburner, because last week Richard Hatch (Apollo, from the original BSG) died. As something of a tribute, i'm building an original series Colonial Viper. I'll post that here as well. It's proving to be more of a pain than i had anticipated, but it's coming along nicely.. Now...for the pictures.
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