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Everything posted by 53miner53

  1. The old KSS. There are 2 modules left that may be moved to the new station on my turn.
  2. It explodes. (What did you expect from this thread?) I launch a space shuttle to redirect an asteroid that's on a collision course with the planet.
  3. I hide behind the TV, because it's an old model with space behind it.
  4. I fixed the save file... mostly. @HiThere!2's latest module has yet to be moved, though I have tested a system for docking it. if @HiThere!2 could post the .craft file for his module, even if it is only the module and is missing a lifter, that would be much appreciated.
  5. Why didn't I see that coming? I think that the first person to go after @ZooNamedGames rearranged used the main save file link instead of the link he posted. I'll go fix it. Edit: or not. I looked through the thread a little and realized that the first person to go definitely used the right save... we have a mystery.
  6. @zeta function has run out of time. @Combatsmithen is up!
  7. Do not redirect the magic boulder. It will redirect itself when it wants to.
  8. @monstah destroyed by crash landing Soyuz
  9. The power to fly a plane, but only if you are not in a plane
  10. It becomes very hot in the Kerbal's spacesuit. The kerbal than disintegrates. I launch a space shuttle to orbit with a memorial to the shockwave kerbal.
  11. I don't know if any of these are on Spotify, but here are a few that I listen to. CTX theme-Richard Bells Roll On Down The Highway-The Donnas Today Is Gonna Be A Great Day-Bowling For Soup Let's Take A Rocket Ship To Space-Danny And The Jaytones
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