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Everything posted by antipro

  1. Interesting, thanks. I am increasingly convinced of a future purchase of the two DLCs on sale. Of course I got that. I was just pointing out that I don't like clipping parts, or inflatable shields upside down, large and strange shaped fairings, and in particular those propeller engines boxed into a service bay. However, everyone plays as they want. De gustibus non est disputandum.
  2. @Echo__3 I was looking at your video, I've seen you mounted two aerospike engines one beside the other, and then you mounted a 2,5m diameter Service Bay under them. I always tough it wasn't possible. is it because you used an "FL-A151L Fuel Tank Adapter", available only with the Making History Expansion installed? is that part that is capable to mount 2 engines and has an additional node for other 2,5 parts or is maybe a mod?
  3. you need a multi stages rocket with at least about 7800 dV in vaacum / 3400 at sea level, only to reach an eq. 120km LEO. or use propellers and save some dV.
  4. Points of view. Yes it is, anyway I don't have any DLC, so I've never used propellers, but even if I had them I would never build such a rocket, which has the propellers closed in a box, which would practically never work IRL. However I imagine that it is also possible to build a vehicle driven by propellers which have space for the entry and exit of air.
  5. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. Roy Batty
  6. ok, if we include hard contracts too, such as landing on multiple planets like Laythe and Tylo, then you're right. if you're saying that landing on Eve and back to home is "a lot" easier than landing on Tylo and back, I'm not agree. landing on Eve involves to deal with its atmosphere while you aerobrake and take off from the surface and apart the higher cost in dV, the complexity is inherent in the assembly of a vehicle capable to deal with Eve's atmo.
  7. Windows: - 1.8 or newer: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log
  8. schizo-logorrhoeic on a phenomenological level /skit·sow/-/lˈɒɡəɹˌe͡ɪk/ on a /fuh·no·muh·nuh·lo·juh·kl/ /leh·vl/
  9. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I'm not sure about that. The close approach indicator flickering is a normal behavior in some situation, just ignore it. The flickering you see is probably related to the instability with the Patched conic approximation algorithm that is showing alternatively the first and the second "orbital passage". I'm not sure but this can be caused by some small ship movements too. If you accelerate the time warp to a step or more, like 5x, the indicator should stop flickering.
  10. I made a bit confusion due to a bad wikipedia ENG-ITA redirect and the fact I realized now that there are 2 different planets: Nine and X. Yes ok, you're right. I read that "On June 20, 2017, the University of Arizona claimed to have calculated that a certain type of perturbations in the Kuiper belt could be caused by a body of similar mass to that of Earth or Mars." So not dwarf, even if TNO. Thx for this clarification. yes sorry, as I said there is a bad redirect in these wikipedia pages that confused me a bit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_Nine (Not to be confused with the Planet X proposed in 1906 by Percival Lowell.) then switch to Italian https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pianeta_X (Nel 2014 la NASA ha comunicato la notizia che ... (WISE) dopo avere sondato lo spazio ha escluso l'esistenza di un pianeta X) then switch to English https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planets_beyond_Neptune#Planet_X I remember to have read something about this Planet X on a science book when I was young.
  11. They will launch it in 76 days, do you think they will delay it again? Probably they must be sure that all those thousands parts work correctly, cause once it has been launched they can't no longer repair it, like they did with HST. https://webbcountdown.com/ Ah, the Planet 9 aka Planet X. It probably does not exist, according to NASA: "In 2014, NASA announced the news that its Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) exploration program, after probing space, ruled out the existence of a planet X." And even if they found it, it will be immediately de-classed as dwarf planet. Don't we have enough of Trans-Neptunian object already? yay, when I tried to translate "overwhelmingly" in Italian, the word, using an euphemism, did not satisfy me very much. It means " in modo schiacciante", so it is literally "in a crushing way". So it is so big that it crushes you.
  12. Personally, I'm not really an expert but I'd like to give chance to the Vera C. Rubin Observatory cause of: - It will probe the nature of dark matter by mapping and cataloging billions of galaxies through space and time. - It will manage and effectively analyze an enormous output of data. By 2018, estimates had risen to 250 teraflops of computing power and 100 petabytes of storage. - It is also hoped that the vast volume of data produced will lead to additional serendipitous discoveries. and also of course to the James Webb Space Telescope, cause of: - is unique, basically is the HST successor but in infrared radiation, and this says it all. - its goal to search for light from the first stars and galaxies that formed in the Universe after the Big Bang.
  13. Which of these future telescopes you can't wait for it to be operational and why? Extremely Large Telescope - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremely_Large_Telescope Thirty Meter Telescope - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirty_Meter_Telescope Giant Magellan Telescope - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant_Magellan_Telescope Vera C. Rubin Observatory - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_C._Rubin_Observatory James Webb Space Telescope - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Webb_Space_Telescope Comparison optical telescope primary mirrors.
  14. I'm quite sure the beginning of this amazing movement has been used in some movies scenes that I've seen, but I can remember only one: Knowing (Proyas, 2009), cause I recently saw it again. anyway.. this is stuck in my head today, and almost all the other days.
  15. With the stock game, I don't know, maybe not or maybe with Axis Groups. With Mechjeb2 mod I'm quite sure it's possible with the Smart A.S.S..
  16. I am not sure what you are asking, especially when you say "one button for each wing", anyway assumed that we are talking of the same thing: Stabilizers Ailerons Rudders Assembly some "Control surface" parts, such as Elevon: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Control_surface and then controls them with the Flight Controls Keys. All these parts will respond according to your inputs, it is all automatic. Flight Controls Keys W Pitch adjustment (down) S Pitch adjustment (up) A Yaw adjustment (left) D Yaw adjustment (right) Q Roll adjustment (left) E Roll adjustment (right) https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings If you otherwise want to use "a key for each wing" for some reason, I don't know how to do it.
  17. ah ok yes, I got it now.
  18. it isn't simpler to disable the SAS by pressing the T key? isn't it?
  19. mutually /myo͞oCH(o͞o)əlē/ reciprocally /rɪˈsɪprəkli/
  20. a galaxy far, far away (it could be perfect if you had started with "A long time ago in")
  22. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:How_to_get_to_Eve https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Returning_From_Eve Going to Eve is relatively simple if you just want to land with an unmanned probe. But if you're planning to going there with a crew or a just a single Kerbal and want to get them back to Kerbin, then it's a whole other thing, is the most complicated mission in the game.
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