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Posts posted by antipro

  1. 1 hour ago, yomahabaca said:

    Hello I noticed in ksp rss ro principia that when I make a 90 degree tilt change around the earth it asks me for a delta v of 12100m/s as shown in this picture. (image)
    on the other hand when I calculate the delta v necessary for the maneuver it gives me
    \Delta {v_{i}}={2v\,\sin \left({\frac {\Delta {i}}{2}}\right)} = 10 930 m/s
    why are the results different?

    I don't know, I just translate.

  2. I'm bad with english too, dude. I suggest you to rephrase using google translator, which isn't perfect but better than nothing.
    if I understand correctly, you would like a "plant a flag on Mun" contract to appear in the mission control building.
    You do not need to have a kerbal on the Mun, as far as I know, that kind of contract appears when you complete an "orbit Mun" milestone/contract.
    Contracts appears almost randomly but you can use the "Alt+F12 cheat menu - contracts tools" and hit the "clear contract" button until you see the contract you like.

    I'm not sure about this, and soon someone will come to contradict me, anyway the order of contracts is:
    "do a flyby at", "reach the orbit of" then "land/walk/plant a flag on".

  3. 36 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

    The first question was about UNselecting a target.

    Edited 2 minutes ago by antipro - Posted 2 minutes ago
    you answered just few seconds after I added the "unset" word, so probably you did not see it, anyway set or unset involves the same procedure: a mouse double click.


    36 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

    You can UNselect any target by double clicking the vessel you currently control.

    ok, this is correct, but since the objects are close each other, there's no so much difference. is there?

  4. 7 hours ago, dawfedora said:

    1)  Is it possible to unset target without clicking on the orbital view of the object?

    yes, by just double click on the vessel you want to set/unset as a target in normal view, as long as it is within 100km.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/mf6yl2w3fzz4zvn/2021-09-16 07-30-56.mkv?dl=0


    7 hours ago, dawfedora said:

    2)  Is it possible to switch which icon is "on top" when several objects (e.g. a capsule, a Kerbal and a derelict capsule) are very close together?

    about to switch the "non-main" icon "on top", I'm not sure it is possible, anyway if they are of a different kind you can use the filter bar on top center,
    in order to remove those icons you don't need or they cause problems like one is above the other.
    in any way by fine move the mouse you should be able to select the vessel you want, even if they are very close.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/i05u6ntvgq7zr1u/2021-09-16 07-43-23.mkv?dl=0


    7 hours ago, dawfedora said:

    3)  Is it possible to "set target" without going into orbital view?

    yes, this is pretty like the question n°1.

  5. 16 hours ago, Kerbal Productions said:

    I sent 6 sentinels

    I've never sent any Sentinel and I see both Asteroids (close to kerbin and orbiting around dres, not near eeloo) and Comets.
    Comets trails are visible from long distance even with unknown objects upper bar filter disabled.
    In the image you posted there are some unknown object and asteroids too, what are they?

  6. I'm not sure what mushy exactly means, anyway all I can quote about

    14 hours ago, maddog59 said:

    Any suggestions on how to build a better rover? 


    On 12/25/2020 at 5:53 AM, bewing said:

    For your grip issue, the answer is the "Friction Control: Auto" in the wheel's menus. Click it to "Manual" and then turn it up a lot. You might think that's what you did with the "Traction Control" -- but traction control is something completely different (it has to do with brakes, not friction). Truly, you probably want to turn the Traction Control off (slide it down to zero).


  7. playing with APNG
    there are some graphical artifacts, I am still trying to find a better way to do it.
    I'm talking about the black pixels on the image corners and the fact I had to blur the images a bit,
    anyway the white blinking pixels close to the mountains on Kerbin surface appear only in the forum, not in the original file.
    So if you play the files externally, you don't see any white artifacts.

    If you know a way to use the magic wand tool and delete the selection, like you do in Paint.NET, but on multiple images at once,
    it would be very appreciated.


  8. 45 minutes ago, Stratagerm said:

    If I search on science I can see the version dated 7/26/2021, but it's apparently not marked as compatible with 1.12.2 so there's no checkbox to select it for install. Right-clicking its row shows Download Contents as the only active option; the other choices Reinstall and Purge Contents are grayed out.

    I see the version is compatible with "any".
    If you don' see the "install" checkbox, maybe check if the "Settings" - "Compatible Game versions" are correctly configured.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Mitchz95 said:

    All I see are "persistent" and "quicksave".

    I mean in the folder \Kerbal Space Program\saves\"CAREER NAME"\Backup
    The backup folder contains some backups named "persistent" and "quicksave" but also names you entered sometimes.
    Looking at their date creation or their name you should find the one before the glitch.

  10. Testing "Eve Lander", from KSL to a 120Km LKO, MJ Ascent Guidance parameters.
    Video 4x Speed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldeopcgszjk9y4i/eve lander from sea level to LKO 120km_edit 4x.mkv?dl=0

    This 50m tall, 1240 t "Launcher" can put the 306 t "Eve Lander" at a 120Km LKO , and still has enough fuel to deorbit burning into the Kerbin atmo. No orbiting garbage.
    Another ship called "Eve Transfer", once built, will dock the lander in LKO and will transfer it to the Eve atmo.
    And another already built vessel called "Eve Returner" will dock the lander in LEO and bring them back home.

    Launcher total mass             Payload mass

    Suggestions for reducing the total mass are welcome.






  11. 52 minutes ago, zer0Kerbal said:

    Editor Extensions Redux (EER)

    ah, sorry, I thought EER was an acronym for something, I didn't think it was a mod.

    edit: anyway I was wrong, I just realized that the spacebar only reset orientation but it does not center the pod.
    So I split the vessel in two part, then I used the stock "Subassembly Drop Zone" to center the pod relatively to the VAB.

  12. 24 minutes ago, OHara said:

    there is a note in the changelog for 1.11.0: * The LFB KR-1x2 Twin-Boar Liquid Fuel Engine now has the correct diameter.

    which probably broke the flag.  So to restore the flag find the original twin-boar under Manufacturers : Kerbodyne

    ah, ok. you're right, now I see the flag.
    anyway, understood the above, I'll continue to use the corrected diameter new part.
    Thanks a lot.


  13. On 10/17/2019 at 2:33 AM, zer0Kerbal said:

    I thought that with the entire ship selected, pressing 'spacebar' not only reset orientation, but centers it as well.

    EER also has the 'b' hotkey - which puts the bottom of the vessel at 5m above CL (concrete level).

    excuse me if I revive this thread, I have a question.
    thx for this tip about "spacebar" key that reset orientation and centers the vessel in the VAB.
    anyway, at today the "b" key doesn't do anything at all, is there a new key that "puts the bottom of the vessel at 5m above CL"?

  14. 9 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

    I need some speakers playing Ride of the Valkyries

    about this Apocalypse Now quote (best war movie ever made), when that scene comes to mind, I don't feel anything cool.
    I only remember a mentally unstable lieutenant colonel, a supercilious, bloodthirsty, sadistic and amoral warmonger,
    contemptuous of danger, surf maniac, trees hater, lover of napalm's smell in the morning.

  15. I don't know why you've no control, all I can say is that, in a recent mission, I had an incomprehensible relay-vessel link behavior, as if the relay didn't work at all.
    This would not have compromised the mission, but I could not continue playing knowing that there was something that was not working properly.
    So I reloaded the save and/or restarted the game until the relay-vessel link started working again.

  16. is the harsh truth, but what I don't understand is: when they corrected Tylo's biomes, why they stopped and didn't fixed Eve too?

    wikipedia says:
    "Eve has 14 accesible Biomes with their own science to be collected, as well as one inaccesible Biome."
    Craters (Inaccesible)

    This is only partially correct cause yes those Craters are recognized as Impact Ejecta
    but also the Akatsuki Lake is inaccessible and recognized as Foothills.
    And even if wikipedia continue talking about the "Akatsuki Lake" is reachable, it is only cause you can land there somewhere in few small points,
    but those scattered "lake pixels" aren't big enough to get the relative space science and anyway they are just errors due to an "oversight".

    So there are the same 2 broken biomes since years, despite multiple reports and now that the game will no longer receive fixes,
    I can only disappointingly say: I hoped that in all this time they had found the time to correct them but I hoped in vain. I have to resign myself.

    Maybe a "hey, what about fixing eve biomes?" crowdfunding campaign could incentivize them to give at least an answer?


  17. Eeloo Lander Cursed Mission

    When I saw the comet, an omen of doom and imminent misfortunes, I should have immediately abort the mission, but no..
    ..I continued regardless of the warning and paid dearly: continuous game crashes, while trying to leave the Eeloo's surface
    made me close to act like this:


    ..anyway at the end, somehow, I completed the mission.

    Valentina on Eeloo Surface



    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ox3c8bqgp2q506/Cursed Eeloo Lander Mission.mkv?dl=0



    Orthogonal Projections






    Mission Summary


    Fuel left: Oxi: 0.09 - LF: 0.07
    Time Spent: 8 years 14 days - Kerbin Launch at y180 d78
    Eeloo Lander: stayed on the surface the time to place the Flag and the Small Lamps.
    Touch, Flag and Go.

    Stages and Science


    Parts: 101
    Mass: 440t
    Total dV in Vacuum: 9770


    Obtained all the possible Eeloo space science and all the science from the "Craters" biome.
    10 +29 +19 = 58 Science Experiments brought home in two missions:
    This one and the previous "Flyby - Relay Release".



    Almost none Monopropellant used.
    MJ adv transfer for both the round trip maneuvers.
    From an Eeloo polar orbit, landed on a precise,
    decided in advance eq. site,
    with only a few meters of difference. Inclination 0.5°.
    All maneuvers made by MJ, launches apart made by GT.



    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ox3c8bqgp2q506/Cursed Eeloo Lander Mission.mkv?dl=0




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