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Posts posted by antipro

  1. 12 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    You can close the stat window, not at my computer, but I’ve done it many times.

    I don't understand what it means, anyway I realized how to close that window:
    There are 3 window that can be opened by pressing their buttons: Setup, Launch Map and Stats.
    Setup and Launch Map can be closed by pressing the upright X button or their relative GT Main Window Buttons.
    While the Stats window can be closed by pressing its relative GT Main Window Button only.
    Just that. Not a big problem.


    12 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    GT is not available in the editor, not going to make that change.

    If there are no ways to delete all the files ok, not a big problem.

  2. On 6/19/2021 at 11:26 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

    You need to reduce it enough that it takes minutes rather than seconds to get to orbit

    I've reduced it to the min without success.
    anyway I realized what was the problem:
    I didn't notice that MJ Smart ASS was active in SURF-SURF mode.
    As soon as I disabled it, GT worked good.

    ps: if you have time to look into that stat winodw issue anyway.. thanks.

  3. I've already unsuccessfully tried to reduce the poodle thrust to 20%.
    I'm gonna try to reduce it more.

    edit: testing..
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/20eod66lut4sxbg/gt wrong behavior 2.mkv?dl=0

    I've reduced the "Start m/s" Value to 2 so t be sure it reaches that speed before it reaches the time to Ap value.
    I've reduce the engine thrust to 10% and less.
    but I can't still make it turn.

    I'm also noticing that once I open the Statistic window, the aforesaid window can't be no longer closed.
    jeez.. I have to reinstall GT.

    @linuxgurugamer  ok no, I don't have to reinstall.
    I've just manually deleted all the gt files relative to that vessel.
    for now I do not touch that window anymore..
    I don' know if you can close the stat window once you open it anyway, imho
    that clear button should be available to press in KCS or VAB too, in this way it can completely
    rid off all the files,
    including those relative to the vessel in use.

  4. GT's wrong behavior:

    I'm stuck here on Bop's surface cause GT no longer turn, but it only accelerates vertically until it reaches the destination Ap
    and then it continue with that hi inefficient maneuver.

    1 min length video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l0u86l8t9293q2k/gt wrong behavior.mkv?dl=0

    I don't know.. maybe I'm forgetting something or doing something wrong.
    if useful, let me know if you need some specific file.

  5. 7 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Fixed creating extra PluginData directories under the Plugin directory

    for me it was useful to have that extra directory, that I could delete when I want to delete all the old unwanted cfg or png files that GT creates for each vessel.
    now I have to be careful to don't touch the Texture directory and keybind.cfg.
    better, it would be nice if there was a default button that deletes all the files.

  6. 1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Ok, please take the rocket which worked, and replace the Rockomax+X200 with the C7, and test again.  This will help show if it was something in the craft file or something else.

    done: it does not separate.


    1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Would have been nice if had tried, which was posted in the message right above.

    searched for "keynotfound" in ksp.log and found the strings.
    tried with bop flyby.craft = it now separates. it works.
    can you put on CKAN?


    1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Also, this may be picky, but "v1815", "v1812" was very confusing

    got it.


    1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    I got some time to test this in a stock 1.11.2 game, initially with the default settings:

    2 hours ago, antipro said:

    Worked, got out of the atmosphere on first stage.  GT stops working when out of the atmo AND desired AP is reached (not at the AP, but when the AP is what is set)

    I then tested using your settings:

    • Start m/s: 40
    • Turn Angle: 24
    • Destination Height: 120

    Besides the fact that this was much less efficient, it worked.

    assuming you used the version with default settings, that are:
    Start m/s: 100
    Turn angle: 10

    Destination Height: 80

    yes, I got out of the atmosphere and reached Ap on first stage too, so it isn't possible to determine if the separation works or not.

    I can't understand why you say that my settings are much less efficient.
    using 40/24/120, I have +347m/s dV at destination than when using 100/10/120 and
    +268m/s dV than when using 100/10/80.

    anyway, as already said, the first stage now separates with version, that rocket now works.
    this is the important thing.


    1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    I then tested the 2xF3S0 v4 craft.  Worked with default settings, tried your settings, also worked, again, a much shallower launch, but that's not what's at issue here

    yes, with, no longer main engine "hops", it works here too.
    but again can't understand why does a shallower trajectory have to be an issue.

  7. by replacing the C7 Brand Adapter with a Rockomax Brand Adapter and an X-200 Fuel Tank, the separation works.
    even adding the F3SOs no longer cause the "hops" problem.

    v1815 - C7  + Rockomax Brand Adapter + X200-8


    1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    Craft file, please, for each rocket

    C7 = not working: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tcrlrwve16mq187/bop flyby.craft?dl=0
    Rockomax + X200-8 = working: https://www.dropbox.com/s/082tq595cek32r9/bop flyby v2.craft?dl=0
    bop flyby v2 + 2x F3S0 = it works: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mp9lftok4gxh922/bop flyby v3.craft?dl=0
    bop flyby + 2x F3S0 = it does not work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jm13x9pmier1ut2/bop flyby v4.craft?dl=0

  8. 7 hours ago, tg626 said:

    Anyone else experience this?

    it appears you are experiencing GT's behavior as I have described and shown in multiple videos of eleven different vessels, three days ago, four posts above your first.
    (in this case the count of users who reported the problem rises to 4.)
    so, yes I'm experiencing it too. Have you tried to modify the vessel slightly, like removing, adding or moving small parts, for example the batteries?
    or revert to GT v1.8.1.2?

  9. 13 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    to the point that I don’t necessarily remember problems from 6 months ago, nor do I have  time to always go back through a thread history to refresh my memory.

    of course, I have never doubted it, and it is in fact for this reason that I think you can find useful,
    my summary on this issue
    and other information about it,
    as well as the fact that to date another user has encountered the same problem, for a total of 3 users.

  10. 15 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

    If these are stock vessel, how about getting me a craft file to test?

    just to point out,

    on November 27, 2020:
    I've sent you a video explaining the problem.
    Then you said: "please get me a copy of the craft file for that vessel, so I can test."
    I gave ya 13 vessels, you did test the five with which I had "hopping" experience, but found nothing.

    The same day I said:
    "1 - I load the vessel "gilly flyby", launch it and it fails.
      2 - I revert to vehicle assembly, removing the upper parts, Z-200 battery and FL-R10 RCS fuel tank.
      3 - Launch it again successfully.
    It's weird, isn't it?

    your answer was: "Something is wrong with the install.  Make a new install with just GT  and its dependencies".

    on November 29, 2020:
    I specified that:
    all my 13 crafts have a problem involving autostage that doesn't work.
    After reverting to v1812: no more engines and autostage issues.".

    on January 21:
    another user said: "
    the rocket sits on the pad going to full speed, throttling down to 0, back to full... and so on."

    January 22, January 23:
    Little discussion about the version number format.

    on January 24:
    You say: "First, zip up the entire save folder and get it to me, and then zip up your whole GameData directory (without the Squad folders).
     Something is happening, and I cannot replicate what's going on.  Send me the links via PM please."

    The same day I've sent ya both "saves" and "gamedata" folder via pm.
    your answer was: "
    Thank you.  Will let you know what I find, may take a day or so, you got this faster than I expected.".

    on April 7:
    I've asked for a, imho, fundamental feature.
    no answer: totally ignored.
    But this is another story that has nothing to do with "autostage" and "hopping at lauchpad" issues.

    since then, January 24, I have never read anything else about the problem, until yesterday:
    on May 21:
    another user say: "my rocket just "hops" on the launchpad, and never gets off the ground..."

    so today you ask for vessels again,
    and I'm going again to send ya both "saves" and  "gamedata" folders, via pm.
    you have pm.


    Testing GT v1815 with all my rockets:

    Test 1: my last vessel, "tylo lander" launch with last GT v1815 = no more thrust at stage 11 = launch fails.

    Test 2: vessel "laythe probes launcher" = "hopping" at launch = launch fails.
    3x videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0mvn5ejnprkyf3b/AADES6otlA0Fj_TlOIgwMJ8va?dl=0

    Test 3: vessel "laythe orbit" = "hopping" at launch = launch fails.
    2x videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jppqa8335hf9fsm/AAAzx2NiXI7jFtO-H9Lkt9BIa?dl=0

    Test 4: vessel "jool int relays launcher" = no thrust on LF engine and no "hopping", probably cause it never touch the ground + no turn control = launch fails.
    2x videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wclqt0vefwj4al4/AAA8SFWu0joC0ktf6cYlGVyFa?dl=0

    Test 5: vessel "jool ext relays launcher" = "hopping" at launch + fairing opened too early = launch fails.
    2x videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1dl2r177m6xs2ei/AAA5w4rGoD3uA5cLtgqvvGNfa?dl=0

    Test 6: vessel "ike orbiter" = "hopping" at launch = launch fails.
    2x videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nypb835d21g0ouk/AACk9b-SHnyIxGfKo1Lj7Wmsa?dl=0

    Test 7: vessel "ike lander" = "hopping" at launch = launch fails.
    2x videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/orp4c0nh97id3x1/AADXELNon-2X3UaWBgw-j0WLa?dl=0

    Test 8: vessel "gilly orbiter" = "hopping" at launch = launch fails.
    2x videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vo8p0rlplki3l32/AAC5gupnEAkDgn27sA9GlUxXa?dl=0

    Test 9: vessel "gilly lander" = "hopping" at launch = launch fails.
    1x video: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2osxjz1t2wfc52q/AAC66aOZxtG0NA-wHelC8dSRa?dl=0

    Test 10: vessel "eve orbiter" = "hopping" at launch = launch fails.
    1x video: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sy8w04nzd0xgs3f/AAC9DBstvuz7ikFcz8e1eGK4a?dl=0

    Test 11: vessel "duna lander" = "hopping" at launch = launch fails.
    1x video: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6djwvbpv74g9hfm/AAAwhxpYWKJeyec3giD54TWma?dl=0

    Test 12: vessel "dres lander" = "hopping" at launch = launch fails.
    1x video: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rhxqa6cjfvm24ng/AACosF5R82YpNsvZr4LG_jJ8a?dl=0

    Said this,
    1 - all these vessels above, I've tested and they failed with GT v1815, they have already been launched successfully with GT v1812.
    2 - except Test 1: "tylo lander" and Test 3: "laythe orbit", all the others vessels that have failed, have two or more SRB involved in the assembly.
    3 -
    the totality of the vessels that
    I've sent you before via pm, which are not present in the tests above, can launch fine with GT v1815, and some have SRB too.


    VAB small changes that turn launches working:

    Test 4: vessel "jool int relays launcher"
    removed Z-4K Battery + added 2x Z-400 Batteries + moved antennae = successfully launched.

    Test 5: vessel "jool ext relays launcher"
    same as above: removed Z-4K Battery + added 2x Z-400 Batteries + moved antennae = successfully launched.

    Test 6: vessel "ike orbiter"
    same as above: removed Z-4K Battery + added 2x Z-400 Batteries = successfully launched.


    Test 7: vessel "ike lander"
    same as above: removed Z-4K Battery + added 4x Z-100 Batteries = successfully launched.

    Test 11: vessel "duna lander"
    same as above: removed Z-4K Battery + added 2x Z-400 Batteries + moved parachutes and antenna = successfully launched.

    Test 12: vessel "dres lander"
    same as above: removed Z-4K Battery + added 2x Z-400 Batteries + moved antenna = successfully launched.

    The other vessels have not yet been able to modify them to work.

  11. Start Burn In: fails.

    I have a vessel in Tylo SoI, going to the circularization node.
    I execute the node but MJ starts burn 20s late.
    Results in an obvious eccentric orbit.

    Modify the percentage buttons,
    or whatever it is called, modify the start time,
    it does not matter, form 0% to 100%, the result orbit is always the same,
    presuming the vessel direction changes too,
    in order to compensate.


    So why MJ starts burn so late, forcing me to start the burn manually?
    Can I do something so that MJ starts the burn at the exact time?

    ok nevermind: I'll manually burn.

  12. 4 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    depends on what you're aiming at, really.

    I'm aiming at take off from Laythe Sea Level to a LLO at 120Km with those parts as payload.

    4 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    my ssto laythe orbiter was around 13 tons, but it only had 1 passenger.

    interesting, it would be more if I could see it.
    The contract is to plant a flag, RV and dock.

    I'm not very inclined at the moment on placing a plane on top of a rocket, do an Apollo style mission
    and then go back to Kerbin with a
    cockpit instead of a Pod.
    but you never know, maybe inspiration comes to me.

    I would also be quite inclined to bring 3 Kerbals.
    I thought about going down to Laythe with the MK2 Lander Can, which weighs 1.1t less, leaving a Kerbal in orbit
    but this involves redesigning the rocket in a fairly complicated way.
    and by eye without being sure that the third stage would be lighter.


    4 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    there's people doing it with much less with a last stage consisting of a baguette tank, an external seat, and a single ant engine.

    Seriously, would you go into orbit, sitting on a seat?


    4 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    i have to say, if you are looking for efficient, then those solid fuel boosters are not. solid fuel boosters are cost-efficient, but they are not weight efficient, and carring them all the way to laythe is not the best strategy.

    of course I'm looking for efficiency that it usually coincides with lightness, which is what I'm really aiming for.
    well, that the SRBs are not very efficient is well known, but I had to put them on, in order to increase the initial TWR and get oxygen for the jet engines as quickly as possible.

    these SRB, complete with cone, separator and shield, have the 10% of the mass of the launcher and obviously I don't want to carry them, but I have to.
    I'm looking for a lighter design,
    do you have one without SRB?



    4 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

    ... because then nothing has to lift them

    I do not know what it means

  13. GT
    Issue: apparently random small vertical axis rotation at launch.

    The following video shows 4 identical launches, 2 of these have the problem:
    a small rotation of a few degrees on the vertical axis which is immediately corrected.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/m1f0ss6o6jm6k2q/gt small rotation at launch.mkv?dl=0

    I have also experienced this problem on other rockets and I can't figure out what the cause could be,
    have any of you ever noticed it?

  14. I already remembered that old thread I started on reentry blackout, but when they started talking about the real life STS relays system,
    I thought they were referring to real life only, I never thought it was implemented in the game.
    As today for me were valid the following quotes:


    On 7/2/2017 at 1:39 PM, Tex_NL said:

    As far as I know the re-entry interference is not modelled in detail in KSP. It's either on or off. Moving your antenna to a different section of your craft will not make a difference.


    On 7/2/2017 at 8:16 PM, Vanamonde said:

    antenna position is irrelevant.

    and they never say nothing about relays position relatively to the retrograde direction in the game.

    So now you are saying that if I have a relay within 30° of my retrograde direction the plasma blackout has no effect, exactly like they said about STS, right?
    if so, then this could explain several things, especially the strange behavior on laythe test.

    anyway excuse me I really can't get it. can you tell me how did you calculate those angles? 30° and 60°..
    and btw you said the blackout starts from 30° to 60°, after 60°
    what happens, how does it behave?

    I opened
    Physics.cfg and found the line you mentioned but I can't understand almost nothing.

    // commNetDotForBlackoutMin = -0.86599999999999999 // Minimum dot between velocity and link direction for comms to start blacking out from plasma (if that option is enabled)
    // commNetDotForBlackoutMax = -0.5 // Dot between velocity and link direction for full blackout multiplier

    This is the angle just before entering the jool atmo, and eyeballing, it could be less than 30°, and certainly decreases, as I brake.


  15. I've an unmanned lander, connected via relay with 2 Communotron 16-S antennae, aerobraking into the jool atmosphere.
    The plasma blackout doesn't work, the lander has always the maximum signal strength. No situational modifier.
    Can't figure out why. any help?


    The same lander in the kerbin atmosphere: plasma blackout works, the lander loses its signal strength.


    Laythe atmosphere: situational modifier partially works, cause the lander once it loses the signal, no longer connect through the closest relay, then the situational modifier stops working.


    Duna atmo: plasma blackout works, the lander loses its signal strength.



  16. 4 hours ago, OHara said:

    It still seems strange that the exposed skin on those tanks survived better than the exposed skin on the fairing.  To figure out why, I think you would have to look at the debug numbers.

    I've added a battery so now those tanks protrudes even more. and still they don't explode.


    then I did the thermal debug thing but I still can't figure out why the shell explodes, I only see its "Exposed skin" value grows up very fast till it reaches its limit,
    according to the KER "Critical Skin Temperature" value.

    but maybe you can:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/bk17do9f74l5ix0/heat debug.mkv?dl=0

  17. 2 hours ago, FruitGoose said:

    Ahh are you talking about ablation rate? So a heat shield ‘suffers’ more in the heat than a gas tank which seems weird?

    no and no.
    I only showed how another part does not explode if is covered for half or 3/4, after you said:

    22 hours ago, FruitGoose said:

    it can't protect what it cannot cover.

    pointing out the fact that the shell protrudes much less.
    and since this exact same problem had arisen in the past with the known terrier engine bug,
    I just wanted to know if it's the same type of bug.

  18. evidently I have not explained myself well. I try to turn the question in another direction.
    I attached 2 tanks(max temp 2000k) radially on the lander, so that they protrude for a quarter of their length outside the shield protection.
    they stick out more than the 2.5m shell.
    result = lander survives, the tanks
    just warm up a little.

    So why the 2.5m shell
    (max temp 2600k), which stick out few cm only, evaporates so soon that seems it has no protection at all?
    does not matter if it has a service bay in front or it is inside the service bay, it always explodes.




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