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Posts posted by antipro

  1. 56 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

    I feel guilty if I don't let my crews land on something. 

    I can understand your feeling, it's right, doesn't have any sense to send kerbals lost in space for years to another planet and do not land.
    But I'm following a career game plan that provides to play only Kerbin World-First Record Keeping Society contracts, (except RV and Dock vessels)
    and get all the available science, of course where is possible, for example is not possible to collect all the science with 1 launch if a planet has an atmosphere
    or also you can't, even in space, on eve cause of that missing biomes aged bug.

    usually there are 3 world-first contract types:
    - flyby
    - orbit
    - land

    I do flybys with probes, but when I have to orbit I usually go into a polar orbit close to the hi-low space border, in order to collect the science left,
    and this includes EVAs and Crew Reports.

    The next contract should be like "land on ike, plant a flag or walk on surface, return".
    So I take the Ike orbiter vessel, changing its name to "Ike Lander", I'll do some modifies, add some fuel, legs and stairs and I will go landing there.



    What I can't understand is why x-science tell me I've done 218 experiments only, while ksp says 493.


  2. 26 minutes ago, OrganicRobotics said:

    Does this work in KSP too?

    of course it does, use decouplers. always decouple empty stuffs.



    Is it better to stage shorter solid boosters like the flea or the hammer, or have longer solid boosters like the kickback.

    there's not a fixed rule about that, it depends on how you've built your rocket.
    usually hammers are a good compromise if you just need to orbit kerbin.
    booster are cheap but have low Isp
    anyway if your rocket has too much low TWR you can add a pair of boosters.
    can you provide a pic?

  3. 1 hour ago, maddog59 said:

    I did it anyways, just for fun ... and got a message along the lines of, "77 files failed and will be reacquired."  When I clicked "OK" I didn't see anything happen. Should I be worried?

    I just did it too and this is what I got:

    1st time: 2 files have not been validated and they will be re-downloaded.
    2nd time: all files have been validated.


    I don't know where to see a log of these apparently corrupted replaced files and if we have to worry about it,
    but I think it's all ok once you get the "all files have been validated" message.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Jebediah2004 said:

    causing a £30000000000000000  wheel to set off 2 km off the surface of Kerbal

    I don't know what this means, anyway imho you should have to enable the "Advanced Tweakables" option of the main menu settings and then in the VAB
    right click on some upper payload part/s in order to autostrut it/them to the "Root part" or "Haviest part". This is the way I solidify the payload or any other jelling parts.


  5. @anothernormalplayer

    51 minutes ago, anothernormalplayer said:

    I've never checked my fps on KSP, neither i know a way how to

    the Steam fps counter has never worked for me, so I use Fraps.
    another in-game but inaccurate way is to look at the mission time colors on top left:

    If it is green it is running at 25+FPS
    Yellow 10-24FPS
    Red 10 or less FPS.


    51 minutes ago, anothernormalplayer said:

    but i would say it drops to 15 fps or less. Does somebody has a solution or anything that i have to set off on settings to fix this?

    looking in space 51fps


    looking at kerbin surface 19fps


    warping in atmo with a simple ship 10fps.


    many situations are even worst.
    I don't know your pc specs.
    my APU is an amd 3500u with vega 8, not properly a fast pc.
    my settings are the following... if it can help.


  6. 1 hour ago, strider3 said:

    I'd appreciate any comments on how to handle the heat.

    for the few experience I have with airplane re-entry, I suppose is better to use high heat resistant surfaces in the bottom,
    and entry with an angle of attack of 15° or more, like the space shuttle did.

    ffe5c94024131fbdcb17d88d84199d6d.jpg  shuttle.jpg


    Also you can take advantage from the:


  7. 7 minutes ago, strider3 said:

    I would have 3 keys, one each to "toggle" each engine group (Twitches - 1, Wheesley - 2 and Terriers - 3). To swap from Twitches to Wheesley I would hit key "1" then "2".

    correct, or also you can bind the "toggle" action for both Twitches and Wheesley with the same key.
    so, with one key pression you turn on one engines set and turn off the other set.

  8. 1 hour ago, UmbralRaptor said:

    Added the lat/long numbers

    well done, could you also add a column for Decimal Degrees (DD) format, since the ksp "Set Position Tool" doesn't accept the Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) format?

    Coordinates [Decimal Degrees (DD)]:

    Baikerbanour: 20.679167 / -146.501111
    Crater Rim: 9.45 / -172.110278
    Nye Island: 5.363611 / 108.548056
    Harvester Massif: -11.95 / 33.740278
    North Station: 63.095 / -90.079722
    Mesa South: -59.589722 / -25.861667

  9. 21 minutes ago, Clamp-o-Tron said:

    I don't know what a size 8 fairing would be

    it seems size 8 is 10m diameter

    Size Scale Diameter Real-life Bulkhead Node Size
      0.1 0.125 0.2   0
    Size 00 0.25 0.3125 0.5 size00 0
    Size 0 0.5 0.625 1 size0 0
    Size 0.5 0.75 0.9375 1.5 size0p5 0
    Size 1 1 1.25 2 size1 1
    Size 1.2 1.2 1.5 2.4 size1p2 1
    Size 1.5 1.5 1.875 3 size1p5 2
    Size 2 2 2.5 4 size2 2
    Size 2.5 2.5 3.125 5 size2p5 3
    Size 3 3 3.75 6 size3 3
    Size 3.5 3 3.75 6 size3p5 4
    Size 4 4 5 8 size4 4
    Size 4.5 4.5 5.625 9 size4p5 5
    Size 5 5 6.25 10 size5 5
    Size 6 6 7.5 12 size6 6
    Size 7 7 8.75 14 size7 7
    Size 8 8 10 16 size8 8
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