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Posts posted by antipro

  1. 1 hour ago, Nuke said:

    theres is a secret fishing mini game in the game.

    there's not any fishing mini game, it's a 1st april joke.


    On 12/26/2020 at 2:03 PM, jimmymcgoochie said:

    The water is fake, if you try to swim you just fall to the bottom of the pool and then you can’t get out again because the sides are too steep to walk or drive on,

    however irrelevant it is, you can climb it with F key if you're dressing the helmet, or just remove the helmet and normally walk outside the fake pool.

  2. 8 hours ago, Snark said:

    This is deliberate, designed behavior in order to achieve correct steering.  It was introduced in KSP 1.1.  From the release notes for 1.1:

    ah! this explains why I remember never seeing it in ksp before.
    and anyway even in real life, I have never heard of it, the wiki page is not even translated into my language.
    I always thought the steering angle issue was handled by the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_(mechanical_device) only.
    however, even though I have already heard of the Differential and even Ackermann now, both the concepts are out of reach for my mind.

    Both involve complicated geometric and mathematical concepts.
    consideration: I trust it and it certainly works but seeing that high difference in angle between the inner and outer wheel, it seems exaggerated.

  3. It's long time I don't build a rover, so I could be confused about this but,
    as the title says,
    rover's left and right wheels turn in a different way.
    different way how? if I turn left, the left wheel seems to turn more angled than the right one,
    viceversa If when I turn right the behavior is symmetrical from the opposite side, in short the right wheel turns more.
    this is an assembled on EVA rover but the same rover built in the VAB
    behaves the same way.
    I could be wrong but I remember both L/R wheels turned with the same angle.

    So, idk, it's an optic effect that I can't figure out or a normal behavior?

    another question,
    since now I'm here talking about driving this rover on ike,
    the rover drives very well in kerbin gravity but on Ike is almost uncontrollable,
    it's like it slides on ice. I would think the low rover mass together with low surface gravity make the rover uncontrollable,
    I've tried it on the Mun too, that is just a bit more massive than ike, and the rover is still uncontrollable.

    So, any tips to have more surface grip on these low gravity moons?

    Wheels on ike:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2kminhwu09sosp/wheels on ike.mkv?dl=0

    Rover manoeuvrability on ike and mun:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/fanyjxx8etcq6x5/rover on ike.mkv?dl=0
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/7vfs102cxfcicym/rover on moon.mkv?dl=0

  4. On 12/24/2020 at 1:16 AM, Paaaad said:

    As far as I know, you have to be EVA on a surface to use that, so it's the records window that's in the wrong.

    Partially wrong. The EVA Science Experiment can be done on the surface as well as in both high and low space.
    So, again, it's the "Here and Now" window, that is missing it to show.
    On surface I've seen Jeb playing golf and in space he throws rotating a quite huge mechanical nut type wing.



    On 12/24/2020 at 2:17 AM, alartor said:

    It would be quite convenient if "[x] Science! Continued" could be updated to show this on the "Here and Now" window

    Correct thx, is just what I asked for, 2 posts before.


    On 12/24/2020 at 2:17 AM, alartor said:

    though I'm not sure if it is related to the need of already being on EVA to detect if it is available. Then again, EVA Report doesn't need you to be already on EVA, so maybe that could be worked out...

    Why it should be related to the need of being on EVA, it has no-sense... indeed, if EVA Reports do not need you are in EVA, this should be valid for the EVA Sci Exp too.

  5. 1 hour ago, Michel-Ange said:

    i also have windows 32 bit so i dont know i f the os have an impact for ksp

    32 bit operating systems can use only 4GB of RAM, maybe this could have an impact.

    anyway, according to the Steam stats updated at November 2020:
    the users with a 32 bit OS are the 0.22% + 0.13% = 0.35%
    imho it's time to change os.

    sry but I don't know how to help you about the game crash at start.
    try the steam files verification. idk

  6. 53 minutes ago, larsonco said:

    My engineer only has two stars but I have a mission to repair a lander on The Mun.  How high will I have to level them before they can add the missing parts to the lander?

    which part do you have to repair? I can't understand if you have to repair or add.
    if you have to repair something, according to the wiki, level matters:


    33 minutes ago, Stamp20 said:

    Engineers should be able to build at any level



    25 minutes ago, larsonco said:

    does anyone know the rules for weight limit for construction with respect to gravity?

    are you referring to this message?
    "[Part] exceeds the weight that a kerbal can construct with in this gravity"

    I don't know it, I would like to know me too.


  7. 1 hour ago, king of nowhere said:

    anyway, you should try to go slow. if you are moving fast, your vessels will bump into each other and then separate. if you are slow, they can stick together

    correct, indeed I never needed to increase magnets force, they have enough attractive force by default.

    anyway to dock 2 ships:
    Rendezvous them, when they are few meters close:
    - set both docking ports as a target
    - set both docking ports as "control from here"
    - auto-aim both the ports to each other, so they continue to align their-self.
    - when they are still, use RCS to gently approach one probe to the other.
    - at about 2m distance, the magnets do the job.

    Example docking: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ww5fo2orfj18m9/docking.mkv?dl=0

  8. First of all thanks you both and I would like to specify that I could not collect anything from the slots because I didn't noticed that,
    as also seen from last ss, by default I was in "Tool: Rotate" and not "Tool: Place" mode.


    23 hours ago, bewing said:

    You need to have a "vessel" to start with. You can't build a vessel starting from nothing. You need to have one part laying on the ground before you can start adding to it. Which means you need to decouple it from your craft, using staging (not construction mode).

    Not to contradict or start a discussion but I actually can build a rover from nothing, starting from "Probodobodyne RoverMate":
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qfukkgmqjm3n9ou/building rover from nothing.mkv?dl=0

    So yes "You need to have one part laying on the ground before you can start adding to it."
    But apparently not "
    Which means you need to decouple it from your craft, using staging (not construction mode)."
    Anyway, as soon as I place it, the RoverMate is moving and falls so I have to attach wheels fastly and I can't attach the battery vertically
    on the first try,
    I don't like this way very much.


    23 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    Well... technically you don't need to have anything to stage off of your craft. You could start entirely from storage... but your existing craft will still need to play a role.

    • Weld a junior docking port to the side of your rocket
    • Add a second junior port to it in docked configuration
    • Build the rover on that second port
    • Undock the finished rover
    • Remove the docking ports from the rover and the rocket and put them back into storage

    "Weld a junior docking port to the side of your rocket" = ok.
    Add a second junior port to it in docked configuration" = ok.
    Build the rover on that second port" = this isn't clear, I can attach the RoverMate to a jr. docking port laying on the ground,
    but then I can't move or rotate it anymore. I can't attach anything to an existing or welded jr. docking port or to any else parts.
    whatever part I weld on the main vessel side, it loses its attaching nodes.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/nf0f9g177b2o5ht/jr docking ports try_edit.mkv?dl=0


    23 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    So your plan will work as long as you add the two junior ports required to your cargo unit.

    How? I can't figure out how to "Build the rover on that second port"..


    23 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    Your Kerbal can hang on a ladder while doing this, IIRC, so that may help.

    Not he can, he have to hang on a ladder, in this way the parts have their attaching nodes,
    So, instead of using jr. docking ports, I can weld a beam, a micronode and a decoupler, I can build a rover somehow,
    decouple it landing on its wheels and remove all the stuffs attached on the main vessel.
    So thanks, it helped. I still have to
    refine the procedure but it works and I like this way.
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/6j5xxehry4xp05n/on stairs it works_edit.mkv?dl=0

    23 hours ago, Streetwind said:

    work lamps are deployable parts (like the Breaking Ground science experiments). You need to put them in your Kerbal's inventory

    your're right, it works, thanks!

  9. 18 minutes ago, jimmymcgoochie said:

    Check the setting for ‘pixel light count’, if that’s too low then the game won’t calculate the light sources properly and you’ll get weird lighting effects.

    I had it set to 8, as soon as I changed it to 16 the issue has been solved. Also the overall illumination on the ground around the ship has improved.

  10. Hi, I was building a ship for a new contract that asks to land on Ike and I decided that I would like to use the new 1.11 "EVA Construction Mode"
    building a rover after landed there.

    So I first assembled a rover:



    Then I packed it into a SEQ-24 Cargo Storage Unit:


    Successively I've added the Cargo Storage Unit to the ship:


    At the end I went on Ike surface, I put Bill outside and I pressed the EVA Construction Mode button.
    I can't assembly nothing, I can't take any parts from the slots,
    if I move away too much from the CSU or other storage parts, in short if I stay on the ground, they disappear from the left panel.

    what I have to do at this point in order to pick up and put some Work Lamps on the ground and assembly the rover?
    Do I have to stay on the surface?



  11. hi, this post is just to report a "bug" I have encountered with lights and the service bay.
    as you can see in the following video
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/fga71rl9diwv7ni/lights and service bay.mkv?dl=0

    I have 3 sets of lights attached on the ship, each set has a different light part (Navigation Light MK1, Domelight MK1 and Spotlight MK1).
    When more than 2 sets are ON, the service bay "side portions" light up differently, strangely.
    But as soon as I turn OFF one of these 3 sets,
    doesn't matter which one,
    the service bay is no longer oddly illuminated.

    I'll try some other tests.

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