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Everything posted by overkill13

  1. It's a points system. So for that you would get the three man mission points but not the two man lander points.
  2. Quite a bit easier, but more importantly infinitely less hair pulling. Here's some better lit pics in the hangar.
  3. LM design was an issue and went through three iterations. I wasn't willing to do a major redesign to fit a rover that could deploy experiments so I lost a few points there. Checked every other box. Desirable ones anyway. Mods Used: KAC, KER, DPAI, Trajectories, Precise Node All stock parts Score: 208
  4. My ship was supposed to be pointing prograde, the first image indicated I should crash beyond KSC in the ocean. From there I vary my AoA to ensure I slow down enough not to burn up and at the same time drag the marker back towards KSC. As soon as I time warped to a node just before reentry, the trajectory glitched and indicated I would skip through atmo again. Technically that was correct, it glitched when entry was originally set as I was never going to reenter with that orbit profile.
  5. Back again for the Mun STS mission. Mods used: KAC, KER, Trajectories, Precise Node Shuttle and payload: All Stock
  6. Is transition to forward flight permitted? The term VTOL does not, itself, prevent this.
  7. I don't really know, I just flew it. Well, I hardly flew it, the autopilot did, including the glide. Consumption is around 0.011 with the Juno. Here's a couple quick tests I did flying west to the coast, turning around and doing my best to emulate the fuel over KSC again (with Hyperedit). There are no parts on the plane clipped inside. 2 fuel tanks, 1 intake, 1 Juno, 1 pod, 1 1.25-0.6 adapter, 2 small wing, 2 small control surfaces, 1 radial parachute. Small wings are angled 5 degrees up for better AoA at cruising speed. Fuel burns out of the front first. Launch gets squirrely around 45m/s. Abort button decouples the craft and applies the brakes on the cart. Climb at 10-20m/s until speed is 350ish then climb at 40 until speed is 450, then climb as fast as you want to about 9400m maintaining 500+m/s groundspeed. Climb slowly into the 10km range. hold 10700ish until out of fuel. Glide at 5-7 degrees down angle. It'll glide nearly the entire width of that peninsula on it's own. If you get instability in flight, turn off the yaw control on the control surfaces around 250m/s, then turn it back on while gliding once you are subsonic. Craft File: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9bTL0WKpN4IenRzZER2NDdQSGc
  8. Did you know a Juno can go supersonic? I sure as hell didn't until I tried this. Altitude: 10,735m Ground Distance: 6,104,600m Score: 6,211
  9. I'll throw this down here as well. All stock parts, KAC, KER, Trajectories and Precise Node used. Awards: Asteroid Lander Runway Asteroid Lander Simple Rockman Extra Challenges: Fat Starman? Maybe? I wasn't controlling from the command seat, but a Kerbal was riding it all the way in.
  10. Since Speeding Mullet is slacking off (I'm kidding, work is hell, I know), I'm going to give him some more work to do. I've got your potatoroid right here! Easily the most nerve wracking mission I've done in my entire KSP career. I plan everything, test every ship, lander and probe, but you just can't plan for an asteroid. I was shooting low at a Class A, but variances in mass, causing instability, and who knows what the drag is gonna be like, plus the orbit isn't complete so guessing delta-V requirements is a hack job. Now that it's done I'm happy, but I was pulling my hair out on each maneuver wondering if I was going to run out of fuel, burn up or butcher the landing, even with quick saves. Mods used: KAC, KER, Trajectories, Precise Node Shuttle and payload: All Stock
  11. In before the next review. STS 5-8 with a test of a new shuttle (don't worry about badges for the new one). Almost forgot a mod list. KER, KAC, DPAI, Trajectories, Precise Node Shuttles: All Stock Station: Stock parts, Tweakscale
  12. When a rocket is built, the parts all default to a forward mode of operation. Nosecones point up, engines point down, pods/cockpits point up etc. Airbrakes default to working in the direction of travel. Most rockets reenter engine first or bottom first with decoupled parts and a heatshield, so the airbrakes end up the wrong way. Add a bunch of people who are not pilots, aerospace engineers, etc and they don't know the difference. Since most planes reenter flying forward, they tend to have airbrakes mounted correctly by default.
  13. We're currently in negotiations with the payload insurance provider, but you know how they can be. They say it didn't launch, we say that engines were ignited, which should constitute a launch. I think we have a case. Thank you, good sir.
  14. DPAI - Docking Port Alighnment Indicator Mod
  15. Finally finished up STS-4R with more theatrics. Mods: Trajectories, Precise Node, KER, KAC, DPAI Shuttle: All Stock Rover: Stock, MSI Infernal Robotics
  16. Looks top heavy with a skinny wheelbase. That's a recipe for disaster. Get it all closer to ground level and put on an additional reaction wheel and turn on SAS when you start moving. Also know that roving the whole of Mun is gonna take forever.
  17. Time for some theatrics and STS 3 & 4 for your viewing pleasure. Mods Used: Kerbal Alarm Clock, Trajectories, Precise Node, KER, DPAI Shuttle: All stock parts MMUs: All stock parts Telescope: Stock parts, Tweakscale, MSI Infernal Robotics
  18. I don't use it, but I'm intrigued by the increase in realism. Having to build realistic relays with multiple antennas, manage each antenna's orientation and dealing with signal delay have all piqued my interest, but I only have so much free time so I settle for the stock system as it offers a good time to functionality balance.
  19. After a moderate redesign on the NukaShuttle, she's ready to take on the next challenge. Also went with a less "lawn darty" approach. Mods Used: All stock parts. Kerbal Alarm Clock, Trajectories, Precise Node, KER
  20. As far as a supply delivery system like Progress, different resources and balancing for different consumption rates. There's also Snacks and another that the name is escaping me. Going deeper (I'm not totally familiar with all of these, but here's the gist) Snack is the most "basic". Just a snacks resource. There's a recycler that uses Ore to create new Snacks. I'm most familiar with TAC-LS, which is complicated on the life support resources end with seperate Food, Water, O2, Waste, Wastewater and CO2 resources. Built into the mod are recyclers to scrub CO2 into O2, convert Water into O2, purify Wastewater back into Water, use intake air, only on Kerbin and Laythe in stock solar system, to fill up O2 tanks and a sabatier using CO2 and water to create O2. Life support systems also require EC for heating/cooling and air criculation. Creating more Food requires a separate mod with greenhouses. I have three, one of which is based on Soylent, SETI Greenhouse and KPBS which use slightly different resources plus some combination of waste products to convert back into Food with some Water and O2 as an additional benefit. There's no way to produce closed loop systems as you'll always need some kind of Fertilizer resource for the Greenhouses. USI-LS has Kerbals consume Supplies and produce Mulch and the mod includes Greenhouse modules to convert the Mulch to Supplies. This requires Fertilizer and more efficient converters require Water plus Dirt or Substrate. Unlike TAC-LS, USI-LS plus MKS allows all the resources to be "mined" and/or produced from a planetary surface, and all machines consume a Machinery resource to run which itself can be produced from "mineable" resources. A colony can become fully self sufficient, but the supply chain gets pretty complicated with the resources, converters and Machinery, a turn off for me, though it's often the reason people opt to use MKS. There's also secondary effects of USI-LS like habitation (Kerbals need enough space to move around, ie extra living space which dictates how long they can stay on the ship before going on strike). Skylab mutiny/strike here we come . I've considered switching to USI-LS for this functionality alone. There's also functionality built in that lets bases on the same planet transfer resources without having long lines of pipes or manually moving supplies around with rovers/trucks, which helps significantly with the resource trees. TL:DR Snack is just Snacks with an Ore to Snack conversion. TAC-LS has a complicated resource tree, converters for CO2, O2, Wastewater and water but requires separate mods for greenhouses for food production. USI-LS on it's own is equivalent to TAC with fewer resources plus habitation space and with MKS colonies can be closed-loop at which point it becomes a logistics wonderland/nightmare depending on your point of view.
  21. Here's code for 90 days supplies for 4 crew. Standard crew of 3 will get 120 for a little extra leeway. // Add TAC-LS life support resources to Tantare's Progress module for delivery to space stations @PART[Hamal_Habitation_1]:NEEDS[TacLifeSupport] { RESOURCE { name = Food amount = 131.64 maxAmount = 131.64 } RESOURCE { name = Water amount = 87 maxAmount = 87 } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 13324.56 maxAmount = 13324.56 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 11509.56 } RESOURCE { name = Waste amount = 0 maxAmount = 12 } RESOURCE { name = WasteWater amount = 0 maxAmount = 110.88 } }
  22. How many days of food, water, o2 should Progress carry up? I'll probably write up a TAC-LS config if nobody else wants to.
  23. Yes, but then you need an engineer to bolt it to the side of the station/ship, transfer it to the main storage, then unbolt it and put the empty container back inside to burn up in the atmosphere when Progress deorbits.
  24. I played through all the tutorials. After that I could do just about everything, albeit pretty inefficiently. I watched where MechJeb stopped throttling my rockets, with the air pressure restriction on, and that helped me know where air resistance was negligible and between the two I worked out a decent gravity turn system, though I have yet to manage a hands off gravity turn, I just always want to tweak the angle. Precise Node has helped me infinitely more than anything else to plan super efficient intercept burns. I worked out how to "corral" the prograde and retrograde markers through trial and error, which stopped me from reducing closing velocity to zero and firing towards target multiple times when rendezvousing. Now I ride the markers into the target. I think Scott Manley taught me how to get to other planets. Though, so far, I've only practiced it on a smaller scale by transferring from mun to minmus and vice versa.
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