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Everything posted by overkill13

  1. Cross posting with the Squad Challenge. The NukaShuttle... er Seraphim (Val's still furious about the failure to rename the ship). Mods Installed: Too many to list. HyperEdit and Atmospheric Autopilot in particular not used. Mods Used: All stock parts. Kerbal Alarm Clock, Trajectories, Precise Node, KER Edit: Since I'm going to focus on these challenges for a while, I removed TAC-LS and reran the mission.
  2. Really minor nitpick. I noticed a few of the interior lights are not working. Specifically the Soyuz capsule and it's 3 orbital and one habitation modules, the VA pod and the module with a square window (A-B12)(I think that's a window). Truss docking ports working as intended now. (Did I have an old version? I'm kinda braindead at times ) Also FWIW the black void is easier to look at as a placeholder IVA, though there is a weird oddity with the squared Soyuz orbital modules. The round ones could use an adjustment to the IVA cameras so it points at the kerbal in the crew images (their excited/screaming faces always amuse me) and the squared off modules have weird placeholder voids at the moment. See pics below. Edit: Reread a few posts ago and noticed that this is typical of basic module IVA so I assume you were planning on fixing it anyway.
  3. Made another impact test. This one landed just outside the crater as my trajectory was flatter, in a different biome. This one registered on both the spectrometer and seismometer. I didn't get a read on the speed, sadly, but the science points were only 35 (on hard difficulty) and the bars seemed to indicate that this was quite low. What is the minimum impact speed to register, and max for science? Third test, hit in the crater within 800m of bangometer. This is roughly as close as the first, glitched, test. 1700ish m/s. Registered on both, though no science generated as the impact speed was more or less the same and the spectrometer already had an impact in a midlands crater. All seems well and good on these two tests, not sure what happened on the first. Also just to note, I think the science generated by these tests is too high, compared to other science equipment, but I'd be a liar if I said it wasn't a ton of fun.
  4. I just crashed an object into mun. The spectrometer in orbit registered the impact but the bangometer on the surface did not. The object hit at 1700m/s+. Can they both occur at the same time or does that cause issues? Here's an output log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9bTL0WKpN4ITjV4aEdDYUxJZWc Let me know if I can do anything else.
  5. Np. Unfortunately, from my experience, they would connect at any angle. Using only the basic GitHub release https://github.com/Tantares/Tantares/releases, so if they were fixed in one of your uploads since then I won't have it. Despite how precise you need to be, or perhaps even because of it, I love those connectors with the trusses. Like most others here I love the mod. Keep up the fantastic work.
  6. If you mean when you shut off the resource flow on a battery, ie switch off the arrow beside the electric charge level, then no a Kerbal on EVA cannot do that. Only a ship with a Kerbal in a command pod or power and a probe core can switch the flow back on... I had fun chasing a runaway fuel rover on mun and trying to jump another rover onto the claw with a reaction wheel when I shut off all of the fueler's batteries then disconnecting if from a base before turning them back on.
  7. It was in the post I quoted... Rather than filling up the page with one line posts... Snap off was mentioned by oniontrain, but I did fail to add it to my original response that I too had an erroneous problem with snap off still requiring snap... I can't reproduce it so fair chance I might have messed up one of the port settings, and it shouldn't stop the ports from magnetizing at any rate.
  8. Not with snap off. I had the same issue with snap off, but attempts to recreate it just now haven't produced the issue.
  9. I had an issue docking the weldable ports in space. I had to rotate them so they lined up just the way they wanted to be. Obviously that was possible in space, on the ground, not so much.
  10. Any chance that the small square docking ports, R-UOS Truss Connetor (Connector spelling mistake btw), could be set to dock at 90 degree angles? I had some fun stabbing a space station with my solar panel arms while I tried to angle them just right.
  11. To save double posting, I'll link my mission report here for consideration.
  12. My fleet of Panther engined SSTOs and a sample mission. Also intended for the K Prize.
  13. Usually landing legs. They seem to have some kind of grip function when extended. Wheels with brakes might work, or if you use KIS/KAS you could use a ground pylon and a hose/strut to anchor it.
  14. The source code is the zip file. Erroneously named, but it includes a standard gamedata folder.
  15. Did the electricity consumption rates change? Does it now track charging? All of my ships show ridiculous "Electricity Remaining" values. I have a ship with 5 crew and 700 EC but the resource table shows 12 days of power. The VAB build aid shows a little over 2 hours.
  16. I concur. I just pulled every mod I have other than TAC and this save file works fine and consistently generates the error. It's the last mission on the list, requires a scroll down. "Recover Camke and his debris from the surface of the Mun".
  17. I did indeed have an issue. I think this has less to do with mission types, my initial assumption, than with the random glitches that cause crew numbers and LS values to report incorrectly. Shortly after this I was attempting to recreate it in my game file, but instead it afflicted one of my already launched vessels. When I launched a new ship, the LS resources reported empty on another ship, O2, H2O and food showed none remaining, red and counting down. Electricity showed 0:NaN, grey no countdown. The 0:NaN bit is consitent between the random error on my save and the rescue Kerbal in Enigma's. Because my ship has resources on board, loading it caused the TAC system to reload and show correctly on the report panel. Obviously, loading a ship/Kerbal on a rescue contract without a rendezvous is not possible. I can't reliably recreate this in my save, but EnigmaG's does it every time I replace the save file then accept the contract and launch a vessel. I think this affects a random ship, or one decided by some code string I'm not privy too, but because the rescue is the only ship in the game, other than the launching vessel, on EnigmaG's save it always affects it. Steps: Load game Enter mission control and accept the landed rescue and recover contract on the moon. Exit mission control, option: note that the vessel does not show up on the TAC LS report panel at all Build a vessel and launch Once ship loads on the launch pad the game will load the rescue contract Kerbal into the TAC LS report panel, indicate empty resources and begin countdown.
  18. I'll start with the obvious question, is your TAC-LS up to date. This is exactly what happened to me several weeks ago during a rescue and recover, with no issues for regular orbital rescues. Accept the contract, leave Mission Control and the life support loads and you get a warning indicating depletion. Kerbal dies in 3 hours from lack of oxygen or power. I reported it and, as per my testing last night, it seems to have been fixed. Edit: See my next post. EnigmaG's posted save did cause an error for me.
  19. After some 30 rescue contracts (Mun and Kerbin only) including 2 rescue and recover and 1 mun landed, I encountered no errors involving TAC-LS. All life support loaded only after entering physics range of the craft. Sorry I cannot recreate the issue.
  20. I'll do some mission spam in a bit to see if I can find which missions aren't playing nice. To note I have not had a contract error since you fixed my last report, though I have yet to see a landed rescue come up. Expect an update in a bit.
  21. Perhaps this is a known problem but the 0.625 docking ports in the 1.2.x release of Soyuz/LK are not working. I cannot target them and I don't seem to be getting any of the magnetic attraction either. The 0.9375 versions with the extra collars work fine docking to eachother but they are also unable to dock with the 0.625 ports as well.. The T-4GZ file _Soyuz_Port_1.cfg and T-PR9 _Soyuz_Port_2.cfg. I'm using just the basic Tantares 1.2.x download with only the new Soyuz/LK parts. The L-HG1 antenna is missing code in the cfg file as well and is non-extendable and cosmetic only at the moment. _Libra_Antenna_2.
  22. Interesting to see the many uses for the Wheesley. I've mostly ignored it except for building compact piloted Kerbin rovers before I have electric wheels. Panthers, on the other hand, power my crew transfer/return space planes and a light cargo space plane carrying up to 5 tons in satellites or other cargo. Especially useful for my first hard mode play through where getting to Whiplashes is taking longer than I expected.
  23. //Move NanoKube mod parts to proper 1.2 categories @PART[NanoKube_Antenna] { @category = Communication } @PART[NanoKube_Antenna2] { @category = Communication } @PART[NanoKube_Flinger] { @category = Coupling } @PART[NanoKube_Solar_Static_1] { @category = Electrical } @PART[NanoKube_Solar_Static_3] { @category = Electrical } //Add internal antennas and KerbNet to NanoKube probe cores @PART[NanoKube_111_prt_noRCS] { MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 2000 optimumRange = 1000 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbNetAccess MinimumFoV = 30 MaximumFoV = 35 AnomalyDetection = 0 DISPLAY_MODES { Mode = Terrain } } } @PART[NanoKube_111_prt_RCS] { MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 2000 optimumRange = 1000 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbNetAccess MinimumFoV = 30 MaximumFoV = 35 AnomalyDetection = 0 DISPLAY_MODES { Mode = Terrain } } } @PART[NanoKube_1U_Solid] { MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 2000 optimumRange = 1000 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbNetAccess MinimumFoV = 30 MaximumFoV = 35 AnomalyDetection = 0 DISPLAY_MODES { Mode = Terrain } } } @PART[NanoKube_113_magprt_noRCS] { MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 2000 optimumRange = 1000 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbNetAccess MinimumFoV = 30 MaximumFoV = 35 AnomalyDetection = 0 DISPLAY_MODES { Mode = Terrain } } } @PART[NanoKube_113_magprt_RCS] { MODULE { name = ModuleDataTransmitter antennaType = INTERNAL packetInterval = 1.0 packetSize = 2 packetResourceCost = 12.0 requiredResource = ElectricCharge antennaPower = 2000 optimumRange = 1000 packetFloor = .1 packetCeiling = 5 } MODULE { name = ModuleKerbNetAccess MinimumFoV = 30 MaximumFoV = 35 AnomalyDetection = 0 DISPLAY_MODES { Mode = Terrain } } } Here's some basic patch code if you want to move the parts to the new 1.2 categories, plus add internal antennas and basic KerbNet access to the probe cores. You'll need to add the Module Manager mod if it doesn't already come with one of your other mods. Then create a text file in the GameData folder (I have my patches inside my own folder KerbalSpaceProgram/GameData/Mine), rename it as whatever.cfg (ie MM_NanoKube.cfg) and paste this code into it. (MM implies that the file is a Module Manager patch) Alternately, find a cfg file from your favorite mod or the Squad folder in game data, copy it, rename it, delete the contents and paste this in. Enjoy.
  24. Just wanted to note that the TAC-LS patch has an error in the oxygen amount on the MK2 Habitat. To have equal supply levels (4 daysish) of each resource the oxygen should be 666.228 not 6662.28
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