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Everything posted by Delay

  1. Good to know. How am I supposed to start? With what am I supposed to start? What am I supposed to work with?
  2. I hope that'll come in my class, too. Not necessarily C (or C++ or C#, preferably C++), but at least something you can be taken seriously with. I really hope that Scratch is only used to introduce the very basic concepts of programming and then move on to something actually useful. I'm just trying to waste time with the Mandelbrot set while also seeing what can be done with such primitive tools.
  3. We're using Scratch in our 11th grade (I concur, @Just Jim, we really need a facepalm emoji) computer science class. It's basically programming without text, but with predetermined commands (thus avoids frustration due to typos/syntax errors) executed in a list. I already used Scratch in 7th grade, so I was familiar with it and had an unfair advantage. First thing I did this year was a random walk just to prove my point. In class I'm currently working on an implementation of the complex plane (that part is done) in an attempt to draw the Mandelbrot Set (that doesn't work yet, but I think I loop to much). Perhaps I can surreptitiously take a screenshot and post it here after coming home.
  4. Well, the lessons are in German, since I am in Germany.
  5. Delay

    Shower thoughts

    Any computer monitor showing a red-green-blue pattern could be considered a fractal display.
  6. My German teacher today: "If you can't do something you shouldn't try it." Do I need to point out in just how many ways this statement is illogical and even plain dumb?
  7. I woke up and suddenly had this stuck in my head (haha) for no apparent reason:
  8. Flea market! Bought some stuff for myself, more specifically I bought some movies I'd like to watch. Including a DVD version of Apollo 13 (Finally!) and the Matrix trilogy. I would have also bought a rotary phone for actual use (not kidding) but I don't think that the plugs are the same as nowadays, so I didn't in dread of wasting money.
  9. The next few days will be quite unusual for me. Let's see how long it takes until "Put my glasses on" makes it into my morning routine.
  10. August 22nd: Today: One of the fans died. No matter; it wasn't important and basically only kept dust out.
  11. Guys, it happened. Yesterday I watched a movie (Mission: Impossible 2) and I understood every vital word! Can I also take the opportunity to say that MI: 2 is a lot more disturbing than MI?
  12. Okay, I think my little semi-depressive period is over. Just as a little update. I'm okay most of the time, but then there are these few hours like today where I feel really, really terrible.
  13. I hate my life. I hate everything about it. Right now I'm feeling worse than I normally do for the first time since a few months. I really wish I simply wouldn't exist anymore. But I know the consequences of committing suicide; I won't do that and I never will, as much as I'd love to sometimes. Before I go on; I'm incredibly labile. Any small amount of frustration over anything is reason enough for me to consider suicide as a feasible option. This time it's even more blatant than before: Being told that you cannot do something (as in: an ability, not a matter of permission), something any normal person would be able to shrug off with a smile. I can't handle it. That was around 2 hours ago, in school. The subsequent music lesson was the last straw. I've played the piano for around 7-8 years now. I still cannot read notes easily and I know pretty much nothing about how music works, other than what I see on the paper in front of me. It takes months for me to learn how to play 2 minutes worth of notes. In short: Despite playing the piano for over 50% of my life I can still just barely play it. On top of that I know literally no theory, and that's what is expected in school (Theory is taught at that school, but I went to a different one for the last 5 years. I'm lacking that crucial knowledge). I'm overwhelmed by the content and the vocabulary I'm supposed to work with. I don't even know what a third is, but how am I supposed to know when don't get taught what it is? I don't know that basics of how chords work! But I've been using them for years now - At least I'm not doing everything wrong.
  14. True, around L5 even. The user below me has intentionally escaped Kerbol before.
  15. Actually this wasn't today, it was a week ago, but my math teacher actually told me to put my hand up less so that the other students have some time to think. That's not something you get to hear a lot. The topic? We're currently revisiting linear equations in preperation for what seems to be calculus.
  16. I extend my solar panels before the gravity turn is even finished an I'm coasting to the apoapsis - at roughly 60 km or so. The fact that I have never run out of electricity due to my own stupidty after I started doing it this way shows its efficacy.
  17. 2016(?): Okay, so I've landed on the Mun. Now how do I get back to Kerbin without running out of fuel before Mun orbit? 2017: Okay, I've landed on the surface of Ike. Now I just have to get back to Kerbin and the mission's done! There definitely was an increase in confidence throughout just one year or so, and this year I landed on Duna for the first time and put probes around Jool. Now I'm playing with Principia and recently put my first craft around L5 of the Mun/Kerbin system. In 2016 I didn't even have the full version; that was still the .18.3 demo. Good times.
  18. "Helicopter Acquisition Trailing Line Engagement" Pure hate.
  19. I watched it yesterday and it's still in my head. Help.
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