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Everything posted by Delay

  1. We did that in 1969, but now it's 2018. The average person probably doesn't even know that space travel is still a thing that regularly happens.
  2. Sure, but Mr/Mrs J. Average member of the public also doesn't care about space exploration.
  3. It's very easy to go into this part range. You build a thing here, then copy it somewhere else and before you know it, you hit 500 parts.
  4. Elon Kerman would enjoy his trip to Mars with that attitude.
  5. This really seems to be scatterer-related. You should probably report it.
  6. What happens when you try and get into orbit?
  7. Okay, firstly: Negative Kerbin kinda looks like clouds in the beginning. Secondly: How did you do that?? I want to mess around with it.
  8. All the times you tortured KSP with your creations... Now it's time for revenge.
  9. Granted, this was yesterday, but every Friday I go to a different school than I normally do during the 5th&6th lessons, plus a 7th and an 8th one (from 11:30pm to 3pm). Inside I always go under a big sign. One of the words included on it is "BFS". I think I should take a break from space exploration...
  10. Not necessarily. I can only draw simple objects with clearly defined edges (not rounded) and as an orthographic projection. As soon as I add perspective or objects which are even slightly more complex that a cube I can't.
  11. Delay

    Shower thoughts

    Here's something you probably never noticed: On a 7-segment display, every number except 2 uses the bottom right segment.
  12. Granted. It's rotten. I wish for this wish to never be granted.
  13. Granted. You start to, however. I wish I could play KSP at the highest settings.
  14. I stumbled upon this yesterday... and I can't stop listening to it. Help
  15. Any tips on drawing (semi-)straight lines? That's the one thing that still annoys me about even the objects I can draw.
  16. Today, May 27th, is my birthday. Right now it 11:05 PM for me. That's actually the exact minute I was born in.
  17. They do. But Nervs have no thurst vectoring. Perhaps I can move them back to where the Rapiers are.
  18. It barely gets into orbit, the Nervs do absolutely nothing for some reason (you could almost say they're getting on my... nerves!) and it probably requires a lot of reworking, but today I made my very first LKO-capable spaceplane! As with every plane I build it looks... unusual, to say the least. And it's powered by 6 Rapiers... probably 2 too many. But hey, it works!
  19. Today I found out that I don't know anything about my handedness. I'm between cross-dominant and ambidextrous, neither one seems to describe it correctly. There are some things I'm cross dominant in, like writing with my right hand, but throwing with my left, and then there are things like sawing that I can do equally terribly with both hands...
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