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Everything posted by SpaceOdissey

  1. Cool challenge, but... I think my computer is going to explode with this planet pack of TRAPPIST-1..
  2. Cool! Really a simple mod... But very useful! I think this is a copy of TooManyItems from Minecraft...
  3. Yeah... Jebediah has crashed all his SSTOS a lot of times there... And sometimes he has broken it!
  4. As Mettaton says: OHH YESSS! Finally Kerbal Foundries is on KSP 1.2!
  5. Jebediah... Oh oh... He's dead :v in Sandbox
  6. Well if RPM was added to KSP... It will be the BEST update EVER!!
  7. YES!!! I LOVE THIS!!!! YOOHOO!! But a question... Where I can get all this new features? I just had KSP 1.2.0... So where I get all this???
  8. YEAH!! The thing that most I want is GRAPHICS!! Like EVE or scatterer....
  9. I want to had better graphics! Like SVE but on stock! And raster propmonitor on stock!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!
  10. Well technically... yes... I THINK. 2nd Quote! If you don't know this will help:
  11. Looks like a fighter yet!! Amazing! Very simple mod but cool!
  12. So... I want to make parts pack or just simply parts for KSP, but What is the best way to make mods on mac for free? That is just the thread!
  13. Oh wow!! Really?? Strange... It could be the nuclear engine, because they make a lot of radiation or it could be the sun because you were very close... That happened to me also with a probe passing too close to the Sun.
  14. Very funny mod! But also useful! Yes I'm not kidding! I wanted to download a few weeks ago but now finally is for KSP 1.2!
  15. Did you looked at the start screen today?? It appeared a strange nyan cat flying apparently. Also Matt lowne discovered also today 1st of April a more strange thing.. He discovered a planet which is only on KSP 1.05!! Here it's!: So what do you think? A mystery date of KSP Why now is called "April Fool?! @SQUAD? Victims? Put below on comments !
  16. I've had a problem... I've installed the mod and I had TextureReplacer, ASET, DistantObject, HyperEdit, Kerbal Engineer, RPM and obviously Squad. Also RPM is on V 0.28 I had KSP 1.2.0 I've don't found any thing inside the cockpit even RPM was missing and it was the stock IVA that all we had. So how can I solve this problem? Or what is happening?
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