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Everything posted by smokytehbear

  1. They started separate. I'm beginning to think it may be just physics. Both are fairly substantial vessels (~10 tons I believe), so the attraction acceleration shouldn't be enormous from such a small docking port, but I still think I'd notice at least a little something. SAS should fight the rotation, but even that shouldn't be able to fight the translation to the point where I could hover for several minutes with the teeth nearly touching each other. I don't know, I'm just keeping trying for now.
  2. So I posted this in the CxAerospace Station Parts thread thinking it was that mod, but I'm having trouble getting these to "click" together in any way at all. These were almost perfectly lined up axially for hours at about this distance, slowly spun through all orientations with the teeth matching or not, SAS on for one, the other, both, or neither ships, and even had them 'manually' mesh together with the teeth in the right position, which they both just bounced off from. Am I missing something like a button to press or activation? They are both the same sized, "Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port 'Basic'".
  3. Welp, herp a derp. I sure do. I'll go post in that thread that they aren't working. Lol
  4. These are "Clam-O-Tron Docking Port 'Basic'"s. Their description calls them "androgynous" and mentions that they have to be oriented at right angles to mate. Also the manufacturer was the same as the 'M' and 'F' ports described. Sincere apologies if this isn't even the right mod, but I'm pretty sure it is. The teeth were perfectly aligned at more than a few occasions. Sorry about clogging the thread, just figure if I'm having the issue it's possible others are too. I wasn't able to find a resolution by searching.
  5. So everyone else has been having great success with the androgynous docking ports? I've done just about everything suggested I think, and have been working at this for essentially the past three hours just trying to get these things perfect. Am I missing something obvious like a setting I have to have on or a button to push when they get close? Here's a quick picture: Sorry for the low light. Basically had these things (same size ports) lined up nearly axially, sometimes spinning, sometimes not (with SAS off on one, the other, both, or neither vessels) for hours and not even a hint of magnetic attraction. At one point I even nailed it manually, getting the teeth to grind together almost perfectly on my own, but no click at all. What am I missing?
  6. Yes. Came here to check actually. I have about 170 mods installed, and it never runs great per se (20-40 fps) but it's always manageable... unless there are Kerbals visible anywhere. I can handle explosions, light on the oceans from scatterer, high res everything, nothing causes any problems, but if one kerbal is around, I'm lucky if I get 3 fps. Took a while to track down as I've mostly been doing unmanned missions, but I'm absolutely sure it's something to do with the Kerbals. I think it's a good bet if more than a few of us are having the problem, it's probably this. My reflections are turned off as well after reading another post in this thread saying they were the problem, but it didn't seem to help appreciably. I'm interested in helping solve it but I'm kind of a dummy for programming and such. If someone could point me to whatever useful log file or whatever they need I'd be happy to send it to the mod's developers.
  7. I agree with this 100%, I don't have any idea why this isn't the most popular "realism" mod out there. I could care less about fuel simplification or non-real solar systems, nothing would put me immersed in the launch faster than hearing that sweet sonic boom. Created an account here just for this mod. I know you're probably busy with real life and all pizzaoverhead, but just know there's enough people out there that do appreciate what you've made here. Like was just said, I too am patiently awaiting the release for this mod for 1.2.2.
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