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Posts posted by GrouchyDevotee

  1. 18 hours ago, Spricigo said:

    like docking ports and the klaw?

    I was thinking something more along the lines of Kerbals being able to stretch fuel lines from a refinery to a fuel rover and then from the rover to a lander.

    So, a parts bin for a Kerbal engineer to access and use is more along what I'm thinking.

    I've only ever played Kerbal Space Program on PS4 console, and it was a tad glitchy in it's last version. I was never able to do a build where the docking collars would work while landed.

    On 1/20/2018 at 9:37 AM, Deno_cooper1995 said:

    B9 Aerospace and airplane plus giving the player a wider variety with space plane parts

    Kerbal planetary base systems giving the players better base modules to build on planets



    Yes, this!

  2. PS4, Enhanced Edition, Career mode. No mods. ( are there mods for console? )

    So far I have to say I'm thrilled with the enhanced version game-play.

    I have selected a couple different contracts that occasionally disappear, no problem with this yet as I was still on the ground when I found out. I have several contracted satellites up and running, and I was frankly happy to discover that my un-kerbaled Mun lander wouldn't respond when out of radio contact. I'm completely new to the Kerbal radio network system, so figuring out the various radio comms is still underway. For instance the high-gain antennas don't seem to talk to regular antennas, or perhaps it is operator error.

    The new control layout is, well, it's new so I'm still figuring it out. Had an unplanned spacewalk (like always) but managed to find the appropriate control layout in the helpful "controls" tab. Have not started using the radial menus yet. Still being happy about having a functioning game. 

    Seems as though there are some glitches here and there, I've had the camera view start locking itself a couple times which I've discovered means that I probably won't be able to save game. Frame rate drops are rare, but they don't seem to affect the game adversely... . Since I don't ever need to operate the 'crew hatch' the label for it is occasionally getting the way while trying to trigger science, and getting Jeb or Val to get eva reports. I do see that some of the orbital debris isn't decaying into the atmosphere as I'd otherwise expect. I've got one large stage that dips down to 42000m but persists in its orbit. I've been trying not to just delete debris. These are totally minor issues as far as playing the game goes.

    Loved playing this new version of the game. I am looking forwards to launching and building Kerban and Mun Space-Stations part 2.

    Great Game!

    Great work folks!


  3. PS4, enhanced edition, Getting stuck at the tracking station. Here's how I managed to get stuck.

    I launched one of the contract satellites successfully, and my first stage was left in a highly eccentric orbit. The periapsis of that stage was as low as 42000 m, this is a sub orbital trajectory so no worries.

    But it persisted to remain in orbit after several atmosphere encounters. So I went to the tracking station, selected it, and "flew/rode it in". It had no fuel, no batteries and no probe core... once it finally crashed, and nothing was left, I was stuck.

    Had to restart the game.

  4. Is there any word on just how much the PS4 controller layout is going to change?

    I only ask, because I'm still occasionally picking up the game and either docking at my station, or doing landings/take-offs on Mun or Minmus, and I suppose I'm just re-enforcing what will prove to be bad habits.

    I seem to remember somebody suggesting the possibility of having different control set-ups for atmospheric and space craft. I've logged quite a lot of time on various flight sims, but I don't enjoy the typical up/down on one stick with roll and yaw in other spots. Probably just me, but that takes the flying out of it. I cannot fly the mouse either, just not fun.

    Will a keyboard be functional?

    Will a Joystick or flight-yolk work?

    Is it ready yet?

    Can I play it soon?

  5. 35 minutes ago, TheRagingIrishman said:

    There is an expansion pack planned but it is for historical related things, not "settlement"s. They haven't said anything about whether it will be for consoles as well but I assume that they are planning to port it once the main game re-port is complete.

    I see, so there is an expansion pack planned for console.

    It was surprisingly refreshing to find a game without the 'pew pew pew'. I love playing Kerbal console, but have only managed to get a brief taste.

    I guess it's just wishful thinking to have a space program game that includes something like colonization.

    Seems as though a market exists, or a least did.

    I check back in with the forums once the patch/rework is made available.


  6. 6 hours ago, StrandedonEarth said:

    That's why I'm trying to nip it now.

    Since purchasing Kerbal for the PS4 I've been watching a variety of you-tube videos trying to learn the game mechanics and the quirky controls on this console. I have heard an "expansion pack rumour" mentioned a couple of times but I have no idea which video it would have been in. If here isn't one then there isn't one.

    As I said, "rumoured" and I made no mention of free anything, I don't know where that came from. I'd certainly buy it if the game will work.


    What is your agenda in trying to "nip this now"?

  7. I'll be thrilled when the console patch/update/re-working is complete and functional, I imagine it's a daunting task to completely rework an existing and complex program.

    Looking forward to the rumoured settlement expansion pack.

  8. 3 hours ago, TesseractE said:

    Yeah, that's why I said I copy to PS Plus Cloud AND USB. :P  Multiple USB sticks would do too...  I even archive successful saves to my laptop's hard drive.  Shouldn't HAVE to do all that, but it's kept me sane.

    That said, I'm starting to get to where I have to do more complicated stuff so I haven't touched it in a while.  I REALLY want to get it for my nieces and nephews, but I'm not going to do that until the save bug is squashed.  When that happens: Instant sale.  They LOVE creativity games.

    Thanks for the advice, I really can't see me layering save files in multiple formats for a console game.

    I'd love to recommend this game to people, but I just can't as it currently stands.

    Not mad, just sad.

  9. On 2017-05-13 at 5:32 PM, TesseractE said:

    What's helped me (after suggestions on this board) is to delete as much debris and old mission craft as possible.  Also, delete any saved parts or pieces that might be obsolete.  The trick is to try to keep the save file as slim as possible.

    That said, any time I have a successful save, I archive it to either the PS Plus cloud or a USB drive.  That way, I can refresh if there's a corruption.

    I have been using the usb to save, and lately I've been having to do a single mission, save, close KSP and update the save on the usb, then go back, restart KSP do a mission, and repeat.

    I'm still getting occasional frozen screens while building aircraft and rockets.

    Still occasionally losing the ability to open manoeuvre nodes.

    2 separate rovers on Minmus, and polar orbiter that I finally successfully landed there, and no achievement.

    But now it looks I've somehow managed to save a bad file to usb and so my kerbal career is once again toast.

    These bugs are starting to really suck.


  10. 3 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

    It's a tough situation, the quality of the console releases is not what was hoped for and the fix is taking longer than expected (including a change of partners for the port).

    Yeah, I get that there was/will be some problems making a processor heavy game work in a console.

    I just went the console route in the first place just so I could have a plug and play game.

  11. I'm here out of slight frustration, so I didn't read all the posts. PS4 will not play career mode, I keep losing my sandbox saves to corruption....

    I realise that it'll be done when it's done. I hope they do a good job.

    I'd play this game even if it was scaled back a bit on total planets, and even if they scaled back the parts list...

    Is there any hope for a mouse and or keyboard driver for PS4 Kerbal?

    I would buy a Flash drive/mouse/keyboard specifically for this game if it would make it work.

    I will probably eventually buy a laptop and the PC version of this game, and give PS4 away to some kid.

  12. 1 minute ago, Red Iron Crown said:

    The better info is in the KSP Weeklies.

    Thanks for that as well.

    I just want to play this game somewhat fluidly, and not have all my save data corrupted every time I have more then 4 separate orbiters.

    I didn't realise I'd need to establish a comm net and join a support group.... to play a console game.

    Lost some Kerbals today... forgive liquidy-ness.


  13. 6 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

    There's a long forum thread about the progress towards a console update that you could "follow":

    Plus, consoles are now mentioned in the "KSP Weekly" updates posted in this forum:


    Thanks, Stupid me, I was looking for Console updates,  under the heading "console patches update discussion" and not "Development Updates for Consoles".


  14. I'm playing Kerbal on PS4,I'm loving this game. I can't find any posts from this year (2017) about potential patches or updates.

    So, how can I find any information from this year about console patch or updates? I can't play career mode because game deletes all saves after a few contracts.

    I'm having fun playing sandbox, learning to rendezvous and dock, in low Kerbal orbit. But I'm sure I'm massively overpowering my rockets, since I have nothing to unlock or to work towards game-wise. I'm currently planning on building a Mun base.

    Built a few aeroplanes, and I can mostly land them, but even with the controller set to it's least sensitive settings, aircraft builds are extremely tedious as the controls stick/mouse is all over the place.

    Same issue with manoeuvre nodes, trying to get to other planets is beyond me at this point since the controls are set are so overly sensitive. I've been to Mun and Munmus, orbited and landed on both, but I can't get those nodes to work as far as interplanetary transits goes.

    I think I need the 'Mech Jeb mod' as seen on Scott Manley's you-tube videos.

    I realise that there are more important things for the developers to be doing, but the PS4 version is kinda dead in the water if I can't reliably save games.


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