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Everything posted by GrouchyDevotee

  1. PS4 player here, how are you getting Kerbals into a command seat under a fairing?
  2. PS4. I frequently use the 'quicksave' slot when I'm about to land or perform other risky manoeuvres. When I'm Saving my game before shutting it off ( or between missions ) I just rename the first 'quicksave #1' slot to 'quicksave 1'. That way I avoid the massive collections of saves I was accumulating.
  3. PS4 console player here. As far as I know the saved file problems for console were fixed in the last patch. One of the methods of avoiding the majority of those problems was to always back out to the main loading page before exiting the game.
  4. If you are having trouble getting left and right or up and down translation to move in the proper direction You should switch the camera view to either 'chase' or 'locked' view, doing this orientates your perspective and controls to the 'top' of the ship you are controlling. Using the Nav-ball is perfectly fine for docking manoeuvres, but keep in mind that the artificial horizon ( blue and brown ball colours ) may not be totally useful in determining which way is up. The 7.6m remaining is there because the measurement is from your space-crafts centre of mass (COM) to the selected docking collar. I don't know the fix for this I'm on a PS4. I haven't had the same issues with docking ports "repelling each other", but a trick I do use in the final seconds before contact is to turn SAS off. This frequently allows minor misalignments to self correct. Cheers.
  5. I would love to see a couple different propellers added to the console version.
  6. A couple of great big space telescopes, for instance; Hubble, Kepler, Webb, Tess etc. Bio-domes for off world bases.
  7. Please, do not add aliens. Scientific discoveries of microbial life sounds good. Archaeological evidence of alien civilisation sounds great. Even an ancient and inert alien space probe to discover and retrieve would be neat. But please do not add any Pew Pew Pew to this game.
  8. I've only ever played KSP on my PS4, so I don't know about any MOD's, or even vehicle exchanges. But as an aspiring Kerbalnaught, I love this game. Since it's only relatively recently that the console version has become stable enough to complete the tech tree, I'm only really just beginning. I, and many others agree, that continuous DLC and expansion pak releases with no real content, have contributed to the demise of many other game titles. But some MOD's or expansions for the console crowd would certainly be extremely welcome. I really hope KSP isn't brought down by $$$. As a relative noob, I would ask the wiley veterans what expansion or DLC would make the game better for you?
  9. PS4 Enhanced Edition, 1.01, console player here. Parts. -I'd like to see some Mun ( or other world base ) base parts, and some more space station parts. Bio-Domes, Canteena, Recycling plant, Admin centre, Idea of building a 'self sustaining base'. Deep-space sensors/tracking, We've already got the great big survey scanner, please add a Hubble, Kepler, Webb, Tess, or really any other job specific sky scanning tools. Skills. -Console engineer needs to be able to remove and add most parts while in space (could need 2 or 3 engineers to be present). Higher level console scientists should be able to squeeze more science out of already explored areas. I had the idea of landing my old landers and satellites to a specific area of Minmus so that the engineers stationed at the base there could use all the parts for other things. Refit existing space-craft or just build something new out of what is there. Game functions I'd like -Kerb-Net should let Console players know what areas they haven't explored. Simplify it's functions, expand it's usefulness for the Console players. Life support systems for advanced play. At least a couple more Launch and landing sites. Cheers!
  10. When I build early stations I try to have Science capabilities as a priority. Must have enough batteries to be able to run throughout the night, data storage, and some science equipment, a probe core is nice to have when you have other tasks for your kerbals. Ability for docking is a must. In the PS4 console version I'm able to put clamp-o-trons on the sides of some modules like the hitch-hiker can. Lights are a great addition in case you wind up trying to dock in the dark. I also leave the last fuel stage and engine attached, this way you can store excess fuel from docked craft.
  11. Hello, I keep receivingpop-up notifications that I have received a reply, but there isn't a reply I can see. Nothing in the bell shaped notifications, no red message indicator, and I haven't blocked anybody. Last one was from a "Zetan"
  12. Hey there! Forum operations question, didn't know where to post this, I keep getting notifications that "Zetann has replied", but I receive no message, I don't have anybody blocked.
  13. Playing Kerbal Space Program on a PS4. I've only ever played KSP on a PS4, these forums are full of great information. The first thing you will need to do, is get used to ignoring references to the MOD's the majority of KSP players have and are use to using. KSP has been around on PC for a very long time. PS4 has all/most of the same controls available, just a bit more skill required to get use to. Ignore them when they say, "just press control-X". Again, there are tons of great suggestions here on the forums. The second thing you will need to do, is check out You-Tube, and look for a guy called Scott Manley. He explains complex things like rocket building and orbital mechanics quite clearly. Third thing to do decide on a standard-ish rocket that you've built and can fly, save it, and use it as a template for learning. Make changes to the top section weight-wise and aerodynamic-wise to get some ideas about how to do things. Forth thing to do, throw all that learning out and start chucking landers at Minmus and the Mun. Eventually you'll get a few of them back. Once you're frustrated with that, start trying to do some docking. Fifth thing to do add more boosters and struts. The efficient 'gravity turn' is not easy, but once you've started to get comfortable with it, quite useful. Some large payloads might be difficult to launch this way, so just go vertical for awhile and make a turn when you're able. Cheers!
  14. I don't use any Mods. Because I'm playing on a PS4 console.
  15. I'm not worried about when Console players will get the next update/DLC/patch/expansion. But I'd love to know what the DEV's are looking at sending our way.
  16. PS4 Enhanced Edition, 1.01, default controls, normal difficulty, career mode. I haven't messed around with any settings at all, I have only ever played Kerbal on my PS4 console. Lots of useful chatter going on here. I'm glad to see the KSP community and Dev's are still actively pursuing the Kerbal Space Program for Console. I'm thrilled that the EE 1.01 patch fixed so many of the problems that were plaguing the console version. I have now for my first time, completed the science tree in Career mode, Year 2 and 50-ish days. Was really expecting some sort of party, but research is never really finished. My first interplanetary sortie to Duna was a partial success. I was able to get there with two space probes, deploy some comm satellites, and attempt landings on both Duna, and Ike. Unfortunately I didn't install proper relay (any relay comms ) so, yeah. Partial success. Duna has a new crater with some litter around it, Ike has a lander that only occasionally wants to talk with Kerbal Space Command. My Probes currently enroute to Jool will no doubt have the same success rate... if I'm lucky. Right now my Kerbals and I are learning to spell the words efficient launch profile, and I have discovered a couple of different ways of how not to do interplanetary transfers. Also found out how to level Kerbals skills up, way, way, way late in the game. The Space Tourism market seems to be a reliable source of Income , so hopefully I'll eventually be able to land a fuel rover on Mun and Minmus for less cost than the Kerbal Space Hotel I'm currently assembling in orbit. I love this Game. Current gameplay concerns; -Physical Time warp, sounds like the nuke and Ion engine crowd want this. I've only been using chemical rockets so it haven’t bothered me... yet. -Since I started playing early on in the console release phase, I do not like the new throttle arrangement, because it's backwards to how I learned. Console controller is very busy and could use some work eliminating overlapping command button combinations. -Something needs to be sorted out with the trim setting being so easy to accidentally turn on, HAL keeps trying to crash my spacecraft. I suppose somebody might want to set the trim while making a burn in space, But I sure haven't wanted to. -Kerb-net remains a complete mystery to me. I haven't even accidentally landed on an anomaly yet. If I turn it on, I need to escape back to the space centre to get it off the UI. -Kerbal skills and abilities, I have landed bases on Mun and Minmus, I have Space Stations orbiting Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, and I'm building a 40 room space hotel, I have docked , clamped, landed, recovered, rendezvoused, transferred, rescued, space walked, Mun walked, drilled and refined... while the pilots have gained useful skills, and the scientists have gotten faster, the engineers have only learned how to pack a chute or to fix a flat tire. -Seriously, the contracts need a proof reader. Please. For real. -The Admin building... just... why? I guess it might add something to the game, I just don't know what it is. Haven't used it at all, until recently I didn't bother opening the screen. I'm done the tech tree now so I guess I'll sell some science... -Interplanetary travel, Console Career players need some sort of alarm clock. and some sort of rough transfer planner. Unless I'm suppose to attempt all my interplanetary stuff in sandbox mode, the game needs some sort of alarm clock. - Haven't touched an asteroid and I don't want to.... yet. -VAB I haven't made any use of the advanced tabs, subassembly seems to be a mysterious method of telling me I can't attach things I might want to save. -I hear that console players can use a keyboard and mouse, haven't tried. If this is true, great, if it's not the game should have this option. -Flight controls for planes, I've read that there is an option for using a joystick, this is a must have for flying aircraft. I haven't tried yet. I like the idea of building and flying my own planes, and I have built and flown a few planes in KSP, but I mostly avoid it because I personally don't enjoy atmospheric flight with a controller and I abhor flying with a mouse. My suggestions for the console version, -Kerbal Alarm clock, add this function to the admin building ( even as a paid level unlock )..."Admin wants a mission to Duna, the transfer window is in three weeks." this will give console players an in game transfer planning resource that is sorely needed. Same for an interplanetary course correction Alarm clock, " Admin wants you to know your TPS reports are out of date, and Duna 1 is due for a course correction..". Or alarm reminder "That Duna 1 probe should be hitting the atmosphere by now, did you turn it on yesterday like we planned?" -Kerb-net, turn on this power hungry application and anomalies will show up if and when they do, also acts as a science reminder, "we're over Mun pole, should probably take a picture or something..", "Admin wants to know what this anomaly is on the front page of the newspaper", have Kerb-net show console players the Biomes and the places they haven't explored. -Kerbal skills, seriously. Engineers need to be able to scavenge parts from one craft to another, that's kinda how engineers become engineers in the first place. Science guys should be able to find/identify biomes and anomalies in the game. Pilots should be able to make a guess as to where they will land on a given trajectory, I'm talking about trying to land a pod at KSP. By level 3 these skills should be completely possible. -Contracts. Really really need to more clear. I can't stress this enough, they need some proof reading. If I'm continually missing a specific biome or science objective, you could offer a contract and show me what it is I'm missing. Same with Historical records and milestones. Also, If I have a Space Hotel, don't ask me to build another, ask me to fill it. As I suggested, Flight Joystick is something I'm missing in this game. I offer these suggested changes to the console game, mainly because it's a console game, not a computer game that has a readily accessible google tab I can refer to. I can and do play this console game without Kerb-net, um, without internet connection. That's all I have for now, I'm sure most of the problems I'm having are mostly because of me. I just wanted to add my input thus far as a console gamer. I'm looking forwards to any expansion or DLC for this Fantastic game!!! Cheers all!
  17. PS4 Enhanced Edition, 1.01, default controls, normal difficulty, career mode. I haven't messed around with any settings at all, I have only ever played Kerbal on my PS4 console. Lots of useful chatter going on here. I'm glad to see the KSP community and Dev's are still actively pursuing the Kerbal Space Program for Console. I'm thrilled that the EE 1.01 patch fixed so many of the problems that were plaguing the console version. I have now for my first time, completed the science tree in Career mode, Year 2 and 50-ish days. Was really expecting some sort of party, but research is never really finished. My first interplanetary sortie to Duna was a partial success. I was able to get there with two space probes, deploy some comm satellites, and attempt landings on both Duna, and Ike. Unfortunately I didn't install proper relay (any relay comms ) so, yeah. Partial success. Duna has a new crater with some litter around it, Ike has a lander that only occasionally wants to talk with Kerbal Space Command. My Probes currently enroute to Jool will no doubt have the same success rate... if I'm lucky. Right now my Kerbals and I are learning to spell the words efficient launch profile, and I have discovered a couple of different ways of how not to do interplanetary transfers. Also found out how to level Kerbals skills up, way, way, way late in the game. The Space Tourism market seems to be a reliable source of Income , so hopefully I'll eventually be able to land a fuel rover on Mun and Minmus for less cost than the Kerbal Space Hotel I'm currently assembling in orbit. I love this Game. Current gameplay concerns; -Physical Time warp, sounds like the nuke and Ion engine crowd want this. I've only been using chemical rockets so it haven’t bothered me... yet. -Since I started playing early on in the console release phase, I do not like the new throttle arrangement, because it's backwards to how I learned. Console controller is very busy and could use some work eliminating overlapping command button combinations. -Something needs to be sorted out with the trim setting being so easy to accidentally turn on, HAL keeps trying to crash my spacecraft. I suppose somebody might want to set the trim while making a burn in space, But I sure haven't wanted to. -Kerb-net remains a complete mystery to me. I haven't even accidentally landed on an anomaly yet. If I turn it on, I need to escape back to the space centre to get it off the UI. -Kerbal skills and abilities, I have landed bases on Mun and Minmus, I have Space Stations orbiting Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, and I'm building a 40 room space hotel, I have docked , clamped, landed, recovered, rendezvoused, transferred, rescued, space walked, Mun walked, drilled and refined... while the pilots have gained useful skills, and the scientists have gotten faster, the engineers have only learned how to pack a chute or to fix a flat tire. -Seriously, the contracts need a proof reader. Please. For real. -The Admin building... just... why? I guess it might add something to the game, I just don't know what it is. Haven't used it at all, until recently I didn't bother opening the screen. I'm done the tech tree now so I guess I'll sell some science... -Interplanetary travel, Console Career players need some sort of alarm clock. and some sort of rough transfer planner. Unless I'm suppose to attempt all my interplanetary stuff in sandbox mode, the game needs some sort of alarm clock. - Haven't touched an asteroid and I don't want to.... yet. -VAB I haven't made any use of the advanced tabs, subassembly seems to be a mysterious method of telling me I can't attach things I might want to save. -I hear that console players can use a keyboard and mouse, haven't tried. If this is true, great, if it's not the game should have this option. -Flight controls for planes, I've read that there is an option for using a joystick, this is a must have for flying aircraft. I haven't tried yet. I like the idea of building and flying my own planes, and I have built and flown a few planes in KSP, but I mostly avoid it because I personally don't enjoy atmospheric flight with a controller and I abhor flying with a mouse. My suggestions for the console version, -Kerbal Alarm clock, add this function to the admin building ( even as a paid level unlock )..."Admin wants a mission to Duna, the transfer window is in three weeks." this will give console players an in game transfer planning resource that is sorely needed. Same for an interplanetary course correction Alarm clock, " Admin wants you to know your TPS reports are out of date, and Duna 1 is due for a course correction..". Or alarm reminder "That Duna 1 probe should be hitting the atmosphere by now, did you turn it on yesterday like we planned?" -Kerb-net, turn on this power hungry application and anomalies will show up if and when they do, also acts as a science reminder, "we're over Mun pole, should probably take a picture or something..", "Admin wants to know what this anomaly is on the front page of the newspaper", have Kerb-net show console players the Biomes and the places they haven't explored. -Kerbal skills, seriously. Engineers need to be able to scavenge parts from one craft to another, that's kinda how engineers become engineers in the first place. Science guys should be able to find/identify biomes and anomalies in the game. Pilots should be able to make a guess as to where they will land on a given trajectory, I'm talking about trying to land a pod at KSP. By level 3 these skills should be completely possible. -Contracts. Really really need to more clear. I can't stress this enough, they need some proof reading. If I'm continually missing a specific biome or science objective, you could offer a contract and show me what it is I'm missing. Same with Historical records and milestones. Also, If I have a Space Hotel, don't ask me to build another, ask me to fill it. As I suggested, Flight Joystick is something I'm missing in this game. I offer these suggested changes to the console game, mainly because it's a console game, not a computer game that has a readily accessible google tab I can refer to. I can and do play this console game without Kerb-net, um, without internet connection. That's all I have for now, I'm sure most of the problems I'm having are mostly because of me. I just wanted to add my input thus far as a console gamer. I'm looking forwards to any expansion or DLC for this Fantastic game!!! Cheers all!
  18. PS4 Enhanced Edition, 1.01, default controls, normal difficulty, career mode. I haven't messed around with any settings at all, I have only ever played Kerbal on my PS4 console. Lots of useful chatter going on here. I'm glad to see the KSP community and Dev's are still actively pursuing the Kerbal Space Program for Console. I'm thrilled that the EE 1.01 patch fixed so many of the problems that were plaguing the console version. I have now for my first time, completed the science tree in Career mode, Year 2 and 50-ish days. Was really expecting some sort of party, but research is never really finished. My first interplanetary sortie to Duna was a partial success. I was able to get there with two space probes, deploy some comm satellites, and attempt landings on both Duna, and Ike. Unfortunately I didn't install proper relay (any relay comms ) so, yeah. Partial success. Duna has a new crater with some litter around it, Ike has a lander that only occasionally wants to talk with Kerbal Space Command. My Probes currently enroute to Jool will no doubt have the same success rate... if I'm lucky. Right now my Kerbals and I are learning to spell the words efficient launch profile, and I have discovered a couple of different ways of how not to do interplanetary transfers. Also found out how to level Kerbals skills up, way, way, way late in the game. The Space Tourism market seems to be a reliable source of Income , so hopefully I'll eventually be able to land a fuel rover on Mun and Minmus for less cost than the Kerbal Space Hotel I'm currently assembling in orbit. I love this Game. Current gameplay concerns; -Physical Time warp, sounds like the nuke and Ion engine crowd want this. I've only been using chemical rockets so it haven’t bothered me... yet. -Since I started playing early on in the console release phase, I do not like the new throttle arrangement, because it's backwards to how I learned. Console controller is very busy and could use some work eliminating overlapping command button combinations. -Something needs to be sorted out with the trim setting being so easy to accidentally turn on, HAL keeps trying to crash my spacecraft. I suppose somebody might want to set the trim while making a burn in space, But I sure haven't wanted to. -Kerb-net remains a complete mystery to me. I haven't even accidentally landed on an anomaly yet. If I turn it on, I need to escape back to the space centre to get it off the UI. -Kerbal skills and abilities, I have landed bases on Mun and Minmus, I have Space Stations orbiting Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus, and I'm building a 40 room space hotel, I have docked , clamped, landed, recovered, rendezvoused, transferred, rescued, space walked, Mun walked, drilled and refined... while the pilots have gained useful skills, and the scientists have gotten faster, the engineers have only learned how to pack a chute or to fix a flat tire. -Seriously, the contracts need a proof reader. Please. For real. -The Admin building... just... why? I guess it might add something to the game, I just don't know what it is. Haven't used it at all, until recently I didn't bother opening the screen. I'm done the tech tree now so I guess I'll sell some science... -Interplanetary travel, Console Career players need some sort of alarm clock. and some sort of rough transfer planner. Unless I'm suppose to attempt all my interplanetary stuff in sandbox mode, the game needs some sort of alarm clock. - Haven't touched an asteroid and I don't want to.... yet. -VAB I haven't made any use of the advanced tabs, subassembly seems to be a mysterious method of telling me I can't attach things I might want to save. -I hear that console players can use a keyboard and mouse, haven't tried. If this is true, great, if it's not the game should have this option. -Flight controls for planes, I've read that there is an option for using a joystick, this is a must have for flying aircraft. I haven't tried yet. I like the idea of building and flying my own planes, and I have built and flown a few planes in KSP, but I mostly avoid it because I personally don't enjoy atmospheric flight with a controller and I abhor flying with a mouse. My suggestions for the console version, -Kerbal Alarm clock, add this function to the admin building ( even as a paid level unlock )..."Admin wants a mission to Duna, the transfer window is in three weeks." this will give console players an in game transfer planning resource that is sorely needed. Same for an interplanetary course correction Alarm clock, " Admin wants you to know your TPS reports are out of date, and Duna 1 is due for a course correction..". Or alarm reminder "That Duna 1 probe should be hitting the atmosphere by now, did you turn it on yesterday like we planned?" -Kerb-net, turn on this power hungry application and anomalies will show up if and when they do, also acts as a science reminder, "we're over Mun pole, should probably take a picture or something..", "Admin wants to know what this anomaly is on the front page of the newspaper", have Kerb-net show console players the Biomes and the places they haven't explored. -Kerbal skills, seriously. Engineers need to be able to scavenge parts from one craft to another, that's kinda how engineers become engineers in the first place. Science guys should be able to find/identify biomes and anomalies in the game. Pilots should be able to make a guess as to where they will land on a given trajectory, I'm talking about trying to land a pod at KSP. By level 3 these skills should be completely possible. -Contracts. Really really need to more clear. I can't stress this enough, they need some proof reading. If I'm continually missing a specific biome or science objective, you could offer a contract and show me what it is I'm missing. Same with Historical records and milestones. Also, If I have a Space Hotel, don't ask me to build another, ask me to fill it. As I suggested, Flight Joystick is something I'm missing in this game. I offer these suggested changes to the console game, mainly because it's a console game, not a computer game that has a readily accessible google tab I can refer to. I can and do play this console game without Kerb-net, um, without internet connection. That's all I have for now, I'm sure most of the problems I'm having are mostly because of me. I just wanted to add my input thus far as a console gamer. I'm looking forwards to any expansion or DLC for this Fantastic game!!! Cheers all!
  19. Computers and I don't seem to get along, I apparently irritate them as much as they confound me. I actually moved from PC games to console for the simplicity of plug and play. Also, I currently have a potato computer.
  20. Breaking News, The Mun Landing was fake, experts have examined the "pictures" and have come to the conclusion that the flag isn't on the Mun and the lighting is wrong.
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