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Everything posted by joacobanfield

  1. Does a MechJeb module that got Krakenified during reentry and shot out of the solar system at 1300 km/s count? It´s at like 500 Gs or so.
  2. Blindly accept a contract for a solar rescue, then figuring out it's a retro solar rescue. And you only have T2 parts...
  3. MineKerbal: Regrowth. Maybe I have to rebuild the world enough to leave it to its own devices?
  4. I sent a SCANsat probe to Minmus. Then I took my Plane That FliesTM and took it for a spin. My first time on the island runway, actually. I also planted a flag on the resident anomaly. Then I went back to KSC, trying for a first successful return. (I had never landed on the runway before) Done! Mostly. Then I decided to goof around with it.
  5. Tame, but I got two Mun flybys for the price of one.
  6. My abort procedure is called Hyperedit.
  7. One of my MechJeb modules rebelled during reentry, and exited the solar system at about 1300 km/s. It's currently 20G away from Kerbol.
  8. Separators for EVERYTHING!
  9. The Goodbye, Moon station is in orbit! It´s got literally every antenna aviabable to my space program, as well as the ability to build ships. Yep, that´s the launch vehicle.
  10. I got two mun flybys for the price of one! Also, my space program has run into some serious trouble out there...
  11. I made a plane...a plane...THAT FLIES!!!!
  12. I...I... I went to Eve and forgot the ladders. Also, I GROSSLY underestimated Jool's atmosphere, error which was swiftly punished by the Hell Kraken.
  13. I figured out how to bring Kerbals BACK TO LOYFE! SHOW YOURSELF! OUR NEW ZOMBIE, JEBEDIAH KERMAN! *Camera points straight at a wall*
  14. I failed a Duna mission. Anyone knows any lander tips for that planet?
  15. Mainly a pilot, but also a bit of an engineer. I like building and fixing ships, and ground bases are my thing.
  16. I have not had the need for a rescue mission *yet* but yesterday I sent Herdan Kerman to fix a broken mun rover. He slapped some more solar panels and called it a day.
  17. To cover probe cores during ascent...at times. Else, no, not at all.
  18. I attached moar modules to my space station!
  19. Hm...maybe try to steal some mystery goo.
  20. I sent Herdan Kerman to fix a broken rover on the Mun.
  21. Jim! Now I can't- WHAT HAVE YOU DOOOONE!? In other news, Emiko Station is awesome. Keep up the good work!
  22. I got my first Hell Kraken. Yay for hyperediting stuff to Jool!
  23. My rocket had its engines attached sideways. It somehow managed to destroy the Astronaut Complex with debris...
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