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Everything posted by roboslacker

  1. Independence Day? There's a flying castle, and people are trying to get onto it. Airships for the win.
  2. Today, I replaced the rear brake assembly and rotors on the family van. I also saw The Kid Brother (1927) in a theater.
  3. Location: part.cfg of some sort. 4/10 There's just too many of them, and I can't make any sense of them.
  4. 32 (-1) The numbers are an abstract representation of the futility of conflict. So's everything else, if you squint just right.
  5. That mountain reminds me of the meteorite/meteoroid/meteor/asteroid/space rock from The Shooting Star (one of the Tintin books).
  6. 9/10 I never got around to finishing that show.
  7. The rocket division will win the Duna race, obviously. Spaceplanes are bad for interplanetary operations.
  8. I don't know enough about the context of the house fire to make a call about it. It is apparent that it was arson, and there was some shady stuff about an incinerator, but that's the extent. And now I present; my theory. I think that Misty was guilty of the initial crime, and Irpond is aware of this sort of as a fact of life. The effect of this on Irpond's mental process allows her to justify her own crimes, for which the end goal is Bob. She killed Sheri to make Bob available, and then did all the framing so she could have time to bond with Bob during the investigation. She convinces Scott to help frame Val, and then has Scott offed by a mad gunman. She convinces Reid that Val was responsible for blowing the cover on the Clivar genocide, and somehow convinces him to destroy evidence in the control tower incident, and shoot up the place at the team up day meeting- silencing himself in the process. And right before they leave for Dres, she activates her salvaged, reprogrammed rover, and destroys Posieden Palace, thereby getting rid of any evidence she forgott, and creating the illusion that the culprit is still on Laythe. As for munjet 314, this would finally explain the motive for the murder of Agaden- She was Bob competition. And that's as far as I've reasoned.
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