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Everything posted by roboslacker

  1. Baseless speculation is pretty fun, you should try it. In the next chapter, Kerny will discover an Alien numbers station.
  2. I used to have 6 cats, but now I only have one.
  3. Have you ever ready A Tragedy in Three Acts? Something similar could be happening here. Step 1: Rehearse crime Step 2: Suggest crime was crime to see if people think it was crime Step 3: If people don't see through through the crime, proceed to step 4 Step 4: Commit crime On the other hand, Val wouldn't kill her own student. On the original hand, there are multiple perpetrators.
  4. It was originally meant as a joke, but now that I think about it, Val's reaction to finding out about the massacre was rather extreme... It could just be extreme disgust, but it could also be guilt. Here's an idea, Val had previously taken action to supress what she believed to be baseless slander against her brother, perhaps even unknowingly being complicit in some of this tradgedy. And then she found out not what her brother did, but what she did.
  5. You sure lucked out in that crash. On the other hand, there's been many unlucky crashes.
  6. I can't find the images, but I once landed a small probe on the mun for an SRB only challenge, and I've sent several probes into kerbolar orbit using SRB stacks.
  7. Are you going to drive out the next buggy, or are you going to airlift it to the last checkpoint? Also, I think you should name the next buggy Bob Johnson for good luck.
  8. Does the station have a name yet? If not, can we (also) name it Bob?
  9. Serenity is clearly the project name for the upcoming full AI update.
  10. I've had this remix stuck in my head for a few days now.
  11. Hmm. It looks like some sort of drilling rig powered by a nuclear reactor.
  12. Today I had a serious crisis when my laptop stoped working altogether. It stayed non functional until my brother took a look at it, and found that it was just out of power.
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