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Everything posted by XLjedi

  1. Pretty sure, it's officers in both Air Force and Navy flying the cool jets... Marines, maybe a warrant officer, for helos, but it's been a long time since I looked into that.
  2. Don't fall into that trap! ...never judge yourself by the accomplishments of others. You will always focus on the people who have done more and the depression can creep back in. Just keep your blinders on and focus on what's important to you.
  3. Grunts who join the Air Force out of high school don't fly jets... they fuel em. But seriously, I was in a similar situation when I was 19. Could not afford Embry Riddle, went with the local community college flight program instead, got my license, started flying... Life happened, things change, desert wars erupt... Decisions were set before me, and turns out that I took a very different path. As I look back now, I wonder what might've happened if I went in the other direction. But in all cases, I come to the conclusion that I made the right decisions and would not trade my life as it is today for any other option that the past may have presented. Be patient, 19 is very young... you have plenty of time. But I hear you, I felt that impatience. You may not fly in the airlines, you may have better opportunities. Just remember that as you make your choices, always choose with the idea in mind, "When I look back on this 10, 20, 30 years from now... will I regret it?" ...and don't worry if a choice comes along that leads you down a different path, that's life. Just run with it! In the mean time, no one can stop you from flying, go down to the local airport with $75 in-hand and you can probably fly with an instructor that day.
  4. I don't care for the idea of modifying the signature of others... I might suggest that badges are showing up in signatures for lack of any other place to put them. I have been looking at ways to add badges and/or graphics/links to a section in my profile though. I would prefer to see a more editable section in the user profile where people could post their "trophies" and such. For instance, in your profile, directly beneath the header and just above that green "Community Rep" box, it would be nice to have an editable area spanning the full width of the page that worked exactly like the current signature, only call it "Trophy Case" or something like that.
  5. Unlocked? ...me thinkst somefin in your thread-lockers is broked-ed!
  6. Never too early to plan ahead... and thankfully, it's not his call. Another idea that comes to mind, and since you're going down the path of linking craft files. In the process of designing that linking structure, also maybe think about linking missions? Maybe the folder system you have could be piggy-backed on to group missions into a campaign? ...and along the lines of my previous suggestion for Mission Badges. A way to mark a mission completed and have a publicly available Mission Badge display wall page! With notifications to mission designers that user X has completed your mission.
  7. I do like the idea of linking craft... definitely need that! As for the graphic display... My idea is this, keep everything you have now for the craft displays, but add one thing. A dedicated slot for uploading a 256x160 Mission Flag/Badge, maybe even require one, or suggest missions without one are less popular (like craft without pictures). With the idea being people will want to paste that badge on their creations when they do the mission! Then just display the missions by badge and title! If you notice, on the forum here, there is a LOT of interest in people creating and collecting these mission badges (in my sig below for instance) and your site could facilitate this! ...have you seen the mission badge art here? I would keep the graphic display simple; just like the craft display. Show the Mission Badge and the Mission Name and leave it at that. Use database fields and your search tools/filters for dealing with stuff like planets included, rescue missions, etc...
  8. Well whatever you manage to throw together... it won't be any stranger than my recent attempt. Look forward to seeing what you come up with!
  9. Just start with STS-1a and work your way up... if you take off with boosters, get into space, and land you'll qualify for somethin.
  10. My submission for STS-2a Commander Achievement ...oh and, "HAIL KRAKEN!" All parts are stock and no significant mods to speak of and I haven't bothered with Mech-Jeb yet. The craft file and details are also available for detailed review by clicking on the blueprint... I thought the little "Krak-Sats" were pretty cool!
  11. One clarification please... I don't understand the Pilot/Commander Level 2 requirement of "Geostationary Orbit"? If that's truly a requirement for both Pilot and Commander, a synchronous or geostationary orbit of Kerbin would be at a perfectly circular 2,863.33km altitude for both the pilot and commander rank? http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Synchronous_orbit Did you really mean the satellites need to be at equivalent orbits and equidistant from one another? ...which seems to be the implication based on the minimum altitude requirement in each case.
  12. 1) In the "Managed Followed Content" area, the timestamp is not a hyperlink that can be clicked on. If you mouse-over it, all it does is show a pop-up with the date & time 2) How do I search within a topic for a users posts? I have not been able to do this... If I put a username in "Search this Topic" it only returns posts that mention the username, as opposed to posts by the user? 3) Again, in the "Managed Content" area... there is no such star or circle. Perhaps there should be one? It would be helpful, for instance, if the posts listed under "Managed Followed Content" had the same clicky options as the posts listed under "Activity" I also notice under the "Activity" section, in "Threads I Follow" the circle/star to go to last post is disabled for some reason?
  13. This feature of the website has been a little aggravating. There seems to be no option to: Jump to the last post in the topic Go to my post in the topic Go to first unread post in the topic It just gives a link that starts you at the first post? ...which does not seem particularly useful at all. Am I missing something obvious? And in the wider forum, there seems to be no way to search for a specific users posts in a thread. I'm having a hard time locating my own posts!
  14. Wait, do normal people ask if they're normal?
  15. Indeed, very nice work... I do like the second one without the white border for the extra text clarity.
  16. Yeah... but the smaller text didn't scale as nicely... I might try the other one's to see how they look. How do you think it looks? a little hard to tell here with white background. ...the other 2 look better smaller. Thank you for doing these! I added them to my kerbalx profile
  17. That is excellent! ...my only request would be to add the word "My" to the left of the rocket graphic in the smaller blue text, if possible? ...and maybe resize it to about 256x160 standard size of a KSP flag image (would save me a step)
  18. Thank you... that slippery form is my Starlance shuttle variant, which does indeed require the boosters. The "A" variant below does make for a very nice SSTO: https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi/SP-04A-Starlance The Mk2 designs just lack a bit in payload...
  19. Well, on the one hand it does say "capable of" not "required" so a lawyer could argue it's fine... I personally read the spirit of the challenge to be a horizontal landing to complete each mission. So I might vote no, but it's not my challenge. If it's a matter of coming in horizontally with a shuttle capable of VTO, I don't think there's any limit on how you glide your craft to a horizontal landing. On the other hand if the thing lands like a SpaceX rocket... That doesn't really feel like it meets the spirit of the challenge, but... that's just my opinion.
  20. Ohhh... I see. Well that's not very intuitive at all, is it? I gotta mouse-over it before I realize it links to my profile on the KSP forum. I actually didn't even realize that linked to the forum, it's just a KSP logo... if anything, I woulda thought it would link to the main KSP website? I guess I'll put a hyperlink to it in my profile description text then. But yeah, if you can rethink this one in your spare time, you've got the feature to link to KSP forum profile buried in channels... and then when you do find it and enter your info, the resulting link is not evident.
  21. As a follow-up... I did add my KSP forum ID to my profile page in the format suggested: 175658-xljedi https://kerbalx.com/XLjedi ...and it appears to have done nothing. I don't see any "hit me up" link like the one on your profile when I view my profile? I also tried the full URL: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/profile/175658-xljedi/ Doesn't seem to work?
  22. OK, I see the KSP profile link now... But I have to tell you, even after you clued me to it, I looked at the hyperlinks on my profile edit page for a good 5 mins for something like "KSP Forum Profile" before I finally figured out it was buried under: "Add links to your channels" ...which meant absolutely nothing to me. Guess I'm an old guy and "channels" is what you kids are calling it these days, LOL. I think what also threw me a bit, is that there is a link for KSP Signature on the root page area; so I was kinda thinkin the KSP Profile might be there too? Maybe a hyperlink for "KSP Forum Links" and put the signature and link to my profile under that? ...the other 2 options for youtube and twitter maybe made more sense as "channels" I can setup the link to my KSP forum profile now, thanks!
  23. Hmmm.... upon initial investigation, a scripter like that may even be a better option! I'll look into it further, thanks for the suggestion!
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