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Posts posted by DunaManiac

  1. A world Without Rocket Fuel

    What Kerbin would be like if rocket fuel ran out.


    Chapter 1

    "5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0! And we have  lift off of the observational manned spacecraft!" Gene announced over the comlink.


    "Separation of stage 1 confirmed." he announced.

    "How you doing ol, Jeb?"

    "Just... Fine, Gene." Jebediah sputtered through the radio. Gene Relaxed back into his chair. It was going to be fine.

    "Separation of main booster confirmed!" Bill reported cheerfully. 

    "Preparing for orbital insertion." Bob said.

    "And... we are orbital!" Jebediah cheered. The rest of the interns at mission control cheered as well. Gene just sat in his chair and smiled. Another successful launch.He thought. He got up and went with the mission monitors who were now clearing mission control. 

                                                         .                                          .....

    "Sir! Sir!"


    "What is it Jinn?" Gene Replied.

    "There's a huge crisis," Said Jinn pointing toward the island in the distance.

    "Come with me sir."



    Gene and Jinn sped toward the Island Mining facility on the aircraft.


    "So what is this 'Crisis'" He asked Jinn. 

    "You'll see."  She replied.


    We have landed everyone.  Everybody off! Valentina announced. As they got off Gene wondered about the crisis as they stepped into the HQ.

                                          Chapter 2.  (coming tomorrow!)



  2. In the beginning, the first life forms colonized Kerbin. They were called Lerbals. They were mammals, and required water to stay alive. Then the Great cataclysm (Khea and Kerbin colliding) happened and they where all killed. But life survived, and the first Kerbals came to being. They lived and prospered. Then a giant asteroid hit Kerbin and killed all the Kerbals except a few dozen. They lived underground, but one day a kerbal ventured out to the surface, and established a Facility (or KSC). To launch rockets. And they continue to do so while the remaining population grows underground.

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