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Posts posted by Socraticat

  1. This process works for me every time. Other guides are more thorough, or use more appropriate terminology- mine is just some simple sped up gameplay with Danse Macabre/ Camille Saint Saens in the background and a text overlay.

    These links can also be found in the KSP2 Gameplay Questions and Tutorials section of these forums. There are a lot of great "How-To" tips in there worth spending time watching/reading. You're definitely in the right place to find help!

  2. On 9/28/2023 at 1:44 AM, Dakitess said:

    Sound like you took it very personally haha, maybe my message did not sound the way I intended

    Absolutely I took it personally, but don't think I didn't like it! It's true that the wheels are super slow, that's why it's more fun with fuel and thrust attached to the rear :happy:  More than anything it just felt like another challenge- So I took it as one and responded. I gotta defend my challenge, you know?

    I just want to make a case for the Challenge, since I really get a lot of enjoyment out of it. I like to race the Garage tops to make sure I can perform on inclines, turns, and to see responsiveness in a controlled environment. Once I've dialed it in there, it's easier to dial in the rest of the suspension and traction settings on other celestials.

    I'll have to take a look at the rules, but I'm pretty sure they don't restrict the use of engines, just that the craft is meant to be a rover. If that's not clear, I'll change it.

    You got me so worked up I had to go and make a lighter, more aerodynamic Racer:

    I had just as much fun this time as I have on the other runs. There's a sub 2:00 run real close here- Is anyone else going to chase it?


    I'm thinking about a race on the Mun, but it's been difficult to scope out a good race location with the decay bug. With that a bit more tamed, I'm excited to revisit the Mun for some low Polar orbits and scoping out cool terrain. I've had some good results with "speedy" driving there, despite the lack of friction. Anything smaller than Mun turns into a special kind of race... I think if I'm going to pick some other "tracks" they are likely to be Point to Point races/ Time Trials rather than Circuits. 

    The Challenge can be found HERE. There's not limitations other than it has to be a Rover- and It has to go from Top to Top (I'll add a rule that states you have to go from Top to Floor to Top)

  3. 7 hours ago, Dakitess said:

    I feel it would be more fun with some more speed, some drift, etc. It does not feel like there is any challenge or way to improve things on your try,

    No challenge?

    Did you try it or is it just "feelings"?

    I challenge you- you who clearly has knowledge on the subject, to use my craft or build one of your own to make it from one garage top to another.


    I was at less than full throttle on the way up. There's room for improvement. Speaking of room for improvement: I used jet engines, but I could have gone with closed cycle. I could have thrown jets on a smaller craft and added some wings for downforce. I didn't do any of that because I know one of you is ready to ruin my time on the course by building something faster- that is, if you're willing to put action where your words are.

    I'd love to set a course around KSC2. Unfortunately there are still  a lot of ground continuity errors on the ground- everywhere.

    The garage has fewer, if any of these "snags" as I call them, so it seemed like a good place to offer up Kraken mitigated ground for racing.

    As for speed, consider Pathfinder and Sojourner- the rover needed to traverse rough terrain and do so reliably. Sojourner was not fast. Sojourner is still super cool, and if you don't think so then you can go straight to Kerbol.

    Rather than make something "fast", can you make something reliable that you can pilot through two garages to be competitive? How competitive? C'mon! Put that sass in the VAB!

    So, yeah, it's slow but I had a lot of fun. I did compete in Fastest under the Bridge while there were still conpetitors, but everyone left. Try "Garage Tops" before you knock it. Try to take it at a speed somewhere between Sojourner and your KSP1 example.

    Also, I'm not sure that Mail Truck can make it up the Garage without thrust. Full throttle it reaches about 60m/s. It's not at all aerodynamic.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Dakota said:

    Looks like the challenge did go out as planned on Friday, but it was marked as hidden until now. I've unhidden it. Apologies.

    It figures. It was early when I noticed, still short on coffee, and I was baffled as to how that went under the radar all weekend.

    People were all over a lot of topics... but not this one.

    Just a weird weekend. 

  5. On a side note... am I losing it? Blind? Is the new weekly challenge even in the Challenge section?

    No, I didn't miss anything. It's not there. Is the forum irrelevant now?

    Why... why depend on Discord rather than a forum? Why do we have to use that horrid UI.

    ... I feel like I already know the answer, but I just don't like it. 

  6. Kerbin-Mail-Program1.png

    Built at v0.1.4
    There are a few groups
    1. Forward Drive- Disables engines, Sets pod to forward on Nav, Toggles manual reaction wheel, Disables AWS, retracts ladder
    2. VTOL- Enables vertical thrusters, Sets pod to up on Nav, Enable Ladder, Enable Brake
    3. AWS on
    4. ??? Engine Toggle? Lights... Probably Lights.
    5. Engine Toggle- Jet Engines
    9. Pod to Up (VTOL)/ Pod only.
    B for Brakes off when you are ready to drive.



    .json from google drive

    KSP Builds - Mail Truck

    See if you can beat my Rolling Start time of 3:46 in the "Garage-Tops" Challenge!



  7. I wanted to make a cinematic. I fought the Kraken, the Kraken won. The craft never became what I wanted it to be. It never performed quite like I hoped... but it did do some things right and it seems to be a good contender for Garage Top racing! So here it is. What was intended to be something larger is just a short series of videos about the Mail Truck going about to get mail, Rendezvous with the Rover Delivery system for international travel, then cruising around what is clearly not KSC, because deserts need mail too!

    And their all links in the paragraph, since they are all shorts and I don't get to choose the thumbnail.

    Except for this one. This is where I get to conservatively use the engines to stay competitive uphill. Good fun:

    (It's the same vid as the first hyperlink)

    Now please excuse me while I put the Rover in the craft share.

    I hope you all have a great whatever time of day it is for you soon.

  8. I put Tim in the cockpit of one of my SSTOs and had a little jog north through the Great River's winding turns. After spotting the southern boundary of the river I cruised down to see how the craft would handle the turns. It's not bad, but not great. It's built for building up speed up to 20k and coasting for short suborbital reconnaissance, or it can use it's reserve of Ox to extend small suborbital jumps into full hemisphere transfers or ultimately Orbit.

    Somewhere near the beginning of the river run I decided to give the ole' 'ctrl' "Fine-Adjust" a shot and wouldn't you know it... it worked like a charm. It's terrible when you need to make a large adjustment, or for landing- at least that's my experience.

    As far as the landing is concerned- the final cut just before the landing was a save. I had been gathering footage for a larger cinematic utilizing this craft (and this scene) and had struggled to land the jet in the desert. I must have wrecked a dozen times before realizing that landing "uphill" was what this craft needed in the wild. After having the expectation that I would fail similarly at the river's end I was pleasantly surprised when my practice scored me a "first attempt" landing.

    I've had quite the experience with patch 4 so far. This excursion has been no exception- I couldn't get the vessel above 320m/s after a save. Not sure how that changed (drag, weight, thrust, air?); SAS seems a touch aggressive, or maybe it needs to be more aggressive, like sampling twice as often; Graphics are good, but some things are off- on the horizon you can see some "pops" of light, Kerbin's Crust competes with the River from far away, and the clouds look... out of sync? Slow?

    All in all quite fun. This is the tip of what I worked on this week and I look forward to sharing the rest later. I'm off to get more footage!

  9. This is the result of Kraken-Proofing the "Slamvan". It uses zero trussing or hubs; it uses the same steel frame as the Van; the cargo area carries limitless possibilities.

    I call the frame "SpaceTruck" and the particular build "Tuff".

    It's a "Tuff" Truck... when it's upright.

    Should I jump the Dres or Eeloo canyons?

    Does anyone want to see this in the craft share?

    Sidenote: This one was built to dominate Minmus, but R&D insisted on testing capabilities on the Mun. The rationale was that if it could perform at all on Mun, it would be successful on a host of other bodies (some have even mentioned a secret program for Duna exploration)

  10. 1 hour ago, LittleBitMore said:

    ok, cool, whatever, so what do you propose we do then, dweebus?

    Stop putting so much energy into so many words. Go play. Share the play.

    It's so much more fulfilling to worry less about what others are saying- if you enjoy it just go and enjoy it. Come join me in the "What did you do today" Thread!

    I too have an obvious opinion, but every time I put too much energy into worrying about how other people are "not enjoying whatever", I usually also end up bereft of fun I would have otherwise had, had I just gone and done the thing the people said I wouldn't enjoy.

    Let the fretters fret. Nod in agreement cause some of it is warranted and everyone is entitled to an opinion, then go do you.

    The community will heal in time.

  11. This vessel is horrid. I love it. I call it "The Flying Pancake":


    I haven't played Starfield, so I have no reference other than some screenshots (I shamefully admit I didn'teven watch any videos). What always stands out is the boosters on or near the legs, and this Bulldog Pod somewhere on the hull. Other than that, they all look kinda like flying pancakes to me, so I aimed for that aesthetic. Oh, and I rooted it to a cargo bay- with no cargo.

    It can reach about 25k on Kerbin. It reached the surface of the Mun and back to Munar orbit from LKO where it was boosted by a super-heavy looking booster assembly.

    It can land from its 25k altitude, although I wouldn't say it makes precise landings. I would call it fairly stable, but not at all maneuverable.

    It's absolutely better than the first few attempts I made, and even better than some subsequent redesigns.


  12. Going back to the VAB was way better than moaning and complaining about how I didn't get what I wanted the first time. Still, I feel like the Kraken literally rode with me the whole time. Like, we're pals now...


    Notice the Jenga style stack that took me to this point... thank goodness for gimbal. Like balancing a broom on your finger at every maneuver.


    Val on Vall with her Vehicle, "Little Dragon". I'm right by the Lake- It will be easier to see in a video.

    And that's about as far as the fun went. Not long after I drove away the support vehicles experienced catastrophic failure/ AKA Kraken Attack. Guess that little guy that followed me finally got hungry.

    The rover wheels are simply fantastic. Having said that, so far the least "buggy" mesh to drive through/over has been the KSC garage. Everywhere else on any celestial seems to have hidden crevices, bumps, hooks, and hydraulic flippers that make continued rover use rather frustrating.

    Still, I had fun.

  13. Here's a cool shot from a doomed mission. This was going to be an exploration of Vall, maybe a return. Turned out to be a return to the VAB.


    The tanks on the side are docked. Each side has two stages to drop. It works great if it actually worked, but it completely broke the maneuver node planner. Once the last segment was docked the vessel read <400 DV. If I made a prograde maneuver it would send me into spiraling dive... I fiddled with settings. Same result. I scrapped the planner.


    I knew I was in the window for Jool so I picked a spot that had worked in a previous rehearsal and went for it- I was on an intercept for Jool in no time. There was no inclination marker despite having Jool set as a target, so I tried to correct a polar intercept into an equatorial one by sight- after burning up one set of drop tanks I staged. 

    Two things happened at this point- 1. I noticed that there had been no change to the angle of the intercept despite having burned a few 100 DV. I chalked it up to a poor spot (maybe the inclination node was farther away than I thought) 2. After staging, the DV readout was something reasonable- in the thousands as was expected and utilized for intercept.

    It wasn't until Jool intercept that it really hit me... The engine was burning full throttle- full plume, great audio, DV readout dropping- But the actual velocity of the vessel would remain unchanged. It really was a bummer. I had fun docking the vessel together and trying a drop tank method for polluting deep space.

    Long story short, I'm going back to the VAB. The bug report forum is a mess- not because it's not being curated and worked on, but rather because it's flooded. It's difficult to navigate through what feels like the debris of promised greatness... it's also difficult to add extra buckets to the pools of kerbal tears.

    I'm going to make something basic and One-Way. Return trips and multi-vessel continuity is still absolute Kraken-Bait for patch 4. But the part's manager is way better now, so that's nice.

  14. Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: Win10 | CPU: ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: 3080 | RAM32


    As the title suggests, the Bug is first noticed by the sound of a flamed out engine (sounds like a seperatron to me) while constructing in the VAB. This has happened to me previously, so I knew to investigate when I heard the sound.

    I go to KSC, then Tracking Station (because you can't go from VAB to tracking station), and everything looks fine. I take control of the vessel I just left in orbit to assemble the companion. As soon as I take control the vessel begins to gain velocity- while in the Tracking Station...

    I change to map view with [M] and then I'm in map view watching the same phenomenon, but realizing the vessel has no fuel in that stage... the engine is not on... there is no plume.

    I reload back to the save I made just before going back to construct the companion and all seems OK.

    The bug is present at 60 seconds- .json for file during Kraken attack is below video. [Anth Edit: Added 60s to link. It will start at 60s.]


    I haven't personally opened that save yet. I've been trying to capture the worst of what I encountered last night before I try to navigate through patch 4's expanded Kraken territory.


    Included Attachments:


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