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Everything posted by Chel

  1. It would be nice. Maybe have a rover wheel poking out of the surface or a bit of the body
  2. It was a part of the book that described it, it didn't state that was why the Dragon was made. The Dragon was made for a different reason
  3. Banned for believing the cake was real
  4. Just found out about the crewed Dragon launch scheduled for the weekend (thanks @Barzon Kerman). I'm really excited for this! As said in Elon Musk's autobiography, it was stated that the current crew capsule (Soyuz), was just so old and uncomfortable, and that the Dragon is meant as a new replacement, which is quite epic.
  5. Banned for not thinking with too much logic
  6. What would happen if the forum got hacked? (just ignore the question of 'Why would someone even want to hack a forum about a space sandbox game?') Is there like a backup site or something? *Scrolls up* *Sees Nyan Cat*
  7. Happy first of March and happy Friday!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chel


      Wait really?

    3. Fraston


      Where I live its still the 28th...

    4. Barzon



      At 7:50 GMT, so you can extrapolate what time it will be for you.

  8. dundun93? More like, Cat @Barzon Kerman
  9. About 5 minutes, but recently the game has just been crashing for no reason (ksp.exe access violation and mono.dll).
  10. I see where you're coming from, and I agree. Constantly asking 'when's the update coming out' 'I can't play the game' 'Enhanced Edition is dead' just actually ruins the concept of KSP on console
  11. How? How are they edgy? Am I edgy just because I love cats?
  12. If I try it, why shouldn't you try it too? Anyways I don't want this to turn into a discussion about video game funding, so I'll just leave it there
  13. Doesn't mean that it should just be that all future content is just DLC, that's a bit extreme in my view
  14. So I was just browsing through here and wanted to check the last post of the Forum Test Thread (to find out why it had been locked), when I just got this 'error 502 bad gateway' page. It's been happening on other pages as well (such as What did you do in KSP today, and Ask the mods questions). Anyone know why this is happening?
  15. Oh. But doesn't SQUAD get funding from Take Two now?
  16. Shouldn't be like that. Just having retextures for parts in the base game and actually getting new parts and features in the DLC is basically just abandoning the base game.
  17. I just would like to see bug fixes and updates to Enhanced Edition (which we're starting to get now, thanks SQUAD). What I DON'T want to see is a bunch of DLC packs being the only way for new content while they leave the base game untouched (basically what EA and Activision do), as that would just make me stop playing completely.
  18. You were wrong, good fellow! @Barzon Kerman
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