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Everything posted by Chel

  1. They're useful for small craft and on larger craft for pushing away from a recently separated stage. As I've said before, every part has it's uses, however big or small it may be
  2. Chel

    Shower thoughts

    Why does midnight water taste so much better than normal water?
  3. Banned for being a lunar dog but loving cats
  4. It was a pleasure helping you, may your son enjoy Kerbal Space Program and all it has to offer - Cat
  5. I'm glad that we're getting some news about KSP EE, but I'm just a bit worried about the Mun launch site. Isn't the Mun supposed to be like an early game achievement? You've finally been able to get a rocket to there and either orbit, flyby, or land? Having a launch site on the Mun would basically just seem cheaty. Sure, you can use the debug/cheats menu (but it disables achievements, which I think is a fair tradeoff) to get to a different location, but just having the option of a Mun launchsite is a bit gimmicky (I don't know how else to put it). Hopefully there will be an option to toggle the launchsite on and off or disable it completely, It'll be interesting to see what happens when this update gets released
  6. Hmm, your prediction is wrong! @adsii1970
  7. Ree i'm watching trailers for a media assignment! @Lo Var Lachland
  8. Banned for being a suicidal maniac (same)
  9. That one way RCS jet (can't remember the name). It's really useful for having exact control and placement on my crafts
  10. Yes it is. If you're on a really, really low budget you can find a computer running XP for like 20 dollars, but I don't want this to turn into a discussion about different computer models or specs, just about helping the OP
  11. Oh and KSP won't really run on Windows XP or anything lower, so try to get a machine with Windows 10, Windows 8, or Windows 7.
  12. Welp mod support isn't on console and it probably won't be, so unfortunately @RexxTheBeast666, those parts probably won't be added any time soon (or if at all)
  13. Most modern PCs can run Kerbal Space Program. In fact, I'm running KSP on an ex school laptop from 2010 quite well (getting decent performance from the game even with mods and other things). As long as the computer isn't too old, it'll be able to run the game. I'd say getting a laptop from 2018 - 2010 as anything older than that may start to lag and make the game just seem slow and not really enjoyable. For pricing, look for something around $500 - $300, or if you're lucky, you might be able to find a gaming laptop on eBay or other sites. Hope this helped - Cat
  14. Banned for not explaining the rights of agreement
  15. Banned for admitting someone was right
  16. I have tried a bunch of things, and I'm considering rebuying the game soon
  17. In class, but screw this poetry analysis @4x4cheesecake
  18. In a realm where I bought KSP a long time ago but require the admin password to update it
  19. 'Relatively obscure' We're talking about Nyan Cat here. Not about deepfried dank memes
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