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Everything posted by Chel

  1. Chel


    Am I the only person who still has their KSP on 1.0.0? I'll update it, I swear! (someday...)
  2. How did you not go insane with that lag? How?! Looks epic btw. Truly epic KSP moment
  3. We will march down to your office and take episode 100 forcefully. Do you want to have plushies thrown at you?
  4. Banned for being a big boi with many gravity
  5. It was a reference to another video game's yoga system (GTA V)
  6. Loosely based on the Russian Su-25 'Frogfoot' the KL-40 'Raptor' is a versatile ground attack aircraft https://photos.app.goo.gl/qdQ56Gaf8SbJG3aV6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/Pzypws9sD2m5EqjZ9 https://photos.app.goo.gl/4ucgpMq9fAFJWxFt7 https://photos.app.goo.gl/kfVHB9Ak7CvkJzydA https://photos.app.goo.gl/XESkgApG1rQsTtyo6 Next item coming soon
  7. My naming scheme is usually like 'F-27 Eagle' or whatever, as I usually do military builds. For spacestations, it's usually KerbHub or SS1. For modules of stations or bases, it's like 'MarsOne Rover' 'MarsOne Drilling', and so on. Sometimes when I do meme builds (screwing around with tweakscale, cheats, everything), it's like 'Abomination' 'What is this' 'Destroyer of Worlds'.
  8. Hold LT and RT to breathe in, release to breathe out.
  9. I hope that they'll be able to remove it or maybe amputate the leg, because at least then she won't die. But if worst comes to worst, I don't know if i'll be alright
  10. Randomly scrolling through this thread, didn't expect to find such an epic plane!
  11. So this afternoon, about two hours ago, my family and I went to the vet because we noticed a large lump on our dog Molly's front left leg. About 15 or 20 minutes in, they told us that she had cancer. We don't know what type, as they said they would send the stuff off for further analysis, but hearing this news I just absolutely broke down. Even now I'm just holding back tears as I write this. I love her so much, and I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know these things, I'm only a teenager. To find out that she has this has just absolutely killed me inside. I don't feel anything except sadness and hate right now, normally I'm happy. I just don't know what's going to happen, and that's the scary part. Will she live? Die? Have 3 legs? I don't know! WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN? WHY?! I HATE CANCER I HATE IT I HATE IT!
  12. So about an hour ago me and my family went to the vet because one of our dogs, Molly, had a large lump on her front left leg. After about 15 mins, they said that that lump was actually cancer. Now I love my dog very, very much, and to find out that she now has this has absolutely destroyed me. I felt as if my whole body just died inside. I don't know what to do, I've been sobbing for the past half hour, and I seriously don't know what's going to happen. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 4x4cheesecake


      I feel sorry for you mate, that are really bad news :( Hopy there is a chance to save her life

    3. Coca992


      As said Lo Var Lachland, enjoy the time with her, as we must always do with everyone.

    4. guesswho2778


      im sorry for your loss i went through the same thing about 5 years ago my dog who was very old for her size got cancer there wasn't enough time to save her and she died about 2 weeks after we found out unfortunately i was the one who found her

      and just as the two above said enjoy your time with her you never know what might happen

  13. Have you downloaded the correct version of the mod and installed it correctly? An improper install can cause the mod to not work at all, or have some features disabled, or even in extreme cases. break the game
  14. Ironic. @Triop's avatar isn't a cat and yet this is for cat avatars. Dab
  15. Oof. I believe @Lo Var Lachland will reply next
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