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Everything posted by Chel

  1. Lies! So you can just make the gap tighter between our post counts so you can win! YOU DON'T FOOL ME! : )
  2. Stop replying lol. I thought you were gone!
  3. Chel

    The Question?

    Do any of you like Star Wars? Especially the prequel films?
  4. I am planning to reach 5 dots before you lol
  5. Star Wars: Resistance is better than Clone Wars : )
  6. Star Wars sequels are better (that is a complete lie by the way, the prequels are MUCH better)
  7. When you've gone to orbit a heap of times, you basically do it without thinking. It becomes so natural. Now that sounds weird
  8. What's the point of getting to orbit and stuff if it does it for you? It would take the fun out of the game if you ask me
  9. Umm... I don't know? Nor do I really want to know lol
  10. Good news! I now have a new laptop! Even better, this one isn't a school one! So nothing is blocked nor being monitored by the IT Department! Yay!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. guesswho2778
    3. guesswho2778


      the ******* finance department at the school ****** up and now i have to give MY NEW ******* LAPTOP BACK AFTER SPENDING 2 ******* DAYS SETTING THE THING UP

    4. Chel



  11. Oooh, new user. Welcome!
  12. Hmm... 'First hours in KSP' and 'Finest hour in KSP' sound similar. But hey, they say that imitation is the finest form of flattery!
  13. When I'm re-entering, I always angle my plane upwards, and do small spins. Sometimes I will even deploy airbrakes to slow down while still going through the atmosphere. I remember once how I just went straight down through the atmosphere, and pulled up with about 200 meters to spare from hitting the ground. Fun : )
  14. This one isn't really about KSP, but it kinda is at the same time. My laptop is getting replaced in like the next hour, and I've taken the smart decision to get KSP on to my USB so I can re-install it on my new laptop around February. However, an old KSP version was on my USB, so I had to delete it. That took around 2 hours. I couldn't simply just put the new version on, as it needed more storage to install, so I had to delete the old version. Putting the new KSP version on took around an hour, but now it's safely on my USB, ready to be installed in about two months. As a result of this, I've had only 5 hours sleep (as by the time KSP was moved onto the USB, it was like 1:15am). This will also probably be the last post I make in a while, so have a happy holiday everyone! : )
  15. What use is an air raid siren against a land attack by the most powerful military in the world?
  16. We are friends, who just participate in the Ban thread because I'm bored and they keep on responding : )
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