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Everything posted by Chel

  1. School starts again for me tomorrow, not looking forwards to it at all.
  2. It's that time again. Time for school. To learn new things, make new friends, and to visit this forum every day as it's the only site that isn't blocked 
    : )

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Coca992



    3. harits


      does anyone know where the kraken is?

      or it just a myth?

    4. Chel


      Why are you replying to a status update with this? And the Kraken can be found on Bop 

  3. Welcome to the forums. Having keyboard and mouse support for console KSP would undermine the console version's existence. Also how is it frustratingly unplayable? If you're having difficulty with things, check out the tutorials, settings, and controls pages. It's hard to get used to a PC game on console, maybe you just need to get used to playing KSP with a controller. : )
  4. Did someone mention me? Oh it must've been @4x4cheesecake!
  5. Congratulations on TOTY @MaverickSawyer!
  6. Happy New Year everybody! It is currently 12:02am on January the 1st, 2019! :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chel


      Yup! haha


    3. guesswho2778


      (oh crap) Happy (late) new year! 

    4. Coca992



  7. 1/10 I haven't seen you here at all
  8. My mod that I will never go without is SXT (Spaceplane eXTension), a great mod that adds many parts to my already growing parts list.
  9. Ok, doing this would be a mistake. I bought KSP Enhanced Edition when it came out, for $50. I would be angry if I saw it under Game Pass as $1. I hate the whole concept of the Game Pass, as it basically ruins having to buy games. "Pay a small price and get all these games". It may seem good, but it's undermining the actual developers. I spent money on a game. I expect that money to go to the game developers and publishers, NOT to Microsoft or Sony. These are my thoughts on this, TCIS
  10. Wai- whaaa? Oh well, have a bright and happy future! We will watch your career with great interest!
  11. If I was in charge of a Kerbalkon I would have it near the offices of SQUAD
  12. Banned for having basically your whole signature filled with mission stuff
  13. There's these things called Google and Youtube which can show you how to make one :)
  14. Episode 0? Hmm... I'll be looking forwards to it!
  15. Now thats alotta damage! Trailer looks cool, I'll probably see the movie when it releases
  16. If this is just a random thread with no point, maybe it should be closed? @Vanamonde
  17. Banned for having a three letter username
  18. https://imgur.com/a/ooEWY4J You need to register an account, which I've shown via the link :)
  19. Welcome to the forums, @jocalco. Modding games on an Xbox One is impossible, except for games with dedicated mod support (like Fallout 4, Farming Simulator, and Skyrim). I know this as I have an Xbox One, I tried modding KSP, GTA V, and others, and there are systems in place to stop it. It isn't possible, unless the developers release official modding support for Enhanced Edition (which I doubt they will). IMO I believe that sometimes it's good to have a stock game, and not any mods. I play KSP on PC as well and with so many mods it becomes a nightmare sorting through thousands of parts, the loading times, and crashes associated with it. Hope this answered your question! :)
  20. Chel

    The Question?

    What I said was a star wars prequel quote And everyone has their own opinion, I respect that
  21. Chel

    The Question?

    What? How can you do this? This is outrageous, it's unfair!
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