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  1. Hi, i have download the mod, but no Cockpit or Warpring Narcelles. Most parts not available in the VAB. Can you help me pls? Log: https://www.buechl-city.de/download/KSP.log
  2. Hello again, now i have found the mod, who's contains the problem. It's FreeIVA. Deleted, and now it works.
  3. Hello, i have a problem with the big CM. After Takeoff a polygon "graft" spawns in the CM. It stays in same position. So i can turn the ship and the "graft" stays. My Modlist: - Aviation lights - landertek - B9 partswitch - Better Burn Time - Chatterer - Community Ressource Pack - CryoEngines - CryoTanks - DecoupleFromHeatshield - DeployableEngines - DynamicBatteryStorage - EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements - FuelTanksPlus - Kaboom - KerbalEngineer - DropTanks - SpaceShuttleEngines - Kopernicus - Mkerb - PreciseManeuver - Docking Port Alignment Indicator - NearFutureElectrical - NearFutureProps -NearFutureRovers - OPT - Parallax 2 - PlanetShine - Scatterer - SimpleFuelSwitch - SolarScience - SpaceY - Spectra -StationPartsExpansionRedux KSP Version is 1.12.5 In this Screenshot i only have used stock parts. The "graft" stays all the time. It comes at a high of ~2500m, stays all the flight time and flow away ~2500m above ground at landing. Im very confused. Maybe the problem is knowned. Thanks for the help and sorry for my bad english. I hope, its understandable. Greetings from Bavaria/Germany. Have a nice day. Another Screenshot after decoupled all (with kaboom mod) So its better to see this graphics glitch.
  4. Hi, is there any way, to make the mod compatible with 1.2.2? I dont have 1.3 or 1.4, because i have many mods installed, who doesn't work with newer versions. I use Kopernicus version 1.2.2-11. Kerbol Origins v.0.4.8 doesn't work. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the help, first. But i'm not sure, if they are the right biomes. I'm with my spacecraft in a diagonal orbit and i always looks at the mission-windows, if the biome checkbox turn green, but it doesn't. Normally, when the spacecraft ist over the right biome, the checkbox turns green and i know, i'm right. Hm, now i'm very confused.
  6. Hello together, I should land on the biome "Duna's Craters". But i don't find this. Does anyone know, where it is to be found? Thank you very much! Version: 1.2.2
  7. Are there any Planetary Mods like Kerbal Origins? Waiting for a half year but nothing in sight. If i has the knowledge to fix this, i would do this, but i'm not a programmer...
  8. After this, does the textures of shayle and co. working? I'm not the best coder. Can you maybe upload the files? Thank you very much! Greetings, Stefan
  9. huhuu Good to see, the way goes on But is there now any solution for the Shayle texture problem and the Daphy stutter problem? (at a distance of around 100.000m there are heavy stuttering) I want land on Shayle, but with the texture problem, it does'nt make fun. Please help me. Thanks a lot!
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