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Everything posted by Landscape-Photography

  1. Hi, i have download the mod, but no Cockpit or Warpring Narcelles. Most parts not available in the VAB. Can you help me pls? Log: https://www.buechl-city.de/download/KSP.log
  2. Hello again, now i have found the mod, who's contains the problem. It's FreeIVA. Deleted, and now it works.
  3. Hello, i have a problem with the big CM. After Takeoff a polygon "graft" spawns in the CM. It stays in same position. So i can turn the ship and the "graft" stays. My Modlist: - Aviation lights - landertek - B9 partswitch - Better Burn Time - Chatterer - Community Ressource Pack - CryoEngines - CryoTanks - DecoupleFromHeatshield - DeployableEngines - DynamicBatteryStorage - EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements - FuelTanksPlus - Kaboom - KerbalEngineer - DropTanks - SpaceShuttleEngines - Kopernicus - Mkerb - PreciseManeuver - Docking Port Alignment Indicator - NearFutureElectrical - NearFutureProps -NearFutureRovers - OPT - Parallax 2 - PlanetShine - Scatterer - SimpleFuelSwitch - SolarScience - SpaceY - Spectra -StationPartsExpansionRedux KSP Version is 1.12.5 In this Screenshot i only have used stock parts. The "graft" stays all the time. It comes at a high of ~2500m, stays all the flight time and flow away ~2500m above ground at landing. Im very confused. Maybe the problem is knowned. Thanks for the help and sorry for my bad english. I hope, its understandable. Greetings from Bavaria/Germany. Have a nice day. Another Screenshot after decoupled all (with kaboom mod) So its better to see this graphics glitch.
  4. Hi, is there any way, to make the mod compatible with 1.2.2? I dont have 1.3 or 1.4, because i have many mods installed, who doesn't work with newer versions. I use Kopernicus version 1.2.2-11. Kerbol Origins v.0.4.8 doesn't work. Thanks
  5. Thanks for the help, first. But i'm not sure, if they are the right biomes. I'm with my spacecraft in a diagonal orbit and i always looks at the mission-windows, if the biome checkbox turn green, but it doesn't. Normally, when the spacecraft ist over the right biome, the checkbox turns green and i know, i'm right. Hm, now i'm very confused.
  6. Hello together, I should land on the biome "Duna's Craters". But i don't find this. Does anyone know, where it is to be found? Thank you very much! Version: 1.2.2
  7. Are there any Planetary Mods like Kerbal Origins? Waiting for a half year but nothing in sight. If i has the knowledge to fix this, i would do this, but i'm not a programmer...
  8. After this, does the textures of shayle and co. working? I'm not the best coder. Can you maybe upload the files? Thank you very much! Greetings, Stefan
  9. huhuu Good to see, the way goes on But is there now any solution for the Shayle texture problem and the Daphy stutter problem? (at a distance of around 100.000m there are heavy stuttering) I want land on Shayle, but with the texture problem, it does'nt make fun. Please help me. Thanks a lot!
  10. Thank you very much. Take the time you need, your real life is more important as the mod and my problem. If i found the problem on a other mod on my PC, i will report this. Hava a nice time
  11. This is absolutly not a problem. I say thank you for your help. I have activated the thread notification. Meanwhile in this time i will continue tests, if the problem is a other mod at my computer. I dont think so, but testing is better as do nothing. Thank you for your help, and take the time you need. If i would found the problem, i will report this in this trhead. Best greetings
  12. Well, thank you very much! I will try this and give a feedback this weekend. edit: Damn. Problem is the same. I have deleted the old Kerbol Origins Folder and copy in the new Kopernicus is version 1.2.2-9 But, thank you very much for your help again. edit2: I have now testes this Kopernicus versions: 1.2.2-3 1.2.2-5 1.2.2-8 1.2.2-9 Same graphics issue. At ~100.000m the normally greenlike texture changes to the grey modell with less geometry. Not sure, where the problem is. Sorry, that i take your time, but your my last hope to play this great mod with correct graphics.
  13. Hi, does anybody know, whats here the problem? Shayle at more than ~110km looks normal, but lower very very ugly. i play 1.2.2 with EVE, Scatterer 0.3, Kerbol Origins, SVT, SVE, Kopernicus of course and the modulemanager 2.7.5 Thanks for the help
  14. Hi, yes, i know this problem. But its not a problem with your PC. The screeching comes at 99% from your graphics card. I have the 980ti and heres the same. The screeching comes, when the graphics card has very high framerates. Especially at loading- or menuscreens. The reason are the coils in your card. But your card is not defect. Don't be worry. Some Geforce series are known for this, that they produce a coilscreetching. Greetings
  15. I think too. I think it's a physics problem maybe. The game runs possibly faster, if Hardware PhysX is supported. That my hope. Part welding is not a solution in this time, but a good way to give a bit more speed. If anyone has tipps, i'm glad to hear. Thank you
  16. Hi, how can i increase performance? Last, i have build a base on duna with ~200 parts and two identic manned rovers with á ~100 parts. But the performance is worst... maybe 5fps. My Modlist is here: Modlist PC: i7-5960x @ 4GHz 4 x 8GB RAM Quadchannel GTX980 Ti ASUS X99-E WS Win 10x64 Playing with the steamversion. But native without steam self. x64 Version. RAM @ 12-14GB usage at playing. Graphicsdriver is the newest. I have seen, if i assign just 4 cores/threads to the KSP, the framerate is higher as with 8 cores/16 threads. But with 4 cores and this Dunabase just 5 fps. And above the renderrange of 2.5km the fps going to 30-40. Is there any way to perform more fps? Because i have Spaceships with more than 600 parts without stutter. But ~400 parts at Duna stutters... Thank you very much. Greetings from Bavaria, Stefan
  17. Solved! After a longer search i have found, that the CelestialShadows.dll is the problem. If i deactivate the dll, the shadows and indirect lightning is correct and performance becames a big increase. I don't know, because this file works wrong (at my PC), but now the game is running good. Hope i could help other user to solve this problem. Greetings from bavaria, Stefan
  18. Hi everyone, i have a problem with hard eclipse shadows. They have a hard edge and i think they should have a soften one. I think its a problem with a mod. But im not sure. I have testet a lot, but i didnt found a solution for. So, maybe you can help me with my problem? I have added a full view of my modlist and screenshot examples from Duna. Thank you very much vor the help My Systemconfig: i7-5960x 4GHz X99-E WS 4 x 8GB DDR4 2666 GTX980 Ti Win10 i play with the DX9 x64 version. Its steam version. (1.2.2) I have testet OpenGL and DX11 with same problem. If you need any information, i would give it. Oh, and sorry for my bad english. Im from Bavaria/Germany. Thank you very much and all time fun with this great game. Modlist Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2
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