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Rudolf Meier

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Everything posted by Rudolf Meier

  1. It is caused by this "shadow position" stuff... normally no problem even if it freaks out, but when you load or warp, then it's used and then it crashes (because it's used wihout checking... and then the game engine crashes). I know what happens, but when it does, it's too late to fix or to find out where it came from... but... I do have some ideas of course... I will try them when I have a little bit more time...
  2. Yes... a hard to reproduce bug. I still don't fully understand why it happens. But it's already way better than it once was. For some reasons some calculations fail completely... sometimes... in a random way... or at least it seems to be random for me at the moment...
  3. Yes, but that's why (at least until 1.4) they had some sort of "shadow"-positions that never changed. This allowed them to get to a safe configuraiton after things like warping... that's why I wonder why it shouldn't work anymore. (I had a lot of problems with those positions when programming IR next... because there I have to modify both positions when moving... this one and the real one). So... for me it's not yet that clear what happens here... but I didn't investigate it. I'm only speculating right now
  4. What this means is, that you have a force on the joints. During timewarp the forces are removed and the joints go back into their "zero-position". From that standpoint it could (in theory) be that KJR is the problem. Because in case the extra joints added are off by some margins, it's possible to see this effect. But I don't see why time warping would cause joints to be at a wrong position after warping... the easiest way to find out would be to save your ship, disable KJR and load the ship again... if you see a difference, then we know it. Otherwise it's not KJR.
  5. only with IR next and only if my code is in the version you use... the original KJR has bugs that don't allow it to work properly with IR/IR next but... wings attached with IR parts is always a problem and will not really be solveable in a general way (I once tried to find solutions for that, but all I found was, that I can proof that it's not possible... except adding some kind of "damper"... but that's a strange solution that might not even work and I didn't try that)...
  6. hi Thanks for the input... yes, that's because I never really worked on the sequencer... but, someone else did I think. And, side-note.... the button should only show up, when a currently loaded vessel does have at least one IRv3 part. I know, currently it's not the best mod. I had some other problems I wanted to solve first and... I'm still working on them. And it's hard to tell how long software projects take Rudolf
  7. Just for clarification... the main goal of IR Next was and is to solve the problems of the old IR. Which are e.g. movements of parts when you warp time, problems when you undock ships with parts and dock them in a reversed way and stuff like that. And additionally there will be a project that brings inverse kinematics for IR Next. So, IR Next is not just an update to IR, but a completely new project... and almost everything has been written new (of course not without looking into the old code and using some ideas).
  8. 1. I'm currently trying to find out more about joints and their strengths... I hope that I can learn something useful for this project and "something like KJR"... 2. has to do with "forum rules"... I'm not allowed to put a release online for a project that "I don't own" ... as they called it and some others had a problem with the "form of the license file" :-) ... that's why I removed everything they complained about... and I haven't fixed it up to now
  9. hi That's ok for me... this was never really my project (the sequencer) ... I only did a very poor first port that I guess does not work. I first wanted to finish the other projects. Rudolf
  10. Is this really that important for all of you? ... that's by the way the reason why I have deleted my version of this project. Just to mention that... nobody seems to invest into the development, but everyone tells you what's wrong with how you "took over" the project (or just fixed a bug) and where you forgot to mention a license and that a specific link isn't in place which is "mandatory"... is that how "communities" are supposed to work? I don't think that like this we will see any progress. ... I really don't understand that ...
  11. Yes, I know what they do... I've invented them. They are needed in cases when you dock/undock parts that are not in their 'zero'-position. ... by the way. I've already solved a lot of problems. But I've not yet released them. Maybe I'll do that again in the future... I somehow lost a little bit the interest in this project when people told me, that "maybe it would be better if I'd never release anything anymore".
  12. Do you at least sometimes read through those buglists at bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com and evaluate which one to fix or do you simply ignore them all? There are so many that are so easy to fix and almost none of them ever got even into the "investigating" status. Why should I care about KSP and invest my time into this "the community can help us"-crap if you are ignoring me and all the others that reported bugs? I'd sugest, that you either close this page or at least close all those bugs you don't want to fix with a status like "we're not interested in fixing this" or something like that. Or then find an other way of dealing with community feedback. thanks a lot
  13. yeah... whatever... See, because of all those "formalists" we have today, I stopped working on the improvements of KJR. Some told me, that it's rude to remove a license (I didn't even know what the error was until I found out a week later that I had a typo in a script that did the packing of my releases which then did not include the license file... but it was on github), some others told me, that it might be better not to release anything ever again... some administrators told me that I should not post links to projects or builds in a thread I didn't start and that I should take over this mod first (what I didn't want, because all I wanted was to make it compatible with IR next) ... in the end I was writing a lot of private messages (took me hours). When I started, I did put many hundret hours of time into those projects and in the end... well, it ended like this. Might be that I do something again. But I'm not sure how this work will look like...
  14. Well, it is not... the license says this: The manual merging is a modification and it is not marked as changed by the one (linuxgurugamer) who merged it partially. ... see, I can be pe a nitpicker too.
  15. ... I removed the binaries. They were "not built according to the rules" of this forum. ... no idea when I will have time to put them back online.
  16. I'm trying to find out what causes this... on github I've the latest binary of the test version I use. I hope we can get better feedback from this... if you want to try that. The feedback might help in the development.
  17. it was the wrong file... sorry... I've built a 2b of the patch https://github.com/meirumeiru/Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement/releases and now I hope to find the time to fix the last problems with that... I've still one point to investigate before I can return to IR next
  18. could be that I included the wrong asset bundle... I will check that
  19. no, that's an IR problem... that's something else... its the next thing on my list
  20. I made a new debug KJR ( [Download link removed by moderator] ) ... there's still one little thing I want to investigate. After that I will work on IR next again. This new debug version should allow everyone to clearly see all extra struts in the game.... I'm not sure if all dynamic updates are catched (there's no event for that... might be it is sometimes missing one). If you think, that it is not correct what you see, open the KJR menu and click apply... this should reset all lines.
  21. I'm working on something... and I will release it, when it's done... for now, I've a new debug version online [Download link removed by moderator] ... currently no source. Should be ready soon. About the new debug version: it fixes some NullPointerException problems and this should also fix the explosions after undocking (at least I didn't see them anymore ...). Plus: it can now also activate the visibility of the autostruts.
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