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Everything posted by jojo5144

  1. the last hour !!!!!!!!!!! it is too long we bet on how much download in one minute
  2. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  3. ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo . warp the time ! thanx for the explain
  4. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_frFR851FR851&ei=8rPvXPLQHo2rgweDiJfoAw&q=heure+EST&oq=heure+EST&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l6j0i10l2j0l2.58361.65509..66079...5.0..0.134.2741.4j21......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i71j0i67j0i13i70i255j0i13j0i131j0i131i67.w9n49bld4CU maybe I'm wrong
  5. 13h00 est is in 30 minute . on the ksp site he said 13h est .https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/ at the end of the page
  6. 30 minute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaare yoooooooouuuuuuuuuuuu reaaaaaaaadddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the robotic kraken !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where is the hype wave ???????????????? where is the hype wave ?
  7. thank you so much ! problem solved ! there are 2 wild files left. but tutorials and scenarios are now available. good job thank you!
  8. Hello kerbal friends. I have a little problem. I sometimes have 115/116 file that disappears. these files seem to match the tutorial and the scenario. I thought it was the mod that was doing it. then I have everything removed to remake a clean instalation and i have reinstal the game for breaking ground. I am on the latest version with making history. on steam and windows . how can i post screenshots?(no url ). when i play the game the tuto and scenario are never available.every time when i verify Steam says 115 files don't verify when I check the integrity of game files. i upload this 115 file but they disappears anytime. . where can i have some help ?these files seems to be removed while loading the game . who can deleted files? steam?the kraken ? thank you PS: I find the culprit. it's steam. he eats between 115 and 125 files at the launch of the game. Why ? if I run the game without steam the file remains intact
  9. ho my god!!!! it's a real surprise! it looks huge! thank you very much again SQUAD! ksp will become the best game of the galaxy. kerbol still burns !!!!!!!!!!!!! for centuries and centuries ! (google trad)
  10. "We just wanted updates because literally everytime Squad says "soon" to console players it's literally like months before something is dropped." no ! its wrong . squad work every time on this game . you prefer bug or stability ? wait 5 or 6 day ... no urgence ...
  11. infernal robotic cloud trajectories kerbal alarm clock kis kas
  12. J'aime votre travail ! merci beaucoup . vous êtes les développeur les plus sérieux et honnête que j'ai pu suivre . Cela doit être souligné . ksp est une merveille .C'est le jeu auquel j'ai le plus joué dans ma vie . merci beaucoup SQUAD .

    Et que Kerbol jamais ne s'éteigne ! :cool:


  13. thank you very much for your answer. I thought The number in square brackets was the version of mod. a thousand excuses for the inconvenience. I know that everybody is bored with these questions ... you did a very good job. thank you for everything ok thanks for your answer and sorry
  14. Hello . in order to avoid redundant question about it. would it be possible to write on the first page of KIS and KAS with which version of the game they are compatible? friendly a big fan.
  15. Hello . is the update for 1.5.1 planned? thank you so much (ckan)
  16. thank you very much sir. it was module manager. He checked it but did not install it. thanks thanks
  17. hello . sorry for my english . iam french. KIS not work on my ksp 1.5 . iam alone ? in EVA the inventory window dont exist . it work in editor or in vessel but not in EVA . HELP ! lol i dont understand .
  18. we need rotor, piston and robotic hinge. please please, please
  19. bonjour a tous je suis un gros fan de kerbal . mais je suis très déçu par squad . en effet la traduction en français annulé je trouve sa un peu dégueulasse . les français soutienne le jeu depuis le début et attende la traduction depuis longtemps . je pence qu'ils vont perdre beaucoup de joueur avec cette histoire , et moi le premier . aller au revoir kerbal . plus assez de patience .....
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