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Everything posted by A_beholder

  1. Out of curiosity, is it possible to land on Hillo, or would I just go poof?
  2. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO also, care to enlighten us as to what bugs got squashed?
  3. You just gave Plock an atmosphere in my current game. Good on you!
  4. *dies from happiness* dude this thing is ****ing AWESOME, I just copy-pasted from the Wikipedia article on "atmosphere of Pluto", loaded up the game and checked plock, and just like that, glorious atmosphere!
  5. O excrements I just realized my scatterer was out of date 0.o. i feel like I do the whole "forehead glasses" thing a lot.
  6. Cyran lags the game (think 7 FPS) when I am targeting it or it's moons in the tracking station. Is there anything i can do about that?
  7. Can I haz a tenuous atmosphere for plock? I mean, RL Pluto has a *visable* atmosphere that new horizons saw from quite a ways away, and it may even have (very weak) winds.
  8. May I get some advice on how to pull off somthing similar to the planned "Red Dragon" mission? I don't know if the pod has fuel/has ISRU, so a tip on that would be nice.
  9. Thanks for the advice. also, I apologize for over reacting, and it wasn't even the mod that made by craft blow up, I forgot to add struts and had a service bay chock full of physics less parts.
  10. hey, I have encountered the small issue of MY VESSELS F***ING EXPLODING INTO 900 DIFFERENT PARTS WHEN I SWITCH AWAY FROM THEM. I just spent almost an hour lining up orbits with a space station, only to find out that it had SPONTANEOUSLY F***ING EXPLODED WHEN I WAS ON THE FINAL DOCKING APPROACH. I am using nothing but this, the USI pack, and Mechjeb. EDIT: I forgot to clarify that literaly every part on my 67 part station is currently on an escape trajectory exept the crew capsule, which is in exactly the same orbit as the station was.
  11. I just sent a lander to the mun, and there is a white, flickering, ugly ass horizon. Any fix?
  12. I am a ******* idiot. Thanks for your help, I had a kind of "glasses on the forehead" moment.
  13. Once I get home I can give logs, this happened this morning and I forgot to post till now.
  14. I have just run into an issue were EVA does not work. I Eva a kerbal, and the game locks up. I can click, time passes, et cetra, but the game is unresponsive to all imputs. I can't hit space to get off the ladder, ESC to quit the game, or b to board the thing. This is a rather large issue, as Jeb currently needs to do an Eva report to get me "landing".
  15. Rare drawing mission plan and dv calculations... when I get home there is a nuke with a probe core, antenna, and science strapped on heading for Nova Kerbani at 30 percent (fastest I think I can make somthing go without cheats or warp drives) the speed of light.
  16. K. Will combine this with space potatoes suggestion for sanic speeds to get a fast intercept with kerlon.
  17. Time to strap 13 rhinos and 26 kerbodyne tanks to the 3 ton probe I am building then.
  18. not a request, just inquiring. On an unrelated note, how does one power an interstellar probe without RTGs? EDIT: forgot to mention the reason that my probe won't use rtgs is because one of my mods gives them half life's of 8 years, i.e. Not enough for Interstellar travel.
  19. I also noticed that some bodies have tenuous atmospheres like they do IRL, like kel and Laythe. Are there plans to add that to every normally vacuum body, and if so, please know that it would give make my realism-pedant self shake with joy. pendant meant n.a. z.i , but I can't get autocorrect to accept it as a word.
  20. Well then. My current game is limited to the T2 R&D, but I will milk every single science point out of Minmus once it comes around, and albecurre warp drive my way to this mysterious (don't know if it is a rocky body, or gas giant, or something else...).
  21. Just when looking at the all, I saw a dot near it called the creator. I cannot click it, and I can only see the dot. Explanation pls?
  22. Oh. My. God. You are a ****ing god at modding. I open it up after installing, and awesome new intro screen, it loads about 80 times faster than my priveous pack of planets, yet manages to have about 4 times more content, and it's planets look and feel kerbal-y, and have full scatterer and EVE support to make them beautiful. And, in addition to that all, It has biomes, sci multipliers, and when I opened up my contracts, it did not start out with "explore [far away world]", it started out with "launch your first vessel". Thank you. Thank you very much. EDIT: forgot to mention that it does not crash every 6 minutes and does not conflict with IE and OPM. Just I ring on the cake!
  23. I just realized that this mod Thinking it over, I realized that your alpha mod is already more developed than OPM and IER combined, with biomes, scattered, and even more bodies. Downloading now...
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