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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. Banned for banning the hacker that got banned beacuse he banned someone else that wasnt a hacker that got banned for being a hacker
  2. So we need to write something here or do we just post something random each time someone else post?
  3. https://images.app.goo.gl/VdoffJwhPK9z36hEA
  4. Is that a nuke in the background?! Looks like a normal day for a kerbal
  5. Looks like the weels are to close to each other,Try adding more space between them.If you whant to keep them small try giving them less power. Hope this helps!
  6. Why did i even talked....
  7. Ok heres the word of someone who owns the DLC and used it. Quoting here my steam review "so first of all the parts are bad,you can get them all,better and free via mods" Thats entirely true,take a look at blue dog disings bureau.His parts are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than @SQUAD`s parts. "The new launch sites are bad aswell" Ok lets be real here and admit that literally my parrot can do a better job that whoever made these launchsites. Ok the models are nice,But.......Take a look at the rest.......Like baikaneur,Baikanur?.....Or was it BaijkkaajofshnaiglnoasklaakjaifjoafjoiaJOUJOHGOnur ITS LITERALY A PAD IN MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.....No VAB,no decorations no nothing.Like you they could atleast placed a barn VAB there..... And dont get me started with the mission builder.....Actually i triggered my self there welp no turning back now... So when i first played the expansion i played the mission building tutorial....Actually I tried because it didnt work And the mission were boring.....Its a sandbox game not a Ifyounotdothishowitellyouimnuckingyou game And the mission buider strictly takes the second aproach...Something that hightly doesnt fit KSP. Now why not many people use the expansion? Here Look yourself:https://store.steampowered.com/app/220200?snr=2_9_100006__apphubheader 57% positive reviews....the other 43% are negative reviews.And most of them say what i do... And to top it all off the mission making is pretty well dead..Like....Hum.....For some reason @SQUAD stoped doing its "mission of the week" because people arent making missions.Like atleast the steam comunity is a little active making missions....But here on the forums?....Apart from the occasional mission that pops up nothing else...
  8. I wish too there were more planets...but we need something else to do on them...
  9. You can always use them to destroy the KSC Me?....I only made a sentinel once.... but I usually never go after an asteroid....(except when I'm mad with kerbal kind)
  10. What's next?!the same but with the Scott Manley texture pack?!
  11. They were ruined so they don't ruin your experience
  12. How odd that it doesn't say multiplayer for 1.8 now....
  13. I literally just saw this on TV...... At least no one is hurt... I wish the best luck to the firefighters!!
  14. Same. How about we improve the modes we have right now and then add new ones?
  15. For the people saying that non-steam players would be left out: Take a look at Slime rancher it has the same in game achivents that it has on steam meaning that it doesnt matter where you are playing it but you are going to get the same achivements like a steam player
  16. Hello. Recently I wanted to set up a LAN network between 2 computers to play minecraft with my sister. The issuie is that i cant seem to get the PC`s working correctly. Heres the issiue Computer A:Is a windows 8.It can see the other PC but it cant comunicate with it Computer B:Is a windows 7.It can acces A`s user files and has no issiue comunicating with it. The problem is that computer B doesnt whant to have its files accesed.When i try opening its user files the procces stops half way there. So...What am I doing wrong?
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