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Everything posted by KerbolExplorer

  1. These looks amazing I can't wait to download it
  2. I dont normaly ban interestted on the speed of light
  3. Hello and welcome to the forums! I have been here for 3 years but i spent 2 of them a bit inactive
  4. 10/10 I think i see you in everythread i go to
  5. Lets see here... Shield-Check! Diamond sword-check! Escape ship-Kinda check! Anit-nuke bunker-Check! I prefer Matt since he is made the first video of KSP i wached
  6. Lol and im ok with getting 100 science.I should get my espectations higer
  7. The forum right now Im not calm yet
  8. "like" Im literary going to do this
  9. "like" If the forum is going down for ever i just wanned to say... FOLLOW ME ON STEAM UNDER THE SAME NAME
  10. Same here Just write "like" and use it as a placeholder until this works
  11. "like" I CANT LIKE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Heres something to relax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJUIgV7t8C0
  13. Im actually panaking!
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