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Everything posted by IAmNotCreative_21

  1. Ok I will show you in a few min... I am uploading to google drive and am kinda busy sorry will be done very soon [snip]
  2. yes i will and i did make some textures but very little and yes maybe someday
  3. Ok now that I have time I will tell you: yes i pretty much ripped off KSPRC but the thing is, @Proot is not responding to anything and also this is not just KSPRC it includes; 4 sun-flares combined, textures from 6 visual packs, code "borrowed" from 23 mods,(not joking) made over a break, yes this was made during plane trips and a cruse ship, And yes I am in school, i have a tight schedule Yes sorry, i can fix it but it was taken down so sorry maybe some day i can release this mod with actual permission. again sorry
  4. Okay every one let me explain, I don't have much time. So I'm sorry for mistakes but i've been very busy. And yes I did edit KSPRC and pretty much ripped it off, at least it works with later versions out of the zip file. Sorry but I didn't have 10 min. I only had 3 and I have to go now so bye sorry.
  5. please do, i spent 4 months editing the code and textures. not to force you of course
  6. Ok I'm sorry for being so late but I am updating to 1.4.1 sorry. Will release later today maybe
  7. he didn't play KSP enough... I think...
  8. Yes just forget and hallo WHY ARE YOU NOT PLAYING KSP EVERYDAY M8! YOU DIDN'T GET YOUR DAILY DOSE OF EXPLOSIVE MEMES! THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE WHEN THEY SLACK sorry about that, might get warning points because of caps. Ohh well it was for a good cause. Have a nice day and Happy New Year!
  9. [Removed by moderation] Ok yes it was taken down I am to busy to maintain this but it is pretty much KSPRC adapted to new versions. You see I didn't think people would care and yes most people don't but I will work on this and maybe someday release this without legal issues and stuff. But at the moment I i'm to busy so i am sorry and honestly I don't care anymore. Maybe some day when @Proot bothers to answer replies when i'm out of college I will remake this mod but right now i'm to busy and yeah i'm in middle school so yeah. So use this instead: or until i get premission it will be just for me to adaptation of KSPRC. [snip]
  10. lol very funny(sarcasm) It's just not for me, I am sure that other people like the idea, its not bad I just don't care for it. Just mod it in, MOD IT TILL IT CRASHES my game data folder is 4.7Gb so yeah. I have plenty of stuff. I also have 4 backups so if they disable mods, I don't give a crap, plus that would be a new version(i won't use it anyway) plus KSP is pretty much dependent on mods for hardcore player(like me) so yeah............
  11. I don't think it is worth it. I use 1.2.2 anyway there are terrain seam issues with 1.3 plus I have a MASSIVE visual overhaul that only works in 1.2.2. So it looks good but no thank you.
  12. May I have my Name changed to "IAmNotCreative_21" please, it's my youtube channel name thank you happy thanks giving Eve
  13. I have tried that but it is hard to make it the right shape and size
  14. The Time has come, you either hate it or like it. THE KSP CURSOR( with 1.0+)Tm I am one who likes the cursor and I would like to have it as default windows cursor. I have tried extracting it and more but it failed. the cursor either looked weird and shaped weird or it was to small or To Big (thats what she said ). Any way i'd like to find the file or source that makes the KSP cursor the KSP CURSOR Tm It might be in a shared assets file or .dll hidden somewhere. I know how to extract these files and i have the tools but I'm to lazy to look at every single file. Please Help. I gave myself a solid 3/5 because grammar and stuff(opps i gave myself 5/5)
  15. you can even edit how much ore it has(it's percent of the mass of the asteroid.)
  16. yes it is a normal asteroid the largest i've seen the seed is 48.8 meters cubed, it is a normal asteroid but hacked around, there is a little cube if zoomed in. Also sorry if i don't instantly reply you might want to sub to the thread. If you want the file then just ask i'm post a repository on GitHub. so yeah i'm lonely. and you can mine it and stuff. it's drag is pretty much just like normal asteroids. I tried a resale factor to asteroid module but it didn't do anything. I might give blender a try and make massive 200 meter asteroid. I'm smarter than the average cow and every one i know says i'm a genius but my spelling needs work so yeah.
  17. yes you can attach parts and i may make a rocket the one i have right now is 47.1 meters by47.1 meters
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