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Everything posted by harrisjosh2711

  1. I'm going to have to give that .blend a try that really is a good idea.
  2. the one on the left is DAE. the right Is FBX. I had no clue there was such a huge difference. What do you guys export as and why? Trying to get better at cleaning up after my boolians.
  3. First texture pass on the upper tank for the ITS titan. This is the current set up I'm working on for it.
  4. @ChickenBot448 @RaiderMan Sounds like a good idea. I will take it into consideration.
  5. Yes, its possible. Is that a suggestion or a question?
  6. Hello everyone! For the past few days I have been considering what direction I wanted to go with the dragon 2 IVA. @Jasseji(whom has offered to set us up with some RPM/ASET props) and me have discussed it rather thoroughly and come up with two ideas. The seats will be rotated forward some so the kerbals can see out the windows. Also, the control board is going to be moved/changed. My question, for anyone who cares to share their opinion, is how important do you think it is that the two pilots will be able to see out the windows? Would you rather have a tiny board that allows the pilots to see? Or a larger board where the pilots cant see?
  7. Yeah like stock. Theres some issue about adding an animation in untiy to a part already animated in blender. There's a snip-it on the froum about the issue, it just hasn't been at the top of things to do.
  8. No problem. I already put a light into the interior. I want to add an emissive animation to the windows where you can make them look like their glowing. I don't believe it shines light on anything around it though. its just an animation like how engines light up.
  9. @RaiderMan You just type the @ and then the persons name. It will pop up. That's unfortunate. I hope to get the windows animated before long I'm having and issue with it not loading in game right this sec.
  10. Ouch is right. I learned a good lesson, oh well....
  11. I apologize for the file name error that was breaking saved ships. All the links are fixed! Your saves will no longer be broken. Ill be doing test releases from now on.
  12. Its not the collider causing that. You know what? that could be where the coolider ends. It has two colliders and that is where they split. it has one for the nose cone as well. At the moment I have no plans on removing the nose cone.
  13. @Jasseji No worries my friend, I'm not prepared yet either, so I'm glad u aren't. At the moment Ive made no changes to the Dragon v2 since the last release. None of the changes you have are included in that download. You will need to hold onto your dragon2 file or re-download the 2.5. P.S. I changed the hierarchy in the folder since the scope of this mod has grown so much. Watch out for that. try placing the object just before it messes up and moving it with translation icon. Maybe that will work???? The shoots slightly sink in because there is a very small size difference between the collider and the pod. I just need to make that collider slightly larger.
  14. Sounds like a good idea. Yes, ill make some sort of "dragon friendly remote guidance system". translation issue? You will have to be careful if you are decoupling high speed in atmosphere. The pod has a small lifting surface on its bottom, you may get hit.
  15. @RaiderMan I just tested that and it seems to me it only occurs near the very top. I believe it does it because the capsule switches the axis that parts are allowed to connect to there. The game thinks you are trying to place like a docking port on the top it seems(maybe). There isn't any colliders or anything sticking out there. For now, Don't place things radial at the very tip and it should be fine. Ill see if there is anything that can be done about that.
  16. @RaiderMan that is strange, I wonder if my configs are causing that? There isn't anything out there it should be able to latch onto like that. Does this happen with other parts? I will investigate this. P.S. I like how you have the lights set up
  17. Just dropped a small update that adds KIS configs for all three pods.
  18. You can check out my flickr album. https://www.flickr.com/photos/155947249@N03/ If you don't mind, what is the bubble phenomenon? Could you post a picture? The names are- DPD "DragonV1", DPD-1A "DragonV2", ITS "Titan"
  19. New Upload is out. I am creating it as a new mod on spacedock so if you are following me there you may want to switch over to the new mod as I will be abandoning the old one.
  20. I unchecked the all actions and NLA box under the animations tab (exporting .fbx). This worked for me. I'm not sure what would happen if you are running multiple animations.
  21. Seems rather friendly to me.
  22. The engines have a very high TWR use the thrust limiter if you have to. I don't, but it would help. The safest way I have found to do it is use KE under Vessel you will see suicide burn distance when that number reaches between 0-100m gas it full throttle until you slow somewhere to around 40ms. Throttle down until your holding a pretty steady momentum around 20ms. Right before you hit the ground throttle up, not all the way, just hit slower than 20 and you will be ok. Ill check that chute thing out. On the other hand the RCS on the new dragon1 is working great!
  23. It was meant to be a design limitation. Although, I plan on tweaking the thrusters at some point. They do work in the I and K just slightly. It can be difficult but it will get you there. I'm going to admit its not something a newbie would be able to control.
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