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The Cuttlefish Empire

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Everything posted by The Cuttlefish Empire

  1. (mods are allowed) The title basically says it all. I just recovered a mission to the planet Pigge (from the Chani Planet Pack) and got back this much science... (all from one planet, mind you ) Any mods (that aren't intended to break the game) are allowed Even though it says blank for some of the locations, it's all Pigge
  2. Umm...this mod is pretty much dead...just saying. You probably won't get a response from the dev.
  3. I will be including a config folder in the next release that has a file which gives all the atmosphere less planets an atmosphere (kinda like what @SamBelanger did for his mod) and scatterer configs for them all because why not, lol use it if you like, its optional
  4. Diagram of the system and its properties, made by @Pkmniako Does not include moons
  5. @JeeF well...maybe try uninstalling things like scatterer and EVE? i dont know, but that's all ive got. if that fails wait for the 1.3.1 update
  6. I find it unlikely but not impossible. Try reinstalling to see if that helps
  7. kittopia is the best youll ever get. and it's impossible to remove planets in game. thomas p himself said so...which is basically the final answer.... theoretical scenario: someone does in fact create a mod which allows you to do this. since ksp is written the way it is, it would have to be buggy and problematic at its absolute best. therefore, it would simply be more effective to edit configs themselves. theoretical scenario #2: someone makes it not buggy somehow. the only circumstance in which this is possible is if someone completely rewrites ksp, like you said. the effort required to do this brings up the question: what kind of modder in their right mind would spend so much time and effort on something so able to be done so simply with out-of-game config editing? keep looking all you like, you will find nothing. this is quite incredibly easy. change SMAs where needed, and remove configs. what would be the point of so magnanimous an endeavour as a mod allowing you to do that ingame? especially if half of it (i.e. the orbit thing) is solved by kittopia already? like i said, keep waiting. if thomas p cant, no one else can.
  8. if @JadeOfMaar is kind, your system could look like this soon this is my revamp of Kerbol (and it is actually called Kerbol now, not Sun) what do you think?
  9. i am not sure what to think right now, considering we literally just had quite a bit of discussion regarding accretion discs....
  10. always happy to hear that as for Instantiator being kind of dead right now, do you know about the supposed TWG revival of it?
  11. ah, did not realise that. sorry i had thought kargantua had figured out a way to deal with the issue...
  12. yeah, kargantua doesnt seem to have that problem, which makes me wonder....
  13. yeah, it's not something that affects it visually, but it spams the log file I believe. Gameslinx said he had to remove the disc from Olu'um because of it as far as I know. It's also been preventing me from adding it to my own stars (or at least I haven't tried because of it)
  14. But....doesn't that cause a NullReference spam to the console if there is a disc around a star?
  15. kargantua uses a gas giant template i believe, so it doesnt have to worry about the same issues. besides, gameslinx has done accretion discs before
  16. Wow! The amount of effort you have put into this mod is impressive! Haven't seen so many bodies with good quality textures in a while!
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