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Everything posted by RoadRunnerAerospace

  1. IS IT A LUNCH NUMBER?! looks like one
  2. After being away from my comp for a few days, i`m back!
  3. Watched the iss fly over! (last night).... Man, watching from on the iss doesn`t give it any justice, that thing moves fast! lol, my dad was so pumped when we saw it... After we argued about how to work the iss tracking app (what is that yellow thing?!) for about 10 minutes! we`re a bunch of hard heads!
  4. I have it lying around, and I can shape it without any special equipment
  5. What I know right now (math still in progress) -goes through 5.344g of fuel a sec -goes through 13.3844g of oxy a sec -300 psi chamber pressure -10lbs of thrust (not expected) -isp of 242 -Gox and Gasoline
  6. Looks great! I have (tried) to make the tunnan, but yours looks way better!
  7. Conducted a fully IVA munar landing (without sas)
  8. Any ideas as to where maria will make landfall?
  9. About a quarter through re-doing my math... Of the nozzle (whee!).... turns out I misread the page that I used, got confused, and yeah....
  10. I screwed up calculation rocket engine stuff. How I did it, I don`t know
  11. I probably messed up some of the math..... Yay! Time to check ze math! Any ideas as to attaching a ceramic nozzle to a ceramic combustion chamber?
  12. Well..... Ballad of mona lisa, gladly Dont question the music video......
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