Hello everyone,
I'm having the same issues that others have described where drag will simply not exist with the unofficial version of FAR in KSP 1.4.5. With heat damage disabled I reached over 5 km/s just above sea level on kerbin. On the map screen I can see that orbits change only a minimal amount while in the atmosphere (apoapsis droped by 1m, possibly just a rounding error). I had a look at the logs and something is definitly not right here (only the part that I believe is relevant since the logile is 32k lines long):
The majority of the log is filled with this error.
Some things I'd like to add: A few months ago I tried recompiling FAR myself. I guess the unofficial version did exist already but I did not find it back then. I know my way around Visual Studio but know only a bit about C# and pretty much nothing about modding KSP. I had exactly the same issue with drag and since I couldn't figure out where this error was even coming from I gave up. I'd be willing to go through the process of recompiling this again if someone can point me in the right direction here. My guess is some API changes that have to be fixed in FAR, I just don't know where to start looking.
Nevermind, I got it working, even though I'm not sure how. I downloaded ExtremeTrader's version from github and after comparing the directories of ferram's version I noticed the only differences were the changes to the version checks (Ignoring changes due to higher VS version). My own version continued giving errors, although different ones than the one in the log in the spoiler. With an even less useful description which explains why I did not try to get to fix it when I recompiled the mod the first time. After I copied over the version changes it suddendly started working. I guess recompiling it against the current version did the trick. But if it didn't work with the old version checks, does that mean FAR leaves the game without working aerodynamics if it detects an incompatible version?
At any rate, if you only care about playing the game, here are the two DLLs that need to be replaced in KSP https://www.dropbox.com/s/hmcw7qhfc0gqf8p/Plugins.zip?dl=0
Drop them into Kerbal Space Program\GameData\FerramAerospaceResearch\Plugins
If you had issues, let me know if that fixes it!